Page 18060386 EOS014 Posted Billing Note

Page 18060386 EOS014 Posted Billing Note

en-USPosted Billing Note
it-ITDettagli notula registrata



local procedure OnBeforeRelease(var Rec: Record "EOS014 Billing Note"; var Handled: Boolean)

Triggered before the document is released. If the event is handled, the standard release process is not executed.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS014 Billing Note"

    The record that is about to be released.

  • Handled Boolean

    Set to true to prevent the standard release process from executing.


local procedure OnAfterRelease(var Rec: Record "EOS014 Billing Note")

Triggered after the document is released.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS014 Billing Note"

    The record that has been released.


local procedure OnBeforeReopen(var Rec: Record "EOS014 Billing Note"; var Handled: Boolean)

Triggered before the document is reopened. If the event is handled, the standard reopen process is not executed.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS014 Billing Note"

    The record that is about to be reopened.

  • Handled Boolean

    Set to true to prevent the standard reopen process from executing.

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