Report 18006565 EOS Calculate Vendor Rating

Report 18006565 EOS Calculate Vendor Rating

da-DKBeregn kreditorvurdering (PQA)
de-ATBerechnen der Kreditorenbewertung (PQA)
de-CHBerechnen der Kreditorenbewertung (PQA)
de-DEBerechnen der Kreditorenbewertung (PQA)
es-ESCalcular la calificación de proveedor (PQA)
es-MXCalcular la calificación de proveedor (PQA)
fi-FILaske toimittajan luokitus (PQA)
fr-BECalculer la cote du fournisseur (PQA)
fr-CACalculer la cote du fournisseur (PQA)
fr-CHCalculer la cote du fournisseur (PQA)
fr-FRCalculer la cote du fournisseur (PQA)
en-USCalculate Vendor Rating (PQA)
it-CHCalcola Valutazione Acquisti (PQA)
it-ITCalcola Valutazione Acquisti (PQA)
nb-NOBeregne leverandørvurdering (PQA)
nl-BELeveranciersbeoordeling berekenen (PQA)
nl-NLLeveranciersbeoordeling berekenen (PQA)
sv-SEBeräkna leverantörsklassificering (PQA)



local procedure OnBeforeInsertVendorRatingEntry(var VendorRatingEntry: Record "EOS Vendor Rating Entry"; PurchRcptLine: Record "Purch. Rcpt. Line")

Raised before creating the Vendor Rating Entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorRatingEntry Record "EOS Vendor Rating Entry"

    Vendor Rating Entry to insert

  • PurchRcptLine Record "Purch. Rcpt. Line"

    Current Purch. Rcpt. Line


local procedure OnBeforeCalcVendorTotalScore(var VendorRatingEntry: Record "EOS Vendor Rating Entry"; PurchRcptLine: Record "Purch. Rcpt. Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before calculating the Vendor Total Score and before creating the Vendor Rating Entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorRatingEntry Record "EOS Vendor Rating Entry"

    Vendor Rating Entry to modify

  • PurchRcptLine Record "Purch. Rcpt. Line"

    Current Purch. Rcpt. Line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the standard calculation method.

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