Codeunit 18091274 EOS028 CFG Surch. Price Mgt.

Codeunit 18091274 EOS028 CFG Surch. Price Mgt.



procedure SetAllSurcharge(NewConfigCharact: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This procedure calculates and set Surcharge price list.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewConfigCharact Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “NewConfigCharac” contains the configuration



local procedure OnAfterApplyFiltersAllPrice(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised after apply filters on surcharge prices matrix.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” where apply filters


local procedure OnAfterApplyFiltersForCustomerPriceGroup(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised after apply filters for search custumer price group surcharge prices matrix.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” where apply filters


local procedure OnAfterApplyFiltersForCustomer(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised after apply filters for search custumer surcharge prices matrix.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” where apply filters


local procedure OnAfterApplyFilters(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised after apply filters for search all surcharge prices matrix.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” where apply filters


local procedure OnAfterApplyFiltersBeforeCalcBestUnitPrice(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised after apply filters for search surcharge best price matrix.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” where apply filters


local procedure OnBeforeCalcBestUnitPrice(var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var ConfigCharact: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; var FoundMatrixPrice: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before calculate surcharge best price matrix.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” where to look for the matrix price

  • ConfigCharact Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharact” contains the configuration

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” contains the buffer surcharge price matrix

  • FoundMatrixPrice Boolean

    If true surcharge price has been found

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true procedure stops and and not save surcharge price in configurator line. If false the procedure continues and save surcharge price in configurator line


local procedure OnAfterCalcBestUnitPrice(var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var ConfigCharact: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; var FoundMatrixPrice: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised after calculate surcharge best price matrix.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” where to look for the matrix price

  • ConfigCharact Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharact” contains the configuration

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” contains the buffer surcharge price matrix

  • FoundMatrixPrice Boolean

    If true surcharge price has been found

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true procedure stops and and not save surcharge price in configurator line. If false the procedure continues and save surcharge price in configurator line


local procedure OnBeforeSetAllSurcharge(var NewConfigCharact: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before SetAllSurcharge.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewConfigCharact Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    Record “EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.".

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true skips standard business logic.


local procedure OnAfterSetAllSurcharge(var NewConfigCharact: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised after SetAllSurcharge.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewConfigCharact Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    Record “EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.".

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