Report 18090700 EOS028 CFG Suggest Prices

Report 18090700 EOS028 CFG Suggest Prices

de-ATSchlagen Sie den Matrixpreis auf Wksh vor.
de-CHSchlagen Sie den Matrixpreis auf Wksh vor.
de-DESchlagen Sie den Matrixpreis auf Wksh vor.
en-USSuggest Matrix Price on Wksh.
it-CHSuggerisci il prezzo della matrice su wksh.
it-ITSuggerisci il prezzo della matrice su wksh.



local procedure OnBeforeModifyMatrixPriceWksh(var MatrixPriceWorksheet: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh."; MatrixPrice: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; UnitPriceFactor: Decimal; PriceLowerLimit: Decimal; RoundingMethod: Record "Rounding Method")

Raised before modifying an existing Worksheet record

Parameters / Return Value

  • MatrixPriceWorksheet Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh."

    Record “EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh.”

  • MatrixPrice Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    Record “EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix”

  • UnitPriceFactor Decimal

    Specifies the value of the New Unit Price factor

  • PriceLowerLimit Decimal

    Specifies the value of the Price Lower Limit

  • RoundingMethod Record "Rounding Method"

    Specifies the Rounding Method


local procedure OnBeforeInsertMatrixPriceWksh(var MatrixPriceWorksheet: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh."; MatrixPrice: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; UnitPriceFactor: Decimal; PriceLowerLimit: Decimal; RoundingMethod: Record "Rounding Method")

Raised before inserting a new Worksheet record

Parameters / Return Value

  • MatrixPriceWorksheet Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh."

    Record “EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh.”

  • MatrixPrice Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    Record “EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix”

  • UnitPriceFactor Decimal

    Specifies the value of the New Unit Price factor

  • PriceLowerLimit Decimal

    Specifies the value of the Price Lower Limit

  • RoundingMethod Record "Rounding Method"

    Specifies the Rounding Method


local procedure OnBeforeSetNewUnitPriceAbovePriceLimit(var MatrixPriceWorksheet: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh."; PriceLowerLimit: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before setting a new unit price above the price limit

Parameters / Return Value

  • MatrixPriceWorksheet Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh."

    Record “EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix Wksh.”

  • PriceLowerLimit Decimal

    Request page Parameter

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true skips the standard logic


local procedure OnMatrixPriceOnAfterGetRecordOnBeforeSkip(MatrixPrice: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; Item: Record Item; var SkipRecord: Boolean)

Raised before skipping the matrix record in the OnAfterGetRecord trigger

Parameters / Return Value

  • MatrixPrice Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    Record “EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix”

  • Item Record "Item"

    The neutral item of the matrix line

  • SkipRecord Boolean

    If true, skips the processing of the current record

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