TableExtension 5766 Warehouse Activity Header
TableExtension 18060024 EOSTableExt18060024
EOS WMS Employee No. Filter (18060010
FieldClass: FlowFilter
EOS WMS Activity Type Filter (18060011
Enum "EOS089 WMS Activity Type"
FieldClass: FlowFilter
EOS WMS Line Exists (18060012
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: exist("Warehouse Activity Line" where("Activity Type" = field("EOS WMS Whse. Act. Type Filter"), "No." = field("No."), "Location Code" = field("Location Filter"), "Action Type" = const(Place)))
EOS WMS Source Scans Exists (18060013
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: exist("EOS089 WMS Source Scan" where("Activity Type" = filter("Put-Away" | "Picking" | "InvtMovement"), "Source Subtype" = const("0"), "Source ID" = field("No.")))
EOS WMS Source Scan Id (18060014
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup("EOS089 WMS Source Scan"."Scan Id" where("Activity Type" = filter("Put-Away" | "Picking" | "InvtMovement"), "Source Subtype" = const("0"), "Source ID" = field("No.")))
EOS WMS Pending Activities (18060015
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: exist("EOS089 WMS Activity Entry" where("Activity Type" = filter("Put-Away" | "Picking" | "InvtMovement"), "Source Subtype" = const("0"), "Source Id" = field("No."), Status = filter(" " | "In Progress")))
EOS WMS Whse. Act. Type Filter (18060017
Enum "Warehouse Activity Type"
FieldClass: FlowFilter
EOS WMS Take Lines Count (18060018
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count("Warehouse Activity Line" where("Activity Type" = field(Type), "No." = field("No."), "Action Type" = const(Take)))
EOS WMS Place Lines Count (18060019
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count("Warehouse Activity Line" where("Activity Type" = field(Type), "No." = field("No."), "Action Type" = const(Place)))
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