Table 18091274 EOS028 CFG Configurator Setup
Table 18091274 EOS028 CFG Configurator Setup
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Opsætning af konfigurator |
de-AT | Konfiguration des Konfigurators |
de-CH | Konfiguration des Konfigurators |
de-DE | Konfiguration des Konfigurators |
es-ES | Configuración del configurador |
es-MX | Configuración del configurador |
fi-FI | Konfiguraattorin asetukset |
fr-BE | Configuration du configurateur |
fr-CA | Configuration du configurateur |
fr-CH | Configuration du configurateur |
fr-FR | Configuration du configurateur |
en-US | Configurator Setup |
it-CH | Setup configuratore |
it-IT | Setup configuratore |
nb-NO | Oppsett av konfigurator |
nl-BE | Configurator-installatie |
nl-NL | Configurator-installatie |
sv-SE | Konfigurera installationsprogrammet |
Primary Key (1
Key of the table.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Primær nøgle |
de-AT | Primärschlüssel |
de-CH | Primärschlüssel |
de-DE | Primärschlüssel |
es-ES | Clave principal |
es-MX | Clave principal |
fi-FI | Perusavain |
fr-BE | Clé primaire |
fr-CA | Clé primaire |
fr-CH | Clé primaire |
fr-FR | Clé primaire |
en-US | Primary Key |
it-CH | Chiave primaria |
it-IT | Chiave primaria |
nb-NO | Primærnøkkel |
nl-BE | Primaire sleutel |
nl-NL | Primaire sleutel |
sv-SE | Primärnyckel |
Enable Purchase Price (2
“Enable Purchase Price” contains whether or not to activate the management of purchase price.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Einkaufspreis aktivieren |
de-CH | Einkaufspreis aktivieren |
de-DE | Einkaufspreis aktivieren |
en-US | Enable Purchase Price |
it-CH | Abilita creazione listini d’acquisto |
it-IT | Abilita creazione listini d’acquisto |
Standard Nos. (10
TableRelation: "No. Series"
“Standard Nos.” contains the no. series of the configured items.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Standard nr. |
de-AT | Artikel-/Versionsnr. |
de-CH | Artikel-/Versionsnr. |
de-DE | Artikel-/Versionsnr. |
es-ES | Nos estándar. |
es-MX | Nos estándar. |
fi-FI | Standardin nrot |
fr-BE | Standard Nos. |
fr-CA | Standard Nos. |
fr-CH | Standard Nos. |
fr-FR | Standard Nos. |
en-US | Standard Nos. |
it-CH | Numerazione articoli standard |
it-IT | Numerazione articoli standard |
nb-NO | Standard nr. |
nl-BE | Standaard nos. |
nl-NL | Standaard nos. |
sv-SE | Standardnr |
Enable Purchase Item (11
“Enable Purchase Item” contains whether or not to activate the management of purchase items.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver købsvare |
de-AT | Einkauf aktivieren |
de-CH | Einkauf aktivieren |
de-DE | Einkauf aktivieren |
es-ES | Habilitar artículo de compra |
es-MX | Habilitar artículo de compra |
fi-FI | Ota ostonimike käyttöön |
fr-BE | Activer l’élément d’achat |
fr-CA | Activer l’élément d’achat |
fr-CH | Activer l’élément d’achat |
fr-FR | Activer l’élément d’achat |
en-US | Enable Purchase Item |
it-CH | Abilita creazione prod. acquisto |
it-IT | Abilita creazione prod. acquisto |
nb-NO | Aktivere kjøpsvare |
nl-BE | Aankoopobject inschakelen |
nl-NL | Aankoopobject inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera inköpsartikel |
Enable Neutral Request (12
“Enable Neutral Request” contains whether or not to activate the management of nutral request.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver anmodning om neutral regel |
de-AT | Neutrale Regelanforderung aktivieren |
de-CH | Neutrale Regelanforderung aktivieren |
de-DE | Neutrale Regelanforderung aktivieren |
es-ES | Habilitar solicitud de regla neutral |
es-MX | Habilitar solicitud de regla neutral |
fi-FI | Ota neutraali sääntöpyyntö käyttöön |
fr-BE | Activer la demande de règles neutres |
fr-CA | Activer la demande de règles neutres |
fr-CH | Activer la demande de règles neutres |
fr-FR | Activer la demande de règles neutres |
en-US | Enable Neutral Rule Request |
it-CH | Abilita richiesta regole neutri |
it-IT | Abilita richiesta regole neutri |
nb-NO | Aktiver forespørsel om nøytral regel |
nl-BE | Neutrale regelaanvraag inschakelen |
nl-NL | Neutrale regelaanvraag inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera neutral regelbegäran |
Enable Surcharge Lines (13
“Enable Surcharge Lines” contains whether or not to activate the management of surcharge lines.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver tillægslinjer |
de-AT | Zuschlagszeilen aktivieren |
de-CH | Zuschlagszeilen aktivieren |
de-DE | Zuschlagszeilen aktivieren |
es-ES | Habilitar líneas de recargo |
es-MX | Habilitar líneas de recargo |
fi-FI | Ota lisämaksurivit käyttöön |
fr-BE | Activer les lignes de surtaxe |
fr-CA | Activer les lignes de surtaxe |
fr-CH | Activer les lignes de surtaxe |
fr-FR | Activer les lignes de surtaxe |
en-US | Enable Surcharge Lines |
it-CH | Abilita righe maggiorazione |
it-IT | Abilita righe maggiorazione |
nb-NO | Aktivere tilleggslinjer |
nl-BE | Toeslagregels inschakelen |
nl-NL | Toeslagregels inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera tilläggsrader |
Enable Rule Condition (14
“Enable Rule Condition” contains whether or not to activate the management of rule condition.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver regelbetingelse |
de-AT | Regelbedingung aktivieren |
de-CH | Regelbedingung aktivieren |
de-DE | Regelbedingung aktivieren |
es-ES | Habilitar la condición de la regla |
es-MX | Habilitar la condición de la regla |
fi-FI | Ota sääntöehto käyttöön |
fr-BE | Activer la condition de règle |
fr-CA | Activer la condition de règle |
fr-CH | Activer la condition de règle |
fr-FR | Activer la condition de règle |
en-US | Enable Rule Condition |
it-CH | Abilita condizioni ciclo |
it-IT | Abilita condizioni ciclo |
nb-NO | Aktivere regelbetingelse |
nl-BE | Regelvoorwaarde inschakelen |
nl-NL | Regelvoorwaarde inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera regelvillkor |
Enable BOM Reconfiguration (15
“Enable BOM Reconfiguration” contains whether or not to activate the management of BOM reconfiguration.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver genkonfiguration af stykliste |
de-AT | Neukonfiguration der Montage-/ Fert.-Stückliste aktivieren |
de-CH | Neukonfiguration der Montage-/ Fert.-Stückliste aktivieren |
de-DE | Neukonfiguration der Montage-/ Fert.-Stückliste aktivieren |
es-ES | Habilitar la reconfiguración de LDM |
es-MX | Habilitar la reconfiguración de LDM |
fi-FI | Ota käyttöön tuoterakenteen uudelleenmääritys |
fr-BE | Activer la reconfiguration des nomenclumons |
fr-CA | Activer la reconfiguration des nomenclumons |
fr-CH | Activer la reconfiguration des nomenclumons |
fr-FR | Activer la reconfiguration des nomenclumons |
en-US | Enable BOM Reconfiguration |
it-CH | Abilita riconfigurazione distinte/assemblaggio |
it-IT | Abilita riconfigurazione distinte/assemblaggio |
nb-NO | Aktivere stykklistekonfigurasjon |
nl-BE | BOM-herconfiguratie inschakelen |
nl-NL | BOM-herconfiguratie inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera strukturomkonfiguration |
Default Customer Price Group (16
TableRelation: "Customer Price Group"
“Default Customer Price Group” contains the default customer price group.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Standardkundeprisgruppe |
de-AT | Debitorenpreisgruppe |
de-CH | Debitorenpreisgruppe |
de-DE | Debitorenpreisgruppe |
es-ES | Grupo de precios de cliente predeterminado |
es-MX | Grupo de precios de cliente predeterminado |
fi-FI | Asiakkaan oletushintaryhmä |
fr-BE | Groupe de prix client par défaut |
fr-CA | Groupe de prix client par défaut |
fr-CH | Groupe de prix client par défaut |
fr-FR | Groupe de prix client par défaut |
en-US | Default Customer Price Group |
it-CH | Gruppo prezzi cliente default |
it-IT | Gruppo prezzi cliente default |
nb-NO | Standard kundeprisgruppe |
nl-BE | Standaardprijsgroep |
nl-NL | Standaardprijsgroep |
sv-SE | Standardprisgrupp för kund |
Enable Weight Calc. (17
“Enable Weight Calc.” contains whether or not to activate the management of weight calc.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver vægtberegning & volumen |
de-AT | Gewichts- und Volumenberechnung aktivieren |
de-CH | Gewichts- und Volumenberechnung aktivieren |
de-DE | Gewichts- und Volumenberechnung aktivieren |
es-ES | Activar cálculo de peso & volumen |
es-MX | Activar cálculo de peso & volumen |
fi-FI | Ota painon laskenta käyttöön ja äänenvoimakkuus |
fr-BE | Activer le calcul du poids et le volume |
fr-CA | Activer le calcul du poids et le volume |
fr-CH | Activer le calcul du poids et le volume |
fr-FR | Activer le calcul du poids et le volume |
en-US | Enable Weight Calculation & Volume |
it-CH | Abilita calcolo pesi e volume |
it-IT | Abilita calcolo pesi e volume |
nb-NO | Aktiver vektberegning og volum |
nl-BE | Gewichtsberekening & volume inschakelen |
nl-NL | Gewichtsberekening & volume inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera viktberäkning och volym |
Enable Sales Price (18
“Enable Sales Price” contains whether or not to activate the management of sales price.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver salgspris |
de-AT | Verkaufspreis aktivieren |
de-CH | Verkaufspreis aktivieren |
de-DE | Verkaufspreis aktivieren |
es-ES | Habilitar el precio de venta |
es-MX | Habilitar el precio de venta |
fi-FI | Ota myyntihinta käyttöön |
fr-BE | Activer le prix de vente |
fr-CA | Activer le prix de vente |
fr-CH | Activer le prix de vente |
fr-FR | Activer le prix de vente |
en-US | Enable Sales Price |
it-CH | Abilita creazione listini di vendita |
it-IT | Abilita creazione listini di vendita |
nb-NO | Aktivere salgspris |
nl-BE | Verkoopprijs inschakelen |
nl-NL | Verkoopprijs inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera försäljningspris |
Disable Optional Mod. (19
“Disable Optional Mod.” contains whether or not to activate the management of optional mod.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Deaktiver valgfri/ændring af tillæg |
de-AT | Optional deaktivieren / Aufpreis ändern |
de-CH | Optional deaktivieren / Aufpreis ändern |
de-DE | Optional deaktivieren / Aufpreis ändern |
es-ES | Desactivar Modificación opcional/recargo |
es-MX | Desactivar Modificación opcional/recargo |
fi-FI | Poista valinnainen/lisämaksun muokkaus käytöstä |
fr-BE | Désactiver la modification facultative/surtaxe |
fr-CA | Désactiver la modification facultative/surtaxe |
fr-CH | Désactiver la modification facultative/surtaxe |
fr-FR | Désactiver la modification facultative/surtaxe |
en-US | Disable Optional/Surcharge Modify |
it-CH | Disabilita modifiche optional/maggiorazioni |
it-IT | Disabilita modifiche optional/maggiorazioni |
nb-NO | Deaktiver valgfri/tilleggsavgift endring |
nl-BE | Optioneel/toeslag wijzigen uitschakelen |
nl-NL | Optioneel/toeslag wijzigen uitschakelen |
sv-SE | Inaktivera valfri/tilläggstillägg |
Optional/Surcharge Descr. (20
“Optional/Surcharge Descr.” contains contains how the description of the surcharge/optional will be formatted.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse af tillæg (positiv) |
de-AT | Zuschlagsbeschreibung (Positiv) |
de-CH | Zuschlagsbeschreibung (Positiv) |
de-DE | Zuschlagsbeschreibung (Positiv) |
es-ES | Descripción del recargo (positivo) |
es-MX | Descripción del recargo (positivo) |
fi-FI | Lisämaksun kuvaus (positiivinen) |
fr-BE | Description du supplément (positif) |
fr-CA | Description du supplément (positif) |
fr-CH | Description du supplément (positif) |
fr-FR | Description du supplément (positif) |
en-US | Surcharge Description (Positive) |
it-CH | Descrizione maggiorazioni (positive) |
it-IT | Descrizione maggiorazioni (positive) |
nb-NO | Tilleggsgebyr Beskrivelse (positiv) |
nl-BE | Beschrijving van toeslagen (positief) |
nl-NL | Beschrijving van toeslagen (positief) |
sv-SE | Tilläggsbeskrivning (positiv) |
Negative Surcharge Descr. (21
“Negative Surcharge Descr.” contains contains how the description of the negative surcharge will be formatted.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beskrivelse af tillæg (negativ) |
de-AT | Zuschlagsbeschreibung (Negativ) |
de-CH | Zuschlagsbeschreibung (Negativ) |
de-DE | Zuschlagsbeschreibung (Negativ) |
es-ES | Descripción del recargo (negativo) |
es-MX | Descripción del recargo (negativo) |
fi-FI | Lisämaksun kuvaus (negatiivinen) |
fr-BE | Description du supplément (négatif) |
fr-CA | Description du supplément (négatif) |
fr-CH | Description du supplément (négatif) |
fr-FR | Description du supplément (négatif) |
en-US | Surcharge Description (Negative) |
it-CH | Descrizione maggiorazioni (negative) |
it-IT | Descrizione maggiorazioni (negative) |
nb-NO | Tilleggsavgift Beskrivelse (negativ) |
nl-BE | Beschrijving van toeslagen (negatief) |
nl-NL | Beschrijving van toeslagen (negatief) |
sv-SE | Tilläggsbeskrivning (negativ) |
Enable Configurator (22
This field turns on or off the Product Configurator.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver konfigurator |
de-AT | Konfigurator aktivieren |
de-CH | Konfigurator aktivieren |
de-DE | Konfigurator aktivieren |
es-ES | Habilitar Configurador |
es-MX | Habilitar Configurador |
fi-FI | Ota configurator käyttöön |
fr-BE | Activer le configurateur |
fr-CA | Activer le configurateur |
fr-CH | Activer le configurateur |
fr-FR | Activer le configurateur |
en-US | Enable Configurator |
it-CH | Abilita configuratore |
it-IT | Abilita configuratore |
nb-NO | Aktivere konfigurator |
nl-BE | Configurator inschakelen |
nl-NL | Configurator inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera konfigurator |
Use Purchase Item Nos. (23
“Use Purchase Item Nos.” turns on or off the purchase item nos..
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Brug købsvarenr. |
de-AT | Verwenden Sie Einkaufartikelnr. |
de-CH | Verwenden Sie Einkaufartikelnr. |
de-DE | Verwenden Sie Einkaufartikelnr. |
es-ES | Use Las nos de artículo de compra. |
es-MX | Use Las nos de artículo de compra. |
fi-FI | Käytä ostonimikkeiden nroja. |
fr-BE | Utilisez Les nos articles d’achat. |
fr-CA | Utilisez Les nos articles d’achat. |
fr-CH | Utilisez Les nos articles d’achat. |
fr-FR | Utilisez Les nos articles d’achat. |
en-US | Use Purchase Item Nos. |
it-CH | Utilizza numerazione prod. acquisto |
it-IT | Utilizza numerazione prod. acquisto |
nb-NO | Bruk Kjøpsvarenr. |
nl-BE | Gebruik aankoopitem. |
nl-NL | Gebruik aankoopitem. |
sv-SE | Använd inköpsartikelnr. |
Disable Disc. Surcharge Lines (24
“Disable Disc. Surcharge Lines.” contains whether or not to activate the management of disc. surcharge lines.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Deaktiver rabattillæggetlinjer |
de-AT | Rabatt-Zuschlagszeilen deaktivieren |
de-CH | Rabatt-Zuschlagszeilen deaktivieren |
de-DE | Rabatt-Zuschlagszeilen deaktivieren |
es-ES | Desactivar líneas de recargo de descuento |
es-MX | Desactivar líneas de recargo de descuento |
fi-FI | Poista alennuslisämaksurivit käytöstä |
fr-BE | Désactiver les lignes de surtaxe de réduction |
fr-CA | Désactiver les lignes de surtaxe de réduction |
fr-CH | Désactiver les lignes de surtaxe de réduction |
fr-FR | Désactiver les lignes de surtaxe de réduction |
en-US | Disable Discount Surcharge Lines |
it-CH | Disabilita sconti in righe maggiorazione |
it-IT | Disabilita sconti in righe maggiorazione |
nb-NO | Deaktiver gebyreringslinjer for rabatt |
nl-BE | Regels voor toeslagkorting uitschakelen |
nl-NL | Regels voor toeslagkorting uitschakelen |
sv-SE | Inaktivera rader för rabatttillägg |
Enable Sublevels Calc. (25
“Enable Sublevels Calc.” contains whether or not to activate the management of sublevels calc..
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver Underniveauer Charac. Beregn. |
de-AT | Aktivieren Sie Unterebenen Charac. Calc. |
de-CH | Aktivieren Sie Unterebenen Charac. Calc. |
de-DE | Aktivieren Sie Unterebenen Charac. Calc. |
es-ES | Habilite Subniveles Charac. Calc. |
es-MX | Habilite Subniveles Charac. Calc. |
fi-FI | Ota alitasot käyttöön Charac. Laske. |
fr-BE | Activer Sous-niveaux Charac. Calc. |
fr-CA | Activer Sous-niveaux Charac. Calc. |
fr-CH | Activer Sous-niveaux Charac. Calc. |
fr-FR | Activer Sous-niveaux Charac. Calc. |
en-US | Enable Sublevels Charac. Calc. |
it-CH | Abilita calcolo caratteristiche sottolivelli DB |
it-IT | Abilita calcolo caratteristiche sottolivelli DB |
nb-NO | Aktiver Undernivåer Charac. Beregn. |
nl-BE | Sublevels Charac inschakelen. Calc. |
nl-NL | Sublevels Charac inschakelen. Calc. |
sv-SE | Aktivera Sublevels Charac. Calc. |
Separator Purchase Item Nos. (26
“Separator Purchase Item Nos.” contains the separator used for purchase item.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Separator-købsvarenr. |
de-AT | Separator-Einkaufartikelnr. |
de-CH | Separator-Einkaufartikelnr. |
de-DE | Separator-Einkaufartikelnr. |
es-ES | Nos de artículo de compra del separador. |
es-MX | Nos de artículo de compra del separador. |
fi-FI | Erottimen ostonimikkeen nrot |
fr-BE | Article d’achat séparateur Nos. |
fr-CA | Article d’achat séparateur Nos. |
fr-CH | Article d’achat séparateur Nos. |
fr-FR | Article d’achat séparateur Nos. |
en-US | Separator Purchase Item Nos. |
it-CH | Separatore numerazione prod. acquisto |
it-IT | Separatore numerazione prod. acquisto |
nb-NO | Skilletegn Kjøpsvarenr. |
nl-BE | Separator Aankoop Item Nos. |
nl-NL | Separator Aankoop Item Nos. |
sv-SE | Inköpsartikelnr för avgränsare. |
Enable Variant Mgt. (27
This field turns on or off the Variant Mgt.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver variantstyring |
de-AT | Variantenverwaltung aktivieren |
de-CH | Variantenverwaltung aktivieren |
de-DE | Variantenverwaltung aktivieren |
es-ES | Habilitar gestión de variantes |
es-MX | Habilitar gestión de variantes |
fi-FI | Ota varianttien hallinta käyttöön |
fr-BE | Activer la gestion des variantes |
fr-CA | Activer la gestion des variantes |
fr-CH | Activer la gestion des variantes |
fr-FR | Activer la gestion des variantes |
en-US | Enable Variant Management |
it-CH | Abilita gestione varianti |
it-IT | Abilita gestione varianti |
nb-NO | Aktivere variantbehandling |
nl-BE | Variantbeheer inschakelen |
nl-NL | Variantbeheer inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera varianthantering |
Use Excel (28
" "
(0) , "OnPrem"
(1) , "SAAS"
“Use Excel” contains which excel mode to use.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Bruge Excel |
de-AT | Verwenden von Excel |
de-CH | Verwenden von Excel |
de-DE | Verwenden von Excel |
es-ES | Usar Excel |
es-MX | Usar Excel |
fi-FI | Excelin käyttäminen |
fr-BE | Utiliser Excel |
fr-CA | Utiliser Excel |
fr-CH | Utiliser Excel |
fr-FR | Utiliser Excel |
en-US | Use Excel |
it-CH | Utilizza excel |
it-IT | Utilizza excel |
nb-NO | Bruke Excel |
nl-BE | Excel gebruiken |
nl-NL | Excel gebruiken |
sv-SE | Använda Excel |
Tenant ID (29
“Tenant ID” contains tenant ID for necessary for operation of SAAS Excel.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Mappe-id (lejer) |
de-AT | Verzeichnis-ID (Tenant) |
de-CH | Verzeichnis-ID (Tenant) |
de-DE | Verzeichnis-ID (Tenant) |
es-ES | Id. de directorio (inquilino) |
es-MX | Id. de directorio (inquilino) |
fi-FI | Hakemiston (vuokraajan) tunnus |
fr-BE | ID d’annuaire (locataire) |
fr-CA | ID d’annuaire (locataire) |
fr-CH | ID d’annuaire (locataire) |
fr-FR | ID d’annuaire (locataire) |
en-US | Directory (tenant) ID |
it-CH | ID directory (tenant) |
it-IT | ID directory (tenant) |
nb-NO | Katalog -ID (leier) |
nl-BE | Adreslijst (tenant) ID |
nl-NL | Adreslijst (tenant) ID |
sv-SE | Katalog -ID (klient) |
Client ID (30
“Client ID” contains client ID for necessary for operation of SAAS Excel.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Program-id |
de-AT | Anwendungs-ID (Client) |
de-CH | Anwendungs-ID (Client) |
de-DE | Anwendungs-ID (Client) |
es-ES | ID de aplicación (cliente) |
es-MX | ID de aplicación (cliente) |
fi-FI | Sovelluksen (asiakkaan) tunnus |
fr-BE | ID de l’application (client) |
fr-CA | ID de l’application (client) |
fr-CH | ID de l’application (client) |
fr-FR | ID de l’application (client) |
en-US | Application (client) ID |
it-CH | ID applicazione (client) |
it-IT | ID applicazione (client) |
nb-NO | Program -ID (klient) ID |
nl-BE | Toepassings -id (client) |
nl-NL | Toepassings -id (client) |
sv-SE | Program-ID (klient) |
Client Secret (31
“Client Secret” contains client secret for necessary for operation of SAAS Excel.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Klient hemmelighed |
de-AT | Client Secret |
de-CH | Client Secret |
de-DE | Client Secret |
es-ES | Secreto del cliente |
es-MX | Secreto del cliente |
fi-FI | Asiakkaan salaisuus |
fr-BE | Client Secret |
fr-CA | Client Secret |
fr-CH | Client Secret |
fr-FR | Client Secret |
en-US | Client Secret |
it-CH | Client Secret |
it-IT | Client Secret |
nb-NO | Klient Hemmelig |
nl-BE | Client Geheim |
nl-NL | Client Geheim |
sv-SE | Klienthemlighet |
Latest Token (32
“Latest Token” is system field and ontains latest token for necessary for operation of SAAS Excel.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Seneste token |
de-AT | Neuester Token |
de-CH | Neuester Token |
de-DE | Neuester Token |
es-ES | Token más reciente |
es-MX | Token más reciente |
fi-FI | Viimeisin tunnussanoma |
fr-BE | Dernier jeton |
fr-CA | Dernier jeton |
fr-CH | Dernier jeton |
fr-FR | Dernier jeton |
en-US | Latest Token |
it-CH | Ultimo token |
it-IT | Ultimo token |
nb-NO | Siste token |
nl-BE | Laatste token |
nl-NL | Laatste token |
sv-SE | Senaste token |
Token Expiration UTC (33
“Token Expiration UTC” is system field and contains latest token used for SAAS Excel.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Token udløb UTC |
de-AT | Token Ablauf UTC |
de-CH | Token Ablauf UTC |
de-DE | Token Ablauf UTC |
es-ES | Expiración del token UTC |
es-MX | Expiración del token UTC |
fi-FI | Tunnussanoman vanheneminen UTC |
fr-BE | Utc d’expiration de jeton |
fr-CA | Utc d’expiration de jeton |
fr-CH | Utc d’expiration de jeton |
fr-FR | Utc d’expiration de jeton |
en-US | Token Expiration UTC |
it-CH | Scadenza token |
it-IT | Scadenza token |
nb-NO | Utc for tokenutløp |
nl-BE | Token Expiratie UTC |
nl-NL | Token Expiratie UTC |
sv-SE | UTC för tokenförfallodatum |
Sharepoint Site (34
“Sharepoint Site” contains the sharepoint site where the excels files will be loaded.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Sharepoint-websted |
de-AT | Sharepoint-Website |
de-CH | Sharepoint-Website |
de-DE | Sharepoint-Website |
es-ES | Sitio de Sharepoint |
es-MX | Sitio de Sharepoint |
fi-FI | Sharepoint-sivusto |
fr-BE | Sharepoint Site |
fr-CA | Sharepoint Site |
fr-CH | Sharepoint Site |
fr-FR | Sharepoint Site |
en-US | Sharepoint Site |
it-CH | Sito sharepoint |
it-IT | Sito sharepoint |
nb-NO | Sharepoint-område |
nl-BE | Sharepoint-site |
nl-NL | Sharepoint-site |
sv-SE | Sharepoint-webbplats |
Document Library (35
“Document Library” contains the document library where the excels files will be loaded.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Dokumentbibliotek |
de-AT | Dokumentbibliothek |
de-CH | Dokumentbibliothek |
de-DE | Dokumentbibliothek |
es-ES | Biblioteca de documentos |
es-MX | Biblioteca de documentos |
fi-FI | Asiakirjakirjaston |
fr-BE | Bibliothèque de documents |
fr-CA | Bibliothèque de documents |
fr-CH | Bibliothèque de documents |
fr-FR | Bibliothèque de documents |
en-US | Document Library |
it-CH | Raccolta documenti |
it-IT | Raccolta documenti |
nb-NO | Dokumentbibliotek |
nl-BE | Documentbibliotheek |
nl-NL | Documentbibliotheek |
sv-SE | Dokumentbibliotek |
Copy Routing Comments (36
If active, the comments will be copied from the separate BOMs of the neutral item to the configured ones.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kopier rutebemærkninger |
de-AT | Arbeitsgang-Kommentare kopieren |
de-CH | Arbeitsgang-Kommentare kopieren |
de-DE | Arbeitsgang-Kommentare kopieren |
es-ES | Copiar comentarios de enrutamiento |
es-MX | Copiar comentarios de enrutamiento |
fi-FI | Kopioi reitityskommentit |
fr-BE | Copier les commentaires de routage |
fr-CA | Copier les commentaires de routage |
fr-CH | Copier les commentaires de routage |
fr-FR | Copier les commentaires de routage |
en-US | Copy Routing Comments |
it-CH | Copia commenti ciclo |
it-IT | Copia commenti ciclo |
nb-NO | Kopiere rutingskommentarer |
nl-BE | Opmerkingen over routering kopiëren |
nl-NL | Opmerkingen over routering kopiëren |
sv-SE | Kopiera routningskommentarer |
Copy BOM Comments (37
If active, the comments will be copied from the routing of the neutral item to the configured ones.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kopier styklistekommentarer |
de-AT | Stücklistenkommentare kopieren |
de-CH | Stücklistenkommentare kopieren |
de-DE | Stücklistenkommentare kopieren |
es-ES | Copiar comentarios de LDM |
es-MX | Copiar comentarios de LDM |
fi-FI | Kopioi tuoterakenteen kommentit |
fr-BE | Copier les commentaires de nomenclum |
fr-CA | Copier les commentaires de nomenclum |
fr-CH | Copier les commentaires de nomenclum |
fr-FR | Copier les commentaires de nomenclum |
en-US | Copy BOM Comments |
it-CH | Copia commenti DB produzione |
it-IT | Copia commenti DB produzione |
nb-NO | Kopier stykklistekommentarer |
nl-BE | Opmerkingen van BOM kopiëren |
nl-NL | Opmerkingen van BOM kopiëren |
sv-SE | Kopiera strukturlistekommentarer |
Production BOM Status (38
(0) , Certified
(1) , "Under Development"
“Production BOM Status” contains the status of the new production BOM.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Status for produktionsstykliste |
de-AT | Status Fert.Stückliste |
de-CH | Status Fert.Stückliste |
de-DE | Status Fert.Stückliste |
es-ES | Estado de la lista de materiales de producción |
es-MX | Estado de la lista de materiales de producción |
fi-FI | Tuotannon tuoterakenteen tila |
fr-BE | Statut BOM de production |
fr-CA | Statut BOM de production |
fr-CH | Statut BOM de production |
fr-FR | Statut BOM de production |
en-US | Production BOM Status |
it-CH | Stato DB produzione |
it-IT | Stato DB produzione |
nb-NO | Status for produksjonsstykkliste |
nl-BE | Status productiestuklijst |
nl-NL | Status productiestuklijst |
sv-SE | Strukturlistestatus för produktion |
Routing Status (39
(0) , Certified
(1) , "Under Development"
“Routing Status” contains the status of the new routing.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Rutestatus |
de-AT | Status Arbeitsplan |
de-CH | Status Arbeitsplan |
de-DE | Status Arbeitsplan |
es-ES | Estado de enrutamiento |
es-MX | Estado de enrutamiento |
fi-FI | Reitityksen tila |
fr-BE | État de routage |
fr-CA | État de routage |
fr-CH | État de routage |
fr-FR | État de routage |
en-US | Routing Status |
it-CH | Stato ciclo |
it-IT | Stato ciclo |
nb-NO | Ruting Status |
nl-BE | Routeringsstatus |
nl-NL | Routeringsstatus |
sv-SE | Routningsstatus |
View Configured Item (40
“View Configured Item” determines whether or not to print the configured item code.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Vis konfigureret element |
de-AT | Konfiguriertes Element anzeigen |
de-CH | Konfiguriertes Element anzeigen |
de-DE | Konfiguriertes Element anzeigen |
es-ES | Ver elemento configurado |
es-MX | Ver elemento configurado |
fi-FI | Näytä määritetty kohde |
fr-BE | Afficher l’élément configuré |
fr-CA | Afficher l’élément configuré |
fr-CH | Afficher l’élément configuré |
fr-FR | Afficher l’élément configuré |
en-US | View Configured Item |
it-CH | Visualizza articolo configurato |
it-IT | Visualizza articolo configurato |
nb-NO | Vis konfigurert element |
nl-BE | Geconfigureerd item weergeven |
nl-NL | Geconfigureerd item weergeven |
sv-SE | Visa konfigurerat objekt |
Volume Calculation Type (41
Enum "EOS028 CFG Volume Calculation Type"
“Volume Calculation Type” specifies how to calculate the volume.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Type af volumenberegning |
de-AT | Volumenberechnungstyp |
de-CH | Volumenberechnungstyp |
de-DE | Volumenberechnungstyp |
es-ES | Tipo de cálculo de volumen |
es-MX | Tipo de cálculo de volumen |
fi-FI | Volyymin laskentatyyppi |
fr-BE | Type de calcul du volume |
fr-CA | Type de calcul du volume |
fr-CH | Type de calcul du volume |
fr-FR | Type de calcul du volume |
en-US | Volume Calculation Type |
it-CH | Tipo calcolo volume |
it-IT | Tipo calcolo volume |
nb-NO | Volumberegningstype |
nl-BE | Volumeberekeningstype |
nl-NL | Volumeberekeningstype |
sv-SE | Typ av volymberäkning |
Production BOM/Routing Nos. (42
TableRelation: "No. Series"
“Production BOM/Routing Nos.” contains the no. serires for the production BOM and routing, only for variant management.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Produktionsstykliste/rutenr. |
de-AT | Fert.Stücklisten-/Arbeitsplannr. |
de-CH | Fert.Stücklisten-/Arbeitsplannr. |
de-DE | Fert.Stücklisten-/Arbeitsplannr. |
es-ES | Production BOM/Routing Nos. |
es-MX | Production BOM/Routing Nos. |
fi-FI | Tuotannon tuoterakenteen/reitityksen nrot |
fr-BE | Nomenclature de production/numéros de routage. |
fr-CA | Nomenclature de production/numéros de routage. |
fr-CH | Nomenclature de production/numéros de routage. |
fr-FR | Nomenclature de production/numéros de routage. |
en-US | Production BOM/Routing Nos. |
it-CH | Nr. DB di produzione/cicli |
it-IT | Nr. DB di produzione/cicli |
nb-NO | Produksjonsstykkliste/rutenr. |
nl-BE | Productiestuklijst-/routeringsnr. |
nl-NL | Productiestuklijst-/routeringsnr. |
sv-SE | Produktionsstruktur/operationsföljdsnr. |
Std. Variants Aligned (43
Pending: Use standard field “variant code” instead. (22.0)“Std. Variants Aligned” specifies whether the upgrade report was run to align with the standard variant code field in the production order.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Std. varianter justeret |
de-AT | Std. Varianten ausgerichtet |
de-CH | Std. Varianten ausgerichtet |
de-DE | Std. Varianten ausgerichtet |
es-ES | Variantes alineadas |
es-MX | Variantes alineadas |
fi-FI | Tasatut std. variantit |
fr-BE | Std. Variantes alignées |
fr-CA | Std. Variantes alignées |
fr-CH | Std. Variantes alignées |
fr-FR | Std. Variantes alignées |
en-US | Std. Variants Aligned |
it-CH | Varianti std. allineate |
it-IT | Varianti std. allineate |
nb-NO | Std. varianter justert |
nl-BE | Std. Varianten uitgelijnd |
nl-NL | Std. Varianten uitgelijnd |
sv-SE | Std. Varianter justerade |
Search Charac. for Sublev. BOM (44
Enum "EOS028 CFG Search Charac. for Sublev. BOM"
“Search Charac. for Sublev. DB” specifies how to search charactheristics for sublevels BOM.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Søg i Charac. for Sublev. stykliste |
de-AT | Suchen Sie Charac. für Sublev. Stückliste |
de-CH | Suchen Sie Charac. für Sublev. Stückliste |
de-DE | Suchen Sie Charac. für Sublev. Stückliste |
es-ES | Buscar Charac. para Sublev. bom |
es-MX | Buscar Charac. para Sublev. bom |
fi-FI | Etsi Characista. Subleville. tuoterakenne |
fr-BE | Rechercher Charac. pour Sublev. bom |
fr-CA | Rechercher Charac. pour Sublev. bom |
fr-CH | Rechercher Charac. pour Sublev. bom |
fr-FR | Rechercher Charac. pour Sublev. bom |
en-US | Search Charac. for Sublev. BOM |
it-CH | Ricerca caratteristiche per sottolivelli DB |
it-IT | Ricerca caratteristiche per sottolivelli DB |
nb-NO | Søk i Charac. for underlev. Stykkliste |
nl-BE | Zoek Charac. voor Sublev. Stuklijst |
nl-NL | Zoek Charac. voor Sublev. Stuklijst |
sv-SE | Sök charac. för Sublev. Strukturlista |
BOM Sublevels Calculation Type (45
Enum "EOS028 CFG BOM Sublevels Calculation Type"
“BOM Sublevels Calculation Type” specifies when the characteristics in the BOM sublevels are to be calculated.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Beregningstype for styklisteunderudskrifter |
de-AT | Stücklistenunterebenen Berechnungstyp |
de-CH | Stücklistenunterebenen Berechnungstyp |
de-DE | Stücklistenunterebenen Berechnungstyp |
es-ES | Tipo de cálculo de subniveles de L. MAT |
es-MX | Tipo de cálculo de subniveles de L. MAT |
fi-FI | Tuoterakenteen alitasojen laskentatyyppi |
fr-BE | Type de calcul des sous-niveaux de nomenclature |
fr-CA | Type de calcul des sous-niveaux de nomenclature |
fr-CH | Type de calcul des sous-niveaux de nomenclature |
fr-FR | Type de calcul des sous-niveaux de nomenclature |
en-US | BOM Sublevels Calculation Type |
it-CH | Tipo calcolo sottolivelli DB |
it-IT | Tipo calcolo sottolivelli DB |
nb-NO | Beregningstype for stykklisteundernivåer |
nl-BE | Berekeningstype stuklijstsubniveaus |
nl-NL | Berekeningstype stuklijstsubniveaus |
sv-SE | Beräkningstyp för strukturundernivåer |
Disable Config. Lines Type BOM (46
“Disable Config. Lines Type BOM” specifies whether to disable the configuration of the BOM Lines with type “Production BOM”.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Konfigurationszeilen vom Typ Stückliste deaktivieren |
de-CH | Konfigurationszeilen vom Typ Stückliste deaktivieren |
de-DE | Konfigurationszeilen vom Typ Stückliste deaktivieren |
en-US | Disable Configuration Lines of Type BOM |
it-CH | Disabilita Configurazione Righe di tipo DB |
it-IT | Disabilita Configurazione Righe di tipo DB |
Enable BOM Explosion OnClosing (47
“Enable BOM Explosion On Closing” allows to generate the sublevels tree when closing configurator.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Stücklistenauflösung beim Schließen aktivieren |
de-CH | Stücklistenauflösung beim Schließen aktivieren |
de-DE | Stücklistenauflösung beim Schließen aktivieren |
en-US | Enable BOM Explosion on closing |
it-CH | Abilita l’esplosione della distinta base alla chiusura |
it-IT | Abilita l’esplosione della distinta base alla chiusura |
Enable Default Configuration (48
“Enable Default Configuration” allows the creation of the Default Configuration for neutral items.
Language | Caption |
en-US | Enable Default Configuration |
it-CH | Abilita configurazione predefinita |
it-IT | Abilita configurazione predefinita |
Save Configuration New Items (49
Language | Caption |
en-US | Save Configuration for New Items |
it-IT | Salva Configurazione per i Nuovi Articoli |
Get Prices for Customer (50
Enum "EOS028 CFG Price Matrix Cust."
“Get Prices for Customer” specifies whether to retrieve prices for the price matrix from the Sell-to Customer, the Bill-to Customer, or with a customizable logic.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Få priser for kunden |
de-AT | Debitoren-Verkaufspreisfindung |
de-CH | Debitoren-Verkaufspreisfindung |
de-DE | Debitoren-Verkaufspreisfindung |
es-ES | Obtener precios para el cliente |
es-MX | Obtener precios para el cliente |
fi-FI | Hanki hinnat asiakkaalle |
fr-BE | Obtenir les prix pour le client |
fr-CA | Obtenir les prix pour le client |
fr-CH | Obtenir les prix pour le client |
fr-FR | Obtenir les prix pour le client |
en-US | Get Prices for Customer |
it-CH | Ottieni prezzi per cliente |
it-IT | Ottieni prezzi per cliente |
nb-NO | Få priser for kunden |
nl-BE | Ontvang prijzen voor de klant |
nl-NL | Ontvang prijzen voor de klant |
sv-SE | Få priser för kunden |
Enable Attributes Mgt. (55
This field turns on or off the Attributes Mgt.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver administration af attributter |
de-AT | Aktivieren der Attributverwaltung |
de-CH | Aktivieren der Attributverwaltung |
de-DE | Aktivieren der Attributverwaltung |
es-ES | Habilitar la administración de atributos |
es-MX | Habilitar la administración de atributos |
fi-FI | Ota käyttöön määritteiden hallinta |
fr-BE | Activer la gestion des attributs |
fr-CA | Activer la gestion des attributs |
fr-CH | Activer la gestion des attributs |
fr-FR | Activer la gestion des attributs |
en-US | Enable Attributes Management |
it-CH | Abilita gestione attributi |
it-IT | Abilita gestione attributi |
nb-NO | Aktiver behandling av attributter |
nl-BE | Attributenbeheer inschakelen |
nl-NL | Attributenbeheer inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera attributhantering |
Enable Item Translations (56
“Enable Transl. in Language” allows to save Item/Variant description in language after configuration.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Artikelübersetzungen aktivieren |
de-CH | Artikelübersetzungen aktivieren |
de-DE | Artikelübersetzungen aktivieren |
en-US | Enable Item Translations |
it-CH | Abilita Traduzioni Articolo |
it-IT | Abilita Traduzioni Articolo |
Enable Item Charge Assignment (60
This field turns on or off the automatic Item Charge Assignment.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktiver tildeling af varegebyr |
de-AT | Artikelkostenzuweisung aktivieren |
de-CH | Artikelkostenzuweisung aktivieren |
de-DE | Artikelkostenzuweisung aktivieren |
es-ES | Habilitar asignación de cargos por artículo |
es-MX | Habilitar asignación de cargos por artículo |
fi-FI | Ota nimikekulun määritys käyttöön |
fr-BE | Activer l’affectation des frais d’élément |
fr-CA | Activer l’affectation des frais d’élément |
fr-CH | Activer l’affectation des frais d’élément |
fr-FR | Activer l’affectation des frais d’élément |
en-US | Enable Item Charge Assignment |
it-CH | Abilita Assegnazione addebito articolo |
it-IT | Abilita Assegnazione addebito articolo |
nb-NO | Aktiver varegebyrtilordning |
nl-BE | Toewijzing van artikelkosten inschakelen |
nl-NL | Toewijzing van artikelkosten inschakelen |
sv-SE | Aktivera tilldelning av artikelomkostnad |
Suggest Default Charac. (65
If active, Suggest the Default Characteristics for each level.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Standardegenskaber underniveauer |
de-AT | Funktionen von Standard-Subebenen |
de-CH | Funktionen von Standard-Subebenen |
de-DE | Funktionen von Standard-Subebenen |
es-ES | Subniveles de características predeterminadas |
es-MX | Subniveles de características predeterminadas |
fi-FI | Oletusominaisuuksien alitasot |
fr-BE | Sous-niveaux caractéristiques par défaut |
fr-CA | Sous-niveaux caractéristiques par défaut |
fr-CH | Sous-niveaux caractéristiques par défaut |
fr-FR | Sous-niveaux caractéristiques par défaut |
en-US | Default Characteristics Sublevels |
it-CH | Caratteristiche di Default Sottolivelli |
it-IT | Caratteristiche di Default Sottolivelli |
nb-NO | Undernivåer for standardegenskaper |
nl-BE | Standaardkenmerken Subniveaus |
nl-NL | Standaardkenmerken Subniveaus |
sv-SE | Standardegenskaper Undernivåer |
Enable Charac. Validation Mgt. (66
Pending: Use “Default Configuration” instead. (24.0)If enabled, it allows to define the validation for the characteristics value, using the flag “Disable Validation” in the item default characteristics and in the rule characteristics.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Aktivieren der Verwaltung der Merkmalsvalidierung |
de-CH | Aktivieren der Verwaltung der Merkmalsvalidierung |
de-DE | Aktivieren der Verwaltung der Merkmalsvalidierung |
en-US | Enable Characteristics Validation Management |
it-CH | Abilita la gestione della validazione delle caratteristiche |
it-IT | Abilita la gestione della validazione delle caratteristiche |
External Configuration Nos. (70
TableRelation: "No. Series"
“External Configuration Nos.” contains the no. serires of the external configuration.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Eksterne konfigurationsnr. |
de-AT | Externe Konfiguration Nr. |
de-CH | Externe Konfiguration Nr. |
de-DE | Externe Konfiguration Nr. |
es-ES | Configuración externa Nos. |
es-MX | Configuración externa Nos. |
fi-FI | Ulkoiset kokoonpanonumerot. |
fr-BE | N° de configuration externe |
fr-CA | N° de configuration externe |
fr-CH | N° de configuration externe |
fr-FR | N° de configuration externe |
en-US | External Configuration Nos. |
it-CH | Nr. configurazione esterna |
it-IT | Nr. configurazione esterna |
nb-NO | Eksterne konfigurasjonsnr. |
nl-BE | Externe configuratie nrs. |
nl-NL | Externe configuratie nrs. |
sv-SE | Externa konfigurationsnummer. |
Versions Mgmt. Rtng. Config. (75
“Versions Mgmt. Rtng. Config.” contains whether or not to activate the management of versions in routing configuration.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Administration af versioner i routingkonfiguration |
de-AT | Versionsverwaltung in der Routingkonfiguration |
de-CH | Versionsverwaltung in der Routingkonfiguration |
de-DE | Versionsverwaltung in der Routingkonfiguration |
es-ES | Administración de versiones en la configuración de enrutamiento |
es-MX | Administración de versiones en la configuración de enrutamiento |
fi-FI | Versioiden hallinta reititysmäärityksessä |
fr-BE | Gestion des versions dans la configuration du routage |
fr-CA | Gestion des versions dans la configuration du routage |
fr-CH | Gestion des versions dans la configuration du routage |
fr-FR | Gestion des versions dans la configuration du routage |
en-US | Versions Management in Routing Configuration |
it-CH | Gestione Versioni nella configurazione del Ciclo |
it-IT | Gestione Versioni nella configurazione del Ciclo |
nb-NO | Administrasjon av versjoner i rutingkonfigurasjon |
nl-BE | Versiebeheer in Routeringsconfiguratie |
nl-NL | Versiebeheer in Routeringsconfiguratie |
sv-SE | Versionshantering i routningskonfiguration |
View Document Details (76
“View Document Details” sets as visible the details of document in Page “Configurator Lines”.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Dokumentendetails anzeigen |
de-CH | Dokumentendetails anzeigen |
de-DE | Dokumentendetails anzeigen |
en-US | View Document Details |
it-CH | Visualizza Dettagli Documento |
it-IT | Visualizza Dettagli Documento |
Create Sales Line (80
“Create Sales Line” enables the creation of sales lines from Prod. BOM lines after item configuration.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Stücklistenpositionen im Verkaufsbeleg anlegen |
de-CH | Stücklistenpositionen im Verkaufsbeleg anlegen |
de-DE | Stücklistenpositionen im Verkaufsbeleg anlegen |
en-US | Create BOM Lines in Sales Document |
it-CH | Crea Righe DB sul Documento di Vendita |
it-IT | Crea Righe DB sul Documento di Vendita |
Create Purch. Line (81
“Create Purchase Line” enables the creation of purchase lines from Prod. BOM lines after item configuration.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Stücklistenpositionen im Einkaufsbeleg anlegen |
de-CH | Stücklistenpositionen im Einkaufsbeleg anlegen |
de-DE | Stücklistenpositionen im Einkaufsbeleg anlegen |
en-US | Create BOM Lines in Purchase Document |
it-CH | Crea Righe DB sul Documento di Acquisto |
it-IT | Crea Righe DB sul Documento di Acquisto |
Price Calc. Method (82
Enum "EOS028 CFG Price Calc. Method"
“Price Calc. Method” specifies how to set the Unit Price on Order lines, created from Production BOM Lines.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Methode der Preisberechnung |
de-CH | Methode der Preisberechnung |
de-DE | Methode der Preisberechnung |
en-US | Price Calc. Method |
it-CH | Metodo Calcolo Prezzo |
it-IT | Metodo Calcolo Prezzo |
Enable Adv. Neut. Mgt. (83
“Enable Adv. Neut. Mgt” allows the user to specify a range of Characteristic Values for the neutral to fix rules
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Erweiterte neutrale Regelverwaltung aktivieren |
de-CH | Erweiterte neutrale Regelverwaltung aktivieren |
de-DE | Erweiterte neutrale Regelverwaltung aktivieren |
en-US | Enable Advanced Neutral Rules Management |
it-CH | Abilita la gestione avanzata delle regole neutri |
it-IT | Abilita la gestione avanzata delle regole neutri |
Change to Comment Line (84
Changes the Document Line of Configured Item to comment, after the creation of document lines from BOM lines.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | In Kommentarzeile ändern |
de-CH | In Kommentarzeile ändern |
de-DE | In Kommentarzeile ändern |
en-US | Change to Comment Line |
it-CH | Cambia in Riga Commento |
it-IT | Cambia in Riga Commento |
Enable Check On First Level (85
Enables the checking of mandatory values only on the first level, if the neutral item already exists. It only works with “Enable BOM Reconfiguration” disabled.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Aktivér kontrol på første niveau i omkonfiguration |
de-AT | Aktivieren Sie die Prüfung auf der ersten Ebene in der Neukonfiguration |
de-CH | Aktivieren Sie die Prüfung auf der ersten Ebene in der Neukonfiguration |
de-DE | Aktivieren Sie die Prüfung auf der ersten Ebene in der Neukonfiguration |
es-ES | Habilitar el control sobre el primer nivel en la reconfiguración |
es-MX | Habilitar el control sobre el primer nivel en la reconfiguración |
fi-FI | Ota käyttöön tarkistus ensimmäisellä tasolla uudelleenmäärityksessä |
fr-BE | Activer la vérification au premier niveau lors de la reconfiguration |
fr-CA | Activer la vérification au premier niveau lors de la reconfiguration |
fr-CH | Activer la vérification au premier niveau lors de la reconfiguration |
fr-FR | Activer la vérification au premier niveau lors de la reconfiguration |
en-US | Enable Check On First Level In Reconfiguration |
it-CH | Abilita controllo sul Primo Livello nella Riconfigurazione |
it-IT | Abilita controllo sul Primo Livello nella Riconfigurazione |
nb-NO | Aktiver kontroll på første nivå i rekonfigurasjon |
nl-BE | Controle op eerste niveau inschakelen bij herconfiguratie |
nl-NL | Controle op eerste niveau inschakelen bij herconfiguratie |
sv-SE | Aktivera Check On First Level i omkonfiguration |
Enable Relations Calc. Type (86
Enables in rule relations the field “Relations Calculation Type”, to specify when to execute relations for the first level.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Beziehungsberechnungstyp aktivieren |
de-CH | Beziehungsberechnungstyp aktivieren |
de-DE | Beziehungsberechnungstyp aktivieren |
en-US | Enable Relations Calculation Type |
it-CH | Abilita Tipo Calcolo Relazioni |
it-IT | Abilita Tipo Calcolo Relazioni |
Enable Condition Charac Filter (87
Enable Filter Characteristics on Relations with Condition.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bedingungsmerkmalsfilter aktivieren |
de-CH | Bedingungsmerkmalsfilter aktivieren |
de-DE | Bedingungsmerkmalsfilter aktivieren |
en-US | Enable Condition Characteristics Filter |
it-CH | Abilita Filtro Caratteristiche Condizione |
it-IT | Abilita Filtro Caratteristiche Condizione |
Price Calc. Type (88
Enum "EOS028 CFG Price Calc Type"
“Price Calc.Type” specifies when to calculate price and surcharge (not work for optional).
Language | Caption |
en-US | Price Calc. Method |
it-CH | Metodo Calcolo Prezzo |
it-IT | Metodo Calcolo Prezzo |
Enable Surch Type Charac Value (91
Enable fields “Surcharge Type” and “Surcharge No” in Characteristic Values.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zuschlagsart in Merkmalswerten aktivieren |
de-CH | Zuschlagsart in Merkmalswerten aktivieren |
de-DE | Zuschlagsart in Merkmalswerten aktivieren |
en-US | Enable Surcharge Type in Characteristic Values |
it-CH | Abilita Tipo Maggiorazione nei valori caratteristica |
it-IT | Abilita Tipo Maggiorazione nei valori caratteristica |
Enable Price Origin (92
Enable the calculation of price from the origin specified in the Prices Matrix.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Preisherkunft aktivieren |
de-CH | Preisherkunft aktivieren |
de-DE | Preisherkunft aktivieren |
en-US | Enable Price Origin |
it-CH | Abilita Origine Prezzo |
it-IT | Abilita Origine Prezzo |
Inherit NotEditable ItemCharac (93
If enabled, the Characteristic Line is not editable during the configuration if the flag is true in Item Characteristics.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Standard Artikelmerkmal nicht editierbar aktivieren |
de-CH | Standard Artikelmerkmal nicht editierbar aktivieren |
de-DE | Standard Artikelmerkmal nicht editierbar aktivieren |
en-US | Inherits Not Editable From Item Characteristics |
it-CH | Eredita Non Editabile dalle Caratteristiche Articolo |
it-IT | Eredita Non Editabile dalle Caratteristiche Articolo |
Enable Prod. BOM/Routing SKU (100
If enabled, use in the production order the production BOM/routing of the stockkeepingunit, created for variant and location.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Produktionsstücklisten-/Arbeitsplan-SKU aktivieren |
de-CH | Produktionsstücklisten-/Arbeitsplan-SKU aktivieren |
de-DE | Produktionsstücklisten-/Arbeitsplan-SKU aktivieren |
en-US | Enable Production BOM/Routing SKU |
it-CH | Abilita DB di produzione/cicli SKU |
it-IT | Abilita DB di produzione/cicli SKU |
Enable SKU Creation (101
If enabled, automatically create stockkeeping unit for variant and location after configuration.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | SKU-Erstellung aktivieren |
de-CH | SKU-Erstellung aktivieren |
de-DE | SKU-Erstellung aktivieren |
en-US | Enable SKU Creation |
it-CH | Abilita Creazione SKU |
it-IT | Abilita Creazione SKU |
Location Filter (102
Indicates location filter to apply on SKU creation after configuration.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Standort-Filter |
de-CH | Standort-Filter |
de-DE | Standort-Filter |
en-US | Location Filter |
it-CH | Filtro Ubicazioni |
it-IT | Filtro Ubicazioni |
Replace Previous SKUs (103
If enabled, delete and recreate stockkeeping units for variant and location after configuration.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Ältere SKUs ersetzen |
de-CH | Ältere SKUs ersetzen |
de-DE | Ältere SKUs ersetzen |
en-US | Replace Previous SKUs |
it-CH | Sostituisci SKU precedenti |
it-IT | Sostituisci SKU precedenti |
Sharepoint File Naming Engine (104
Enum "EOS028 CFG SP File Engine"
If select “Unique File Name Mgt.” engine, File name will be generated with Guid. If select Clean engine, File name will be handled by Cleaning tools and clear old data.
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Sharepoint-Dateibenennungsmodul |
de-CH | Sharepoint-Dateibenennungsmodul |
de-DE | Sharepoint-Dateibenennungsmodul |
en-US | Sharepoint File Naming Engine |
it-CH | Tecnica di Assegnazione del Nome al File Sharepoint |
it-IT | Tecnica di Assegnazione del Nome al File Sharepoint |
Set Item Price from Config. (105
If enabled, the price calculated on configuration will be set on item (only for first level).
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Artikelpreis aus Konfiguration festlegen |
de-CH | Artikelpreis aus Konfiguration festlegen |
de-DE | Artikelpreis aus Konfiguration festlegen |
en-US | Set Item Price from Configuration |
it-CH | Imposta il prezzo dell’articolo dalla configurazione |
it-IT | Imposta il prezzo dell’articolo dalla configurazione |
Suspend Rule Status Check (106
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Statusüberprüfung der Regel anhalten |
en-US | Suspend Rule Status Check |
it-IT | Sospendi controllo dello stato della regola |
Cache check frequency (500
enum "EOS028 CFG Cache Check Freq."
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Häufigkeit der Cache-Überprüfung |
de-CH | Häufigkeit der Cache-Überprüfung |
de-DE | Häufigkeit der Cache-Überprüfung |
en-US | Cache check frequency |
it-CH | Frequenza di controllo della cache |
it-IT | Frequenza di controllo della cache |
procedure GetSetup()
This procedure gets configurator setup.
procedure InsertSetupWizard()
This procedure initializes the app with test data.
procedure SetDefaultOnCFGSetup()
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