Table 18091268 EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule
Table 18091268 EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Neutral regel |
de-AT | Neutrale Regel |
de-CH | Neutrale Regel |
de-DE | Neutrale Regel |
es-ES | Regla neutral |
es-MX | Regla neutral |
fi-FI | Neutraali sääntö |
fr-BE | Règle neutre |
fr-CA | Règle neutre |
fr-CH | Règle neutre |
fr-FR | Règle neutre |
en-US | Neutral Rule |
it-CH | Regola neutri |
it-IT | Regola neutri |
nb-NO | Nøytral regel |
nl-BE | Neutrale regel |
nl-NL | Neutrale regel |
sv-SE | Neutral regel |
Neutral Item No. (1
TableRelation: Item
“Neutral Item No.” from which the configuration starts.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Neutralt varenr. |
de-AT | Neutraler Artikel Nr. |
de-CH | Neutraler Artikel Nr. |
de-DE | Neutraler Artikel Nr. |
es-ES | Artículo Neutro No. |
es-MX | Artículo Neutro No. |
fi-FI | Neutraalin nimikkeen nro |
fr-BE | Numéro d’article neutre |
fr-CA | Numéro d’article neutre |
fr-CH | Numéro d’article neutre |
fr-FR | Numéro d’article neutre |
en-US | Neutral Item No. |
it-CH | Nr. articolo neutro |
it-IT | Nr. articolo neutro |
nb-NO | Nøytralt varenr. |
nl-BE | Neutraal punt nr. |
nl-NL | Neutraal punt nr. |
sv-SE | Neutralt artikelnr |
Key Code (2
“Key Code” contains the key for the specific configuration. it is an encrypted string with all the concatenated characteristics (both code and value).
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Nøglekode |
de-AT | Schlüsselcode |
de-CH | Schlüsselcode |
de-DE | Schlüsselcode |
es-ES | Código clave |
es-MX | Código clave |
fi-FI | Avaimen koodi |
fr-BE | Code clé |
fr-CA | Code clé |
fr-CH | Code clé |
fr-FR | Code clé |
en-US | Key Code |
it-CH | Chiave di ricerca |
it-IT | Chiave di ricerca |
nb-NO | Nøkkel kode |
nl-BE | Sleutelcode |
nl-NL | Sleutelcode |
sv-SE | Nyckelkod |
Fix Item No. (10
TableRelation: Item
“Fix Item No.” contains the item no. for the current combination of characteristics for the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Ret varenr. |
de-AT | Fix Artikel Nr. |
de-CH | Fix Artikel Nr. |
de-DE | Fix Artikel Nr. |
es-ES | Corregir el número de artículo. |
es-MX | Corregir el número de artículo. |
fi-FI | Korjaa nimikkeen nro |
fr-BE | Correction de l’élément No. |
fr-CA | Correction de l’élément No. |
fr-CH | Correction de l’élément No. |
fr-FR | Correction de l’élément No. |
en-US | Fix Item No. |
it-CH | Codice articolo puntuale |
it-IT | Codice articolo puntuale |
nb-NO | Løs varenr. |
nl-BE | Probleem object nr. |
nl-NL | Probleem object nr. |
sv-SE | Åtgärda objektnr |
Neutral Item Description (11
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(Item.Description where("No." = field("Neutral Item No.")))
“Neutral Item No.” contains the description of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse af neutral vare |
de-AT | Neutrale Artikelbeschreibung |
de-CH | Neutrale Artikelbeschreibung |
de-DE | Neutrale Artikelbeschreibung |
es-ES | Descripción del artículo neutro |
es-MX | Descripción del artículo neutro |
fi-FI | Neutraalin nimikkeen kuvaus |
fr-BE | Description de l’élément neutre |
fr-CA | Description de l’élément neutre |
fr-CH | Description de l’élément neutre |
fr-FR | Description de l’élément neutre |
en-US | Neutral Item Description |
it-CH | Descrizione articolo neutro |
it-IT | Descrizione articolo neutro |
nb-NO | Nøytral element beskrivelse |
nl-BE | Beschrijving van neutrale objecten |
nl-NL | Beschrijving van neutrale objecten |
sv-SE | Beskrivning av neutrala objekt |
Fix Item Description (12
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(Item.Description where("No." = field("Fix Item No.")))
“Fix Item Description” contains the description of fix item no.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Ret varebeskrivelse |
de-AT | Fix-Artikel-Beschreibung |
de-CH | Fix-Artikel-Beschreibung |
de-DE | Fix-Artikel-Beschreibung |
es-ES | Corregir descripción del elemento |
es-MX | Corregir descripción del elemento |
fi-FI | Korjaa kohteen kuvaus |
fr-BE | Fixer la description de l’élément |
fr-CA | Fixer la description de l’élément |
fr-CH | Fixer la description de l’élément |
fr-FR | Fixer la description de l’élément |
en-US | Fix Item Description |
it-CH | Descrizione articolo puntuale |
it-IT | Descrizione articolo puntuale |
nb-NO | Løs element beskrivelse |
nl-BE | Objectbeschrijving herstellen |
nl-NL | Objectbeschrijving herstellen |
sv-SE | Beskrivning av fixobjekt |
Variant Description (13
“Key Code” contains the description for the specific configuration.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse af variant |
de-AT | Variantenbeschreibung |
de-CH | Variantenbeschreibung |
de-DE | Variantenbeschreibung |
es-ES | Descripción de la variante |
es-MX | Descripción de la variante |
fi-FI | Variantin kuvaus |
fr-BE | Description de la variante |
fr-CA | Description de la variante |
fr-CH | Description de la variante |
fr-FR | Description de la variante |
en-US | Variant Description |
it-CH | Descrizione caratteristica |
it-IT | Descrizione caratteristica |
nb-NO | Variant Beskrivelse |
nl-BE | Beschrijving van variant |
nl-NL | Beschrijving van variant |
sv-SE | Beskrivning av variant |
Characteristic Code 1 (14
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Characteristic Code 1” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakterkode 1 |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 1 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 1 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 1 |
es-ES | Código de característica 1 |
es-MX | Código de característica 1 |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi 1 |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique 1 |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique 1 |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique 1 |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique 1 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 1 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 1 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode 1 |
nl-BE | Kenmerkend voor code 1 |
nl-NL | Kenmerkend voor code 1 |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod 1 |
Characteristic Value 1 (15
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 1" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 1"))
“Characteristic Value 1” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi 1 |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 1 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 1 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 1 |
es-ES | Valor de característica 1 |
es-MX | Valor de característica 1 |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo 1 |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique 1 |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique 1 |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique 1 |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique 1 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 1 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 1 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi 1 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde 1 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde 1 |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde 1 |
Characteristic Code 2 (16
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Characteristic Code 2” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakterkode 2 |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 2 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 2 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 2 |
es-ES | Código de característica 2 |
es-MX | Código de característica 2 |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi 2 |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique 2 |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique 2 |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique 2 |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique 2 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 2 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 2 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode 2 |
nl-BE | Kenmerkend voor code 2 |
nl-NL | Kenmerkend voor code 2 |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod 2 |
Characteristic Value 2 (17
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 2" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 2"))
“Characteristic Value 2” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi 2 |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 2 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 2 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 2 |
es-ES | Valor de la característica 2 |
es-MX | Valor de la característica 2 |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo 2 |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique 2 |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique 2 |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique 2 |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique 2 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 2 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 2 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi 2 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde 2 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde 2 |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde 2 |
Characteristic Code 3 (18
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Characteristic Code 3” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakterkode 3 |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 3 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 3 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 3 |
es-ES | Código de característica 3 |
es-MX | Código de característica 3 |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi 3 |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique 3 |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique 3 |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique 3 |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique 3 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 3 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 3 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode 3 |
nl-BE | Kenmerkend voor code 3 |
nl-NL | Kenmerkend voor code 3 |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod 3 |
Characteristic Value 3 (19
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 3" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 3"))
“Characteristic Value 3” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi 3 |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 3 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 3 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 3 |
es-ES | Valor de la característica 3 |
es-MX | Valor de la característica 3 |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo 3 |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique 3 |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique 3 |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique 3 |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique 3 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 3 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 3 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi 3 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde 3 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde 3 |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde 3 |
Characteristic Code 4 (20
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Characteristic Code 4” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakterkode 4 |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 4 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 4 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 4 |
es-ES | Código de característica 4 |
es-MX | Código de característica 4 |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi 4 |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique 4 |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique 4 |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique 4 |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique 4 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 4 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 4 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode 4 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke code 4 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke code 4 |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod 4 |
Characteristic Value 4 (21
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 4" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 4"))
“Characteristic Value 4” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi 4 |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 4 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 4 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 4 |
es-ES | Valor de la característica 4 |
es-MX | Valor de la característica 4 |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo 4 |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique 4 |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique 4 |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique 4 |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique 4 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 4 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 4 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi 4 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde 4 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde 4 |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde 4 |
Characteristic Code 5 (22
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Characteristic Code 5” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakterkode 5 |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 5 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 5 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 5 |
es-ES | Código de característica 5 |
es-MX | Código de característica 5 |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi 5 |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique 5 |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique 5 |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique 5 |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique 5 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 5 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 5 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode 5 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke code 5 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke code 5 |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod 5 |
Characteristic Value 5 (23
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 5" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 5"))
“Characteristic Value 5” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi 5 |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 5 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 5 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 5 |
es-ES | Valor de la característica 5 |
es-MX | Valor de la característica 5 |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo 5 |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique 5 |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique 5 |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique 5 |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique 5 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 5 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 5 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi 5 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde 5 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde 5 |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde 5 |
Characteristic Code 6 (24
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Characteristic Code 6” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakterkode 6 |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 6 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 6 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 6 |
es-ES | Código de característica 6 |
es-MX | Código de característica 6 |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi 6 |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique 6 |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique 6 |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique 6 |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique 6 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 6 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 6 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode 6 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke code 6 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke code 6 |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod 6 |
Characteristic Value 6 (25
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 6" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 6"))
“Characteristic Value 6” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi 6 |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 6 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 6 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 6 |
es-ES | Valor de la característica 6 |
es-MX | Valor de la característica 6 |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo 6 |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique 6 |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique 6 |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique 6 |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique 6 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 6 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 6 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi 6 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde 6 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde 6 |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde 6 |
Characteristic Code 7 (26
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Characteristic Code 7” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakterkode 7 |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 7 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 7 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 7 |
es-ES | Código de característica 7 |
es-MX | Código de característica 7 |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi 7 |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique 7 |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique 7 |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique 7 |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique 7 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 7 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 7 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode 7 |
nl-BE | Kenmerkend voor code 7 |
nl-NL | Kenmerkend voor code 7 |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod 7 |
Characteristic Value 7 (27
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 7" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 7"))
“Characteristic Value 7” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi 7 |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 7 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 7 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 7 |
es-ES | Valor de la característica 7 |
es-MX | Valor de la característica 7 |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo 7 |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique 7 |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique 7 |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique 7 |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique 7 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 7 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 7 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi 7 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde 7 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde 7 |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde 7 |
Characteristic Code 8 (28
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Characteristic Code 8” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakterkode 8 |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 8 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 8 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 8 |
es-ES | Código de característica 8 |
es-MX | Código de característica 8 |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi 8 |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique 8 |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique 8 |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique 8 |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique 8 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 8 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 8 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode 8 |
nl-BE | Kenmerkend voor code 8 |
nl-NL | Kenmerkend voor code 8 |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod 8 |
Characteristic Value 8 (29
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 8" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 8"))
“Characteristic Value 8” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi 8 |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 8 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 8 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 8 |
es-ES | Valor de la característica 8 |
es-MX | Valor de la característica 8 |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo 8 |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique 8 |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique 8 |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique 8 |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique 8 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 8 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 8 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi 8 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde 8 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde 8 |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde 8 |
Characteristic Code 9 (30
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Characteristic Code 9” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakterkode 9 |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 9 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 9 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 9 |
es-ES | Código de característica 9 |
es-MX | Código de característica 9 |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi 9 |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique 9 |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique 9 |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique 9 |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique 9 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 9 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 9 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode 9 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke code 9 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke code 9 |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod 9 |
Characteristic Value 9 (31
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 9" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 9"))
“Characteristic Value 9” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi 9 |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 9 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 9 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 9 |
es-ES | Valor de la característica 9 |
es-MX | Valor de la característica 9 |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo 9 |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique 9 |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique 9 |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique 9 |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique 9 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 9 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 9 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi 9 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde 9 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde 9 |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde 9 |
Characteristic Code 10 (32
TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code
“Characteristic Code 10” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakterkode 10 |
de-AT | Merkmal Code 10 |
de-CH | Merkmal Code 10 |
de-DE | Merkmal Code 10 |
es-ES | Código de característica 10 |
es-MX | Código de característica 10 |
fi-FI | Tunnusomainen koodi 10 |
fr-BE | Code caractéristique 10 |
fr-CA | Code caractéristique 10 |
fr-CH | Code caractéristique 10 |
fr-FR | Code caractéristique 10 |
en-US | Characteristic Code 10 |
it-CH | Codice caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | Codice caratteristica 10 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk kode 10 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke code 10 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke code 10 |
sv-SE | Karakteristisk kod 10 |
Characteristic Value 10 (33
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 10" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 10"))
“Characteristic Value 10” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Karakteristisk værdi 10 |
de-AT | Merkmalswert 10 |
de-CH | Merkmalswert 10 |
de-DE | Merkmalswert 10 |
es-ES | Valor de la característica 10 |
es-MX | Valor de la característica 10 |
fi-FI | Ominaisarvo 10 |
fr-BE | Valeur caractéristique 10 |
fr-CA | Valeur caractéristique 10 |
fr-CH | Valeur caractéristique 10 |
fr-FR | Valeur caractéristique 10 |
en-US | Characteristic Value 10 |
it-CH | Valore caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | Valore caratteristica 10 |
nb-NO | Karakteristisk verdi 10 |
nl-BE | Karakteristieke waarde 10 |
nl-NL | Karakteristieke waarde 10 |
sv-SE | Karakteristiskt värde 10 |
Decoding Type 1 (34
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 1")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 1” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodning type 1 |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 1 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 1 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 1 |
es-ES | Decodificación Tipo 1 |
es-MX | Decodificación Tipo 1 |
fi-FI | Dekoodaus Tyyppi 1 |
fr-BE | Décodage Type 1 |
fr-CA | Décodage Type 1 |
fr-CH | Décodage Type 1 |
fr-FR | Décodage Type 1 |
en-US | Decoding Type 1 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 1 |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type 1 |
nl-BE | Decoderen van type 1 |
nl-NL | Decoderen van type 1 |
sv-SE | Avkodning typ 1 |
Decoding Type 2 (35
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 2")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 2” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodning type 2 |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 2 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 2 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 2 |
es-ES | Decodificación Tipo 2 |
es-MX | Decodificación Tipo 2 |
fi-FI | Dekoodaus Tyyppi 2 |
fr-BE | Décodage Type 2 |
fr-CA | Décodage Type 2 |
fr-CH | Décodage Type 2 |
fr-FR | Décodage Type 2 |
en-US | Decoding Type 2 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 2 |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type 2 |
nl-BE | Decoderen van type 2 |
nl-NL | Decoderen van type 2 |
sv-SE | Avkodning typ 2 |
Decoding Type 3 (36
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 3")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 3” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodning type 3 |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 3 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 3 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 3 |
es-ES | Decodificación Tipo 3 |
es-MX | Decodificación Tipo 3 |
fi-FI | Dekoodaus Tyyppi 3 |
fr-BE | Décodage Type 3 |
fr-CA | Décodage Type 3 |
fr-CH | Décodage Type 3 |
fr-FR | Décodage Type 3 |
en-US | Decoding Type 3 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 3 |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type 3 |
nl-BE | Decoderen van type 3 |
nl-NL | Decoderen van type 3 |
sv-SE | Avkodning typ 3 |
Decoding Type 4 (37
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 4")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 4” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodning type 4 |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 4 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 4 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 4 |
es-ES | Decodificación Tipo 4 |
es-MX | Decodificación Tipo 4 |
fi-FI | Dekoodaus Tyyppi 4 |
fr-BE | Décodage Type 4 |
fr-CA | Décodage Type 4 |
fr-CH | Décodage Type 4 |
fr-FR | Décodage Type 4 |
en-US | Decoding Type 4 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 4 |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type 4 |
nl-BE | Decoderen van type 4 |
nl-NL | Decoderen van type 4 |
sv-SE | Avkodning typ 4 |
Decoding Type 5 (38
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 5")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 5” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodning type 5 |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 5 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 5 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 5 |
es-ES | Decodificación Tipo 5 |
es-MX | Decodificación Tipo 5 |
fi-FI | Dekoodaus Tyyppi 5 |
fr-BE | Décodage Type 5 |
fr-CA | Décodage Type 5 |
fr-CH | Décodage Type 5 |
fr-FR | Décodage Type 5 |
en-US | Decoding Type 5 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 5 |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type 5 |
nl-BE | Decoderen van type 5 |
nl-NL | Decoderen van type 5 |
sv-SE | Avkodning typ 5 |
Decoding Type 6 (39
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 6")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 6” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodning type 1 |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 6 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 6 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 6 |
es-ES | Decodificación Tipo 1 |
es-MX | Decodificación Tipo 1 |
fi-FI | Dekoodaus Tyyppi 1 |
fr-BE | Décodage Type 1 |
fr-CA | Décodage Type 1 |
fr-CH | Décodage Type 1 |
fr-FR | Décodage Type 1 |
en-US | Decoding Type 6 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 6 |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type 1 |
nl-BE | Decoderen van type 1 |
nl-NL | Decoderen van type 1 |
sv-SE | Avkodning typ 1 |
Decoding Type 7 (40
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 7")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 7” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodning type 2 |
de-AT | Decodierung Typ 7 |
de-CH | Decodierung Typ 7 |
de-DE | Decodierung Typ 7 |
es-ES | Decodificación Tipo 2 |
es-MX | Decodificación Tipo 2 |
fi-FI | Dekoodaus Tyyppi 2 |
fr-BE | Décodage Type 2 |
fr-CA | Décodage Type 2 |
fr-CH | Décodage Type 2 |
fr-FR | Décodage Type 2 |
en-US | Decoding Type 7 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 7 |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type 2 |
nl-BE | Decoderen van type 2 |
nl-NL | Decoderen van type 2 |
sv-SE | Avkodning typ 2 |
Decoding Type 8 (41
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 8")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 8” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodning type 3 |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 8 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 8 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 8 |
es-ES | Decodificación Tipo 3 |
es-MX | Decodificación Tipo 3 |
fi-FI | Dekoodaus Tyyppi 3 |
fr-BE | Décodage Type 3 |
fr-CA | Décodage Type 3 |
fr-CH | Décodage Type 3 |
fr-FR | Décodage Type 3 |
en-US | Decoding Type 8 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 8 |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type 3 |
nl-BE | Decoderen van type 3 |
nl-NL | Decoderen van type 3 |
sv-SE | Avkodning typ 3 |
Decoding Type 9 (42
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 9")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 9” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodning type 4 |
de-AT | Decodierung Typ 9 |
de-CH | Decodierung Typ 9 |
de-DE | Decodierung Typ 9 |
es-ES | Decodificación Tipo 4 |
es-MX | Decodificación Tipo 4 |
fi-FI | Dekoodaus Tyyppi 4 |
fr-BE | Décodage Type 4 |
fr-CA | Décodage Type 4 |
fr-CH | Décodage Type 4 |
fr-FR | Décodage Type 4 |
en-US | Decoding Type 9 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 9 |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type 4 |
nl-BE | Decoderen van type 4 |
nl-NL | Decoderen van type 4 |
sv-SE | Avkodning typ 4 |
Decoding Type 10 (43
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 10")))
(0) , Measure
“Decoding Type 10” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Afkodning type 5 |
de-AT | Dekodierung Typ 10 |
de-CH | Dekodierung Typ 10 |
de-DE | Dekodierung Typ 10 |
es-ES | Decodificación Tipo 5 |
es-MX | Decodificación Tipo 5 |
fi-FI | Dekoodaus Tyyppi 5 |
fr-BE | Décodage Type 5 |
fr-CA | Décodage Type 5 |
fr-CH | Décodage Type 5 |
fr-FR | Décodage Type 5 |
en-US | Decoding Type 10 |
it-CH | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | Tipo decodifica caratteristica 10 |
nb-NO | Dekoding Type 5 |
nl-BE | Decoderen van type 5 |
nl-NL | Decoderen van type 5 |
sv-SE | Avkodning typ 5 |
To Charac. Value 1 (44
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 1" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 1"))
A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis Merkmalswert 1 |
de-CH | Bis Merkmalswert 1 |
de-DE | Bis Merkmalswert 1 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 1 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 1 |
Numeric Value 1 (45
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 1 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 1 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 1 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 1 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 1 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 1 |
To Numeric Value 1 (46
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 1 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 1 |
de-CH | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 1 |
de-DE | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 1 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 1 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 1 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 1 |
To Charac. Value 2 (47
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 2" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 2"))
A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis Merkmalswert 2 |
de-CH | Bis Merkmalswert 2 |
de-DE | Bis Merkmalswert 2 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 2 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 2 |
Numeric Value 2 (48
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 2 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 2 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 2 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 2 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 2 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 2 |
To Numeric Value 2 (49
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 2 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 2 |
de-CH | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 2 |
de-DE | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 2 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 2 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 2 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 2 |
To Charac. Value 3 (50
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 3" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 3"))
A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis Merkmalswert 3 |
de-CH | Bis Merkmalswert 3 |
de-DE | Bis Merkmalswert 3 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 3 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 3 |
Numeric Value 3 (51
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 3 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 3 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 3 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 3 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 3 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 3 |
To Numeric Value 3 (52
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 3 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 3 |
de-CH | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 3 |
de-DE | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 3 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 3 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 3 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 3 |
To Charac. Value 4 (53
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 4" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 4"))
A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis Merkmalswert 4 |
de-CH | Bis Merkmalswert 4 |
de-DE | Bis Merkmalswert 4 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 4 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 4 |
Numeric Value 4 (54
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 4 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 4 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 4 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 4 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 4 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 4 |
To Numeric Value 4 (55
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 4 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 4 |
de-CH | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 4 |
de-DE | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 4 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 4 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 4 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 4 |
To Charac. Value 5 (56
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 5" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 5"))
A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis Merkmalswert 5 |
de-CH | Bis Merkmalswert 5 |
de-DE | Bis Merkmalswert 5 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 5 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 5 |
Numeric Value 5 (57
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 5 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 5 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 5 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 5 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 5 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 5 |
To Numeric Value 5 (58
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 5 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 5 |
de-CH | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 5 |
de-DE | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 5 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 5 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 5 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 5 |
To Charac. Value 6 (59
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 6" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 6"))
A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis Merkmalswert 6 |
de-CH | Bis Merkmalswert 6 |
de-DE | Bis Merkmalswert 6 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 6 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 6 |
Numeric Value 6 (60
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 6 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 6 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 6 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 6 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 6 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 6 |
To Numeric Value 6 (61
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 6 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 6 |
de-CH | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 6 |
de-DE | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 6 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 6 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 6 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 6 |
To Charac. Value 7 (62
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 7" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 7"))
A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis Merkmalswert 7 |
de-CH | Bis Merkmalswert 7 |
de-DE | Bis Merkmalswert 7 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 7 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 7 |
Numeric Value 7 (63
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 7 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 7 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 7 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 7 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 7 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 7 |
To Numeric Value 7 (64
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 7 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 7 |
de-CH | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 7 |
de-DE | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 7 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 7 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 7 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 7 |
To Charac. Value 8 (65
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 8" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 8"))
A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis Merkmalswert 8 |
de-CH | Bis Merkmalswert 8 |
de-DE | Bis Merkmalswert 8 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 8 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 8 |
Numeric Value 8 (66
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 8 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 8 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 8 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 8 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 8 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 8 |
To Numeric Value 8 (67
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 8 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 8 |
de-CH | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 8 |
de-DE | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 8 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 8 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 8 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 8 |
To Charac. Value 9 (68
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 9" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 9"))
A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis Merkmalswert 9 |
de-CH | Bis Merkmalswert 9 |
de-DE | Bis Merkmalswert 9 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 9 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 9 |
Numeric Value 9 (69
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 9 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 9 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 9 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 9 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 9 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 9 |
To Numeric Value 9 (70
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 9 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 9 |
de-CH | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 9 |
de-DE | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 9 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 9 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 9 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 9 |
To Charac. Value 10 (71
TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 10" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 10"))
A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis Merkmalswert 10 |
de-CH | Bis Merkmalswert 10 |
de-DE | Bis Merkmalswert 10 |
en-US | To Characteristic Value 10 |
it-CH | A valore caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | A valore caratteristica 10 |
Numeric Value 10 (72
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 10 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Numerischer Merkmalswert 10 |
de-CH | Numerischer Merkmalswert 10 |
de-DE | Numerischer Merkmalswert 10 |
en-US | Numeric Characteristic Value 10 |
it-CH | Valore numerico caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | Valore numerico caratteristica 10 |
To Numeric Value 10 (73
In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 10 is saved if valued.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 10 |
de-CH | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 10 |
de-DE | Bis numerischen Merkmalswert 10 |
en-US | To Numeric Characteristic Value 10 |
it-CH | A valore numerico caratteristica 10 |
it-IT | A valore numerico caratteristica 10 |
procedure SetKeyCode()
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