PageExtension 1007 Job Planning Lines

PageExtension 18090709 EOS028 PageExt 18090709



local procedure EOSCFG_OnBeforeOpenProdConfig(var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in OnBeforeValidate trigger of field “No.". This procedure is performed before opening the product configurator.

Parameters / Return Value

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and does not open the product configurator. If false the procedure continues and opens the product configurator


local procedure EOSCFG_OnBeforeOpenProductConfigurator(var JobPlanningLine: Record "Job Planning Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in OnBeforeValidate trigger of field “No.". This event is raised after get if item in “Job Planning Line” is configurable and before opens the product configurator.

Parameters / Return Value

  • JobPlanningLine Record "Job Planning Line"

    The current Job Planning Line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true it does not open the product configurator

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