Table 18091294 EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule Import

Table 18091294 EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule Import

de-ATNeutrale Regel für den Paketimport
de-CHNeutrale Regel für den Paketimport
de-DENeutrale Regel für den Paketimport
en-USNeutral Rule for Package Import
it-CHRegola Neutri per Importazione Pacchetti
it-ITRegola Neutri per Importazione Pacchetti


Neutral Item No. (1)


TableRelation: Item

“Neutral Item No.” from which the configuration starts.

de-ATNeutraler Artikel Nr.
de-CHNeutraler Artikel Nr.
de-DENeutraler Artikel Nr.
en-USNeutral Item No.
it-CHNr. articolo neutro
it-ITNr. articolo neutro

Fix Item No. (10)


TableRelation: Item

“Fix Item No.” contains the item no. for the current combination of characteristics for the current neutral item.

de-ATFix Artikel Nr.
de-CHFix Artikel Nr.
de-DEFix Artikel Nr.
en-USFix Item No.
it-CHCodice articolo puntuale
it-ITCodice articolo puntuale

Neutral Item Description (11)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup(Item.Description where("No." = field("Neutral Item No.")))

“Neutral Item No.” contains the description of the current neutral item.

de-ATNeutrale Artikelbeschreibung
de-CHNeutrale Artikelbeschreibung
de-DENeutrale Artikelbeschreibung
en-USNeutral Item Description
it-CHDescrizione articolo neutro
it-ITDescrizione articolo neutro

Fix Item Description (12)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup(Item.Description where("No." = field("Fix Item No.")))

“Fix Item Description” contains the description of fix item no.

en-USFix Item Description
it-CHDescrizione articolo puntuale
it-ITDescrizione articolo puntuale

Variant Description (13)


“Key Code” contains the description for the specific configuration.

en-USVariant Description
it-CHDescrizione caratteristica
it-ITDescrizione caratteristica

Characteristic Code 1 (14)


TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code

“Characteristic Code 1” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmal Code 1
de-CHMerkmal Code 1
de-DEMerkmal Code 1
en-USCharacteristic Code 1
it-CHCodice caratteristica 1
it-ITCodice caratteristica 1

Characteristic Value 1 (15)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 1" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 1"))

“Characteristic Value 1” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmalswert 1
de-CHMerkmalswert 1
de-DEMerkmalswert 1
en-USCharacteristic Value 1
it-CHValore caratteristica 1
it-ITValore caratteristica 1

Characteristic Code 2 (16)


TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code

“Characteristic Code 2” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmal Code 2
de-CHMerkmal Code 2
de-DEMerkmal Code 2
en-USCharacteristic Code 2
it-CHCodice caratteristica 2
it-ITCodice caratteristica 2

Characteristic Value 2 (17)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 2" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 2"))

“Characteristic Value 2” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmalswert 2
de-CHMerkmalswert 2
de-DEMerkmalswert 2
en-USCharacteristic Value 2
it-CHValore caratteristica 2
it-ITValore caratteristica 2

Characteristic Code 3 (18)


TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code

“Characteristic Code 3” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmal Code 3
de-CHMerkmal Code 3
de-DEMerkmal Code 3
en-USCharacteristic Code 3
it-CHCodice caratteristica 3
it-ITCodice caratteristica 3

Characteristic Value 3 (19)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 3" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 3"))

“Characteristic Value 3” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmalswert 3
de-CHMerkmalswert 3
de-DEMerkmalswert 3
en-USCharacteristic Value 3
it-CHValore caratteristica 3
it-ITValore caratteristica 3

Characteristic Code 4 (20)


TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code

“Characteristic Code 4” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmal Code 4
de-CHMerkmal Code 4
de-DEMerkmal Code 4
en-USCharacteristic Code 4
it-CHCodice caratteristica 4
it-ITCodice caratteristica 4

Characteristic Value 4 (21)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 4" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 4"))

“Characteristic Value 4” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmalswert 4
de-CHMerkmalswert 4
de-DEMerkmalswert 4
en-USCharacteristic Value 4
it-CHValore caratteristica 4
it-ITValore caratteristica 4

Characteristic Code 5 (22)


TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code

“Characteristic Code 5” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmal Code 5
de-CHMerkmal Code 5
de-DEMerkmal Code 5
en-USCharacteristic Code 5
it-CHCodice caratteristica 5
it-ITCodice caratteristica 5

Characteristic Value 5 (23)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 5" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 5"))

“Characteristic Value 5” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmalswert 5
de-CHMerkmalswert 5
de-DEMerkmalswert 5
en-USCharacteristic Value 5
it-CHValore caratteristica 5
it-ITValore caratteristica 5

Characteristic Code 6 (24)


TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code

“Characteristic Code 6” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmal Code 6
de-CHMerkmal Code 6
de-DEMerkmal Code 6
en-USCharacteristic Code 6
it-CHCodice caratteristica 6
it-ITCodice caratteristica 6

Characteristic Value 6 (25)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 6" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 6"))

“Characteristic Value 6” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmalswert 6
de-CHMerkmalswert 6
de-DEMerkmalswert 6
en-USCharacteristic Value 6
it-CHValore caratteristica 6
it-ITValore caratteristica 6

Characteristic Code 7 (26)


TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code

“Characteristic Code 7” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmal Code 7
de-CHMerkmal Code 7
de-DEMerkmal Code 7
en-USCharacteristic Code 7
it-CHCodice caratteristica 7
it-ITCodice caratteristica 7

Characteristic Value 7 (27)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 7" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 7"))

“Characteristic Value 7” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmalswert 7
de-CHMerkmalswert 7
de-DEMerkmalswert 7
en-USCharacteristic Value 7
it-CHValore caratteristica 7
it-ITValore caratteristica 7

Characteristic Code 8 (28)


TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code

“Characteristic Code 8” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmal Code 8
de-CHMerkmal Code 8
de-DEMerkmal Code 8
en-USCharacteristic Code 8
it-CHCodice caratteristica 8
it-ITCodice caratteristica 8

Characteristic Value 8 (29)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 8" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 8"))

“Characteristic Value 8” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmalswert 8
de-CHMerkmalswert 8
de-DEMerkmalswert 8
en-USCharacteristic Value 8
it-CHValore caratteristica 8
it-ITValore caratteristica 8

Characteristic Code 9 (30)


TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code

“Characteristic Code 9” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmal Code 9
de-CHMerkmal Code 9
de-DEMerkmal Code 9
en-USCharacteristic Code 9
it-CHCodice caratteristica 9
it-ITCodice caratteristica 9

Characteristic Value 9 (31)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 9" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 9"))

“Characteristic Value 9” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmalswert 9
de-CHMerkmalswert 9
de-DEMerkmalswert 9
en-USCharacteristic Value 9
it-CHValore caratteristica 9
it-ITValore caratteristica 9

Characteristic Code 10 (32)


TableRelation: "EOS028 CFG Characteristic".Code

“Characteristic Code 10” contains the code of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmal Code 10
de-CHMerkmal Code 10
de-DEMerkmal Code 10
en-USCharacteristic Code 10
it-CHCodice caratteristica 10
it-ITCodice caratteristica 10

Characteristic Value 10 (33)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 10" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 10"))

“Characteristic Value 10” contains the value of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATMerkmalswert 10
de-CHMerkmalswert 10
de-DEMerkmalswert 10
en-USCharacteristic Value 10
it-CHValore caratteristica 10
it-ITValore caratteristica 10

Decoding Type 1 (34)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 1")))

Structure (0) , Measure (1)

“Decoding Type 1” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATDekodierung Typ 1
de-CHDekodierung Typ 1
de-DEDekodierung Typ 1
en-USDecoding Type 1
it-CHTipo decodifica caratteristica 1
it-ITTipo decodifica caratteristica 1

Decoding Type 2 (35)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 2")))

Structure (0) , Measure (1)

“Decoding Type 2” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATDekodierung Typ 2
de-CHDekodierung Typ 2
de-DEDekodierung Typ 2
en-USDecoding Type 2
it-CHTipo decodifica caratteristica 2
it-ITTipo decodifica caratteristica 2

Decoding Type 3 (36)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 3")))

Structure (0) , Measure (1)

“Decoding Type 3” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATDekodierung Typ 3
de-CHDekodierung Typ 3
de-DEDekodierung Typ 3
en-USDecoding Type 3
it-CHTipo decodifica caratteristica 3
it-ITTipo decodifica caratteristica 3

Decoding Type 4 (37)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 4")))

Structure (0) , Measure (1)

“Decoding Type 4” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATDekodierung Typ 4
de-CHDekodierung Typ 4
de-DEDekodierung Typ 4
en-USDecoding Type 4
it-CHTipo decodifica caratteristica 4
it-ITTipo decodifica caratteristica 4

Decoding Type 5 (38)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 5")))

Structure (0) , Measure (1)

“Decoding Type 5” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATDekodierung Typ 5
de-CHDekodierung Typ 5
de-DEDekodierung Typ 5
en-USDecoding Type 5
it-CHTipo decodifica caratteristica 5
it-ITTipo decodifica caratteristica 5

Decoding Type 6 (39)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 6")))

Structure (0) , Measure (1)

“Decoding Type 6” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATDekodierung Typ 6
de-CHDekodierung Typ 6
de-DEDekodierung Typ 6
en-USDecoding Type 6
it-CHTipo decodifica caratteristica 6
it-ITTipo decodifica caratteristica 6

Decoding Type 7 (40)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 7")))

Structure (0) , Measure (1)

“Decoding Type 7” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATDecodierung Typ 7
de-CHDecodierung Typ 7
de-DEDecodierung Typ 7
en-USDecoding Type 7
it-CHTipo decodifica caratteristica 7
it-ITTipo decodifica caratteristica 7

Decoding Type 8 (41)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 8")))

Structure (0) , Measure (1)

“Decoding Type 8” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATDekodierung Typ 8
de-CHDekodierung Typ 8
de-DEDekodierung Typ 8
en-USDecoding Type 8
it-CHTipo decodifica caratteristica 8
it-ITTipo decodifica caratteristica 8

Decoding Type 9 (42)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 9")))

Structure (0) , Measure (1)

“Decoding Type 9” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATDecodierung Typ 9
de-CHDecodierung Typ 9
de-DEDecodierung Typ 9
en-USDecoding Type 9
it-CHTipo decodifica caratteristica 9
it-ITTipo decodifica caratteristica 9

Decoding Type 10 (43)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: lookup("EOS028 CFG Characteristic"."Decoding Type" where(Code = field("Characteristic Code 10")))

Structure (0) , Measure (1)

“Decoding Type 10” contains the decoding type of the characteristic for the search combination of the current neutral item.

de-ATDekodierung Typ 10
de-CHDekodierung Typ 10
de-DEDekodierung Typ 10
en-USDecoding Type 10
it-CHTipo decodifica caratteristica 10
it-ITTipo decodifica caratteristica 10

To Charac. Value 1 (44)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 1" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 1"))

A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.

de-ATBis Merkmalswert 1
de-CHBis Merkmalswert 1
de-DEBis Merkmalswert 1
en-USTo Characteristic Value 1
it-CHA valore caratteristica 1
it-ITA valore caratteristica 1

Numeric Value 1 (45)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 1 is saved if valued.

de-ATNumerischer Merkmalswert 1
de-CHNumerischer Merkmalswert 1
de-DENumerischer Merkmalswert 1
en-USNumeric Characteristic Value 1
it-CHValore numerico caratteristica 1
it-ITValore numerico caratteristica 1

To Numeric Value 1 (46)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 1 is saved if valued.

de-ATBis numerischen Merkmalswert 1
de-CHBis numerischen Merkmalswert 1
de-DEBis numerischen Merkmalswert 1
en-USTo Numeric Characteristic Value 1
it-CHA valore numerico caratteristica 1
it-ITA valore numerico caratteristica 1

To Charac. Value 2 (47)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 2" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 2"))

A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.

de-ATBis Merkmalswert 2
de-CHBis Merkmalswert 2
de-DEBis Merkmalswert 2
en-USTo Characteristic Value 2
it-CHA valore caratteristica 2
it-ITA valore caratteristica 2

Numeric Value 2 (48)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 2 is saved if valued.

de-ATNumerischer Merkmalswert 2
de-CHNumerischer Merkmalswert 2
de-DENumerischer Merkmalswert 2
en-USNumeric Characteristic Value 2
it-CHValore numerico caratteristica 2
it-ITValore numerico caratteristica 2

To Numeric Value 2 (49)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 2 is saved if valued.

de-ATBis numerischen Merkmalswert 2
de-CHBis numerischen Merkmalswert 2
de-DEBis numerischen Merkmalswert 2
en-USTo Numeric Characteristic Value 2
it-CHA valore numerico caratteristica 2
it-ITA valore numerico caratteristica 2

To Charac. Value 3 (50)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 3" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 3"))

A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.

de-ATBis Merkmalswert 3
de-CHBis Merkmalswert 3
de-DEBis Merkmalswert 3
en-USTo Characteristic Value 3
it-CHA valore caratteristica 3
it-ITA valore caratteristica 3

Numeric Value 3 (51)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 3 is saved if valued.

de-ATNumerischer Merkmalswert 3
de-CHNumerischer Merkmalswert 3
de-DENumerischer Merkmalswert 3
en-USNumeric Characteristic Value 3
it-CHValore numerico caratteristica 3
it-ITValore numerico caratteristica 3

To Numeric Value 3 (52)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 3 is saved if valued.

de-ATBis numerischen Merkmalswert 3
de-CHBis numerischen Merkmalswert 3
de-DEBis numerischen Merkmalswert 3
en-USTo Numeric Characteristic Value 3
it-CHA valore numerico caratteristica 3
it-ITA valore numerico caratteristica 3

To Charac. Value 4 (53)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 4" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 4"))

A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.

de-ATBis Merkmalswert 4
de-CHBis Merkmalswert 4
de-DEBis Merkmalswert 4
en-USTo Characteristic Value 4
it-CHA valore caratteristica 4
it-ITA valore caratteristica 4

Numeric Value 4 (54)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 4 is saved if valued.

de-ATNumerischer Merkmalswert 4
de-CHNumerischer Merkmalswert 4
de-DENumerischer Merkmalswert 4
en-USNumeric Characteristic Value 4
it-CHValore numerico caratteristica 4
it-ITValore numerico caratteristica 4

To Numeric Value 4 (55)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 4 is saved if valued.

de-ATBis numerischen Merkmalswert 4
de-CHBis numerischen Merkmalswert 4
de-DEBis numerischen Merkmalswert 4
en-USTo Numeric Characteristic Value 4
it-CHA valore numerico caratteristica 4
it-ITA valore numerico caratteristica 4

To Charac. Value 5 (56)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 5" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 5"))

A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.

de-ATBis Merkmalswert 5
de-CHBis Merkmalswert 5
de-DEBis Merkmalswert 5
en-USTo Characteristic Value 5
it-CHA valore caratteristica 5
it-ITA valore caratteristica 5

Numeric Value 5 (57)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 5 is saved if valued.

de-ATNumerischer Merkmalswert 5
de-CHNumerischer Merkmalswert 5
de-DENumerischer Merkmalswert 5
en-USNumeric Characteristic Value 5
it-CHValore numerico caratteristica 5
it-ITValore numerico caratteristica 5

To Numeric Value 5 (58)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 5 is saved if valued.

de-ATBis numerischen Merkmalswert 5
de-CHBis numerischen Merkmalswert 5
de-DEBis numerischen Merkmalswert 5
en-USTo Numeric Characteristic Value 5
it-CHA valore numerico caratteristica 5
it-ITA valore numerico caratteristica 5

To Charac. Value 6 (59)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 6" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 6"))

A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.

de-ATBis Merkmalswert 6
de-CHBis Merkmalswert 6
de-DEBis Merkmalswert 6
en-USTo Characteristic Value 6
it-CHA valore caratteristica 6
it-ITA valore caratteristica 6

Numeric Value 6 (60)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 6 is saved if valued.

de-ATNumerischer Merkmalswert 6
de-CHNumerischer Merkmalswert 6
de-DENumerischer Merkmalswert 6
en-USNumeric Characteristic Value 6
it-CHValore numerico caratteristica 6
it-ITValore numerico caratteristica 6

To Numeric Value 6 (61)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 6 is saved if valued.

de-ATBis numerischen Merkmalswert 6
de-CHBis numerischen Merkmalswert 6
de-DEBis numerischen Merkmalswert 6
en-USTo Numeric Characteristic Value 6
it-CHA valore numerico caratteristica 6
it-ITA valore numerico caratteristica 6

To Charac. Value 7 (62)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 7" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 7"))

A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.

de-ATBis Merkmalswert 7
de-CHBis Merkmalswert 7
de-DEBis Merkmalswert 7
en-USTo Characteristic Value 7
it-CHA valore caratteristica 7
it-ITA valore caratteristica 7

Numeric Value 7 (63)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 7 is saved if valued.

de-ATNumerischer Merkmalswert 7
de-CHNumerischer Merkmalswert 7
de-DENumerischer Merkmalswert 7
en-USNumeric Characteristic Value 7
it-CHValore numerico caratteristica 7
it-ITValore numerico caratteristica 7

To Numeric Value 7 (64)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 7 is saved if valued.

de-ATBis numerischen Merkmalswert 7
de-CHBis numerischen Merkmalswert 7
de-DEBis numerischen Merkmalswert 7
en-USTo Numeric Characteristic Value 7
it-CHA valore numerico caratteristica 7
it-ITA valore numerico caratteristica 7

To Charac. Value 8 (65)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 8" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 8"))

A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.

de-ATBis Merkmalswert 8
de-CHBis Merkmalswert 8
de-DEBis Merkmalswert 8
en-USTo Characteristic Value 8
it-CHA valore caratteristica 8
it-ITA valore caratteristica 8

Numeric Value 8 (66)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 8 is saved if valued.

de-ATNumerischer Merkmalswert 8
de-CHNumerischer Merkmalswert 8
de-DENumerischer Merkmalswert 8
en-USNumeric Characteristic Value 8
it-CHValore numerico caratteristica 8
it-ITValore numerico caratteristica 8

To Numeric Value 8 (67)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 8 is saved if valued.

de-ATBis numerischen Merkmalswert 8
de-CHBis numerischen Merkmalswert 8
de-DEBis numerischen Merkmalswert 8
en-USTo Numeric Characteristic Value 8
it-CHA valore numerico caratteristica 8
it-ITA valore numerico caratteristica 8

To Charac. Value 9 (68)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 9" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 9"))

A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.

de-ATBis Merkmalswert 9
de-CHBis Merkmalswert 9
de-DEBis Merkmalswert 9
en-USTo Characteristic Value 9
it-CHA valore caratteristica 9
it-ITA valore caratteristica 9

Numeric Value 9 (69)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 9 is saved if valued.

de-ATNumerischer Merkmalswert 9
de-CHNumerischer Merkmalswert 9
de-DENumerischer Merkmalswert 9
en-USNumeric Characteristic Value 9
it-CHValore numerico caratteristica 9
it-ITValore numerico caratteristica 9

To Numeric Value 9 (70)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 9 is saved if valued.

de-ATBis numerischen Merkmalswert 9
de-CHBis numerischen Merkmalswert 9
de-DEBis numerischen Merkmalswert 9
en-USTo Numeric Characteristic Value 9
it-CHA valore numerico caratteristica 9
it-ITA valore numerico caratteristica 9

To Charac. Value 10 (71)


TableRelation: if ("Decoding Type 10" = const(Structure)) "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value".Code where("Characteristic Code" = field("Characteristic Code 10"))

A limit can be indicated for which the current item is valid.

de-ATBis Merkmalswert 10
de-CHBis Merkmalswert 10
de-DEBis Merkmalswert 10
en-USTo Characteristic Value 10
it-CHA valore caratteristica 10
it-ITA valore caratteristica 10

Numeric Value 10 (72)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 10 is saved if valued.

de-ATNumerischer Merkmalswert 10
de-CHNumerischer Merkmalswert 10
de-DENumerischer Merkmalswert 10
en-USNumeric Characteristic Value 10
it-CHValore numerico caratteristica 10
it-ITValore numerico caratteristica 10

To Numeric Value 10 (73)


In this field the value of the numerical limit for the characteristic 10 is saved if valued.

de-ATBis numerischen Merkmalswert 10
de-CHBis numerischen Merkmalswert 10
de-DEBis numerischen Merkmalswert 10
en-USTo Numeric Characteristic Value 10
it-CHA valore numerico caratteristica 10
it-ITA valore numerico caratteristica 10

Entry No. (100)


Entry No. for package import neutral rule

en-USEntry No.
it-CHNr. Movimento
it-ITNr. Movimento

EOS Labs -