Table 18091206 EOS IPL Template Line
Table 18091206 EOS IPL Template Line
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zahlplanvorlagenzeile |
de-CH | Zahlplanvorlagenzeile |
de-DE | Zahlplanvorlagenzeile |
en-AU | Invoice plan template Line |
en-CA | Invoice plan template Line |
en-GB | Invoice plan template Line |
en-NZ | Invoice plan template Line |
en-US | Invoice plan template Line |
it-CH | Riga modello piano fatturazione |
it-IT | Riga modello piano fatturazione |
Invoice Plan Template Code (5
TableRelation: "EOS IPL Template Header"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zahlplanvorlagencode |
de-CH | Zahlplanvorlagencode |
de-DE | Zahlplanvorlagencode |
en-AU | Payment Plan Template Code |
en-CA | Payment Plan Template Code |
en-GB | Payment Plan Template Code |
en-NZ | Payment Plan Template Code |
en-US | Payment Plan Template Code |
it-CH | Codice Modello Piano Pagamento |
it-IT | Codice Modello Piano Pagamento |
Line No. (10
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zeilennr. |
de-CH | Zeilennr. |
de-DE | Zeilennr. |
en-AU | Line No. |
en-CA | Line No. |
en-GB | Line No. |
en-NZ | Line No. |
en-US | Line No. |
it-CH | Nr. riga |
it-IT | Nr. riga |
Share in % (20
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Anteil in % |
de-CH | Anteil in % |
de-DE | Anteil in % |
en-AU | Share in % |
en-CA | Share in % |
en-GB | Share in % |
en-NZ | Share in % |
en-US | Share in % |
it-CH | Quota in % |
it-IT | Quota in % |
Description (50
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Beschreibung |
de-CH | Beschreibung |
de-DE | Beschreibung |
en-AU | Description |
en-CA | Description |
en-GB | Description |
en-NZ | Description |
en-US | Description |
it-CH | Descrizione |
it-IT | Descrizione |
Text (100
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: exist("EOS IPL Template Text" where("Invoice Plan Template Code" = field("Invoice Plan Template Code"), "Invoice Plan Template Line No." = field("Line No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Text |
de-CH | Text |
de-DE | Text |
en-AU | Text |
en-CA | Text |
en-GB | Text |
en-NZ | Text |
en-US | Text |
it-CH | Testo |
it-IT | Testo |
Invoice Type (130
Enum "EOS IPL Invoice Type"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Rechnungsart |
de-CH | Rechnungsart |
de-DE | Rechnungsart |
en-AU | Invoice Type |
en-CA | Invoice Type |
en-GB | Invoice Type |
en-NZ | Invoice Type |
en-US | Invoice Type |
it-CH | Tipo fattura |
it-IT | Tipo fattura |
Payment Terms Code (150
TableRelation: "Payment Terms"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zlg.-Bedingungscode |
de-CH | Zlg.-Bedingungscode |
de-DE | Zlg.-Bedingungscode |
en-AU | Payment Terms Code |
en-CA | Payment Terms Code |
en-GB | Payment Terms Code |
en-NZ | Payment Terms Code |
en-US | Payment Terms Code |
it-CH | Cod. condizioni pagam. |
it-IT | Cod. condizioni pagam. |
Modified By (1000
TableRelation: "User Setup"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Modified By |
de-CH | Modified By |
de-DE | Modified By |
en-AU | Modified By |
en-CA | Modified By |
en-GB | Modified By |
en-NZ | Modified By |
en-US | Modified By |
it-CH | Modificato Da: |
it-IT | Modificato Da: |
Modified On/At (1010
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Geändert am/um |
de-CH | Geändert am/um |
de-DE | Geändert am/um |
en-AU | Modified On/At |
en-CA | Modified On/At |
en-GB | Modified On/At |
en-NZ | Modified On/At |
en-US | Modified On/At |
it-CH | Modificato il/alle |
it-IT | Modificato il/alle |
G/L Account (2000
TableRelation: "G/L Account"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Sachkonto |
de-CH | Sachkonto |
de-DE | Sachkonto |
en-AU | G/L Account |
en-CA | G/L Account |
en-GB | G/L Account |
en-NZ | G/L Account |
en-US | G/L Account |
it-CH | Conto C/G |
it-IT | Conto C/G |
Payment Method Code (18004160
TableRelation: "Payment Method"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Zahlungsformcode |
de-CH | Zahlungsformcode |
de-DE | Zahlungsformcode |
en-AU | Payment Method Code |
en-CA | Payment Method Code |
en-GB | Payment Method Code |
en-NZ | Payment Method Code |
en-US | Payment Method Code |
it-CH | Cod. metodo di pagamento |
it-IT | Cod. metodo di pagamento |
procedure CheckInvoiceType()
procedure CheckShareIn()
procedure GetRemainingShareIn(): Decimal
Parameters / Return Value
- Returns
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