TableExtension 37 Sales Line

TableExtension 18091262 EOS028 TableExt 18091262


EOS Ref. Surcharge Line No. (18091264)


“EOS Ref. Surcharge Line No.” contains the line number of the item configured to maintain a link with its accessory lines (surcharges, optional).

EOS Quantity BOM Line (18091265)


“EOS Quantity BOM Line” contains the quantity of the Prod. BOM Line, that created the sales line.

EOS Unconfirmed Charac. (18091288)


FieldClass: FlowField

CalcFormula: exist("EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac." where("Source Type" = const(Sales), "Document Type" = field("Document Type"), "Document No." = field("Document No."), "Line No." = field("Line No.")))

If the configurator is used in lite mode, this field expresses whether the user using the configurator has already responded to the characteristics, which must be confirmed by the user who has complete privileges for using the configurator, giving life to everything the configuration cycle (item, variants, bill of materials and routings).



procedure EOSCFG_UpdateAttachedLines()

This procedure update all attached lines linked by “EOS Ref. Surcharge Line No.” field for a specifi configuration (surcharge or optional line for example).


procedure EOSCFG_ShowItemVariantCharac()

This procedure open “EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac” records from specific configuration.


procedure EOSCFG_ShowDocLineCharac()

This procedure open “EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac.” records from specific configuration (if Product Configurator is in “Lite Mode”).


procedure EOSCFG_CheckAttachedLines()

This procedure check if rec line is an attached type line. In this case the line cannot be changed and this procedure returns an error.


procedure EOSCFG_CheckAttachedLinesOnDelete()

This procedure check if rec line is an attached type line. In this case the line cannot be deleted and this procedure returns an error unless it’s active by code “Force Mode”.


procedure EOSCFG_OpenProductConfigurator()

This procedure open Product Configurator from “Sales Line” from code.


procedure EOSCFG_IsConfigurable(): Boolean

This procedure get if item in “Sales Line” is configurable or not.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    If true Item is configurable. If not Item isn’t configurable


procedure EOSCFG_SetForceDelete(NewForceDelete: Boolean)

This procedure sets the forcing mode for delete attached lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewForceDelete Boolean


procedure EOSCFG_OpenStructure()

This procedure open structure from specific configuration.


procedure EOSCFG_Configurator()

This procedure open Product Configurator from “Sales Line” from action.



local procedure OnBeforeUpdateAttachedLines("Document No.": Code[20]; "Line No.": Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This procedure allows to skip the update of all optional lines before changing quantity.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Document No. Code[20]

    “Document No.” it’s the document number of the sales line

  • Line No. Integer

    “Line No.” it’s the line number of the sales line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    “IsHandled” If true the procedure stop


local procedure OnBeforeModifySalesLine_Optional(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; RecSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This procedure allows to skip the update of the single optional line before changing quantity.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Sales line to modify

  • RecSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Record Sales Line to copy “Quantity” and “Line Discount %”

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the update of the Sales line


local procedure EOSCFG_OnBeforeMakeLineSalesOnOpenProductConfigurator(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure EOSCFG_OnBeforeOpenProductConfiguratorFromAction(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before open the product configurator from the action.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Current Sales Line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, doesn’t run Product Configurator


local procedure EOSCFG_OnBeforeOpenProductConfiguratorFromCode(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before open the product configurator from validation of Item No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Current Sales Line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, doesn’t run Product Configurator

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