Codeunit 18091273 EOS028 CFG Calculate BOM Tree

Codeunit 18091273 EOS028 CFG Calculate BOM Tree



procedure GenerateTreeForItemsDYF(var ParentItem: Record Item; var BOMBuffer: Record "BOM Buffer"; TreeType: Option " ",Availability,Cost)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ParentItem Record "Item"

  • BOMBuffer Record "BOM Buffer"

  • TreeType Option

    " " (0) , Availability (1) , Cost (2)


procedure GenerateTreeForItem(var ParentItem: Record Item; var BOMBuffer: Record "BOM Buffer"; TreeType: Option " ",Availability,Cost; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This procedure generates “BOM Buffer” table for a specific item.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ParentItem Record "Item"

    “ParentItem” to be generated

  • BOMBuffer Record "BOM Buffer"

    “BOMBuffer” to be generated

  • TreeType Option

    " " (0) , Availability (1) , Cost (2)

    “TreeType” to be generated

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temporary record with configuration line



local procedure OnBeforeFindProdBOMLineOnGenerateProdCompSubTree(var ProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line"; ParentItem: Record Item; ParentBOMBuffer: Record "BOM Buffer")

Raised before find the Production BOM Lines of the Parent Item. Use it to modify filters on the Production BOM Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    Production BOM Line to filter

  • ParentItem Record "Item"

    The parent item

  • ParentBOMBuffer Record "BOM Buffer"

    The parent BOM Buffer


local procedure OnBeforeInsertBOMBufferTransferFromProdBOMLine(var BOMBuffer: Record "BOM Buffer"; ProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line"; ParentItem: Record Item)

Raised on before insert record BOM Buffer from Production BOM Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • BOMBuffer Record "BOM Buffer"

    Record BOM Buffer to insert

  • ProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    Production BOM Line

  • ParentItem Record "Item"

    the Parent Item

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