Codeunit 18090667 EOS041 CDW Post

Codeunit 18090667 EOS041 CDW Post



procedure PostJournal(var CdwJnlBatch: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Batch")

Parameters / Return Value

  • CdwJnlBatch Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Batch"


procedure PostJournal(var CdwJnlLine: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • CdwJnlLine Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"


procedure PostJournalYesNo(var JnlBatch: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Batch")

Parameters / Return Value

  • JnlBatch Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Batch"


procedure PostJournalYesNo(var CdwJnlLine: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • CdwJnlLine Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure CheckCloseDocumentsWithSimulatedGL()



local procedure OnBeforeProcessJnlLine(CdwJnlLine: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"; CdwEntry: Record "EOS041 CDW Entry"; var Handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • CdwJnlLine Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"

  • CdwEntry Record "EOS041 CDW Entry"

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforePostItemJnlLine(var ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; ItemLedgEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; CdwJnlLine: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"; CdwEntry: Record "EOS041 CDW Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

  • ItemLedgEntry Record "Item Ledger Entry"

  • CdwJnlLine Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"

  • CdwEntry Record "EOS041 CDW Entry"


local procedure OnAfterPostItemJnlLine(ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; ItemLedgEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; CdwJnlLine: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"; CdwEntry: Record "EOS041 CDW Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

  • ItemLedgEntry Record "Item Ledger Entry"

  • CdwJnlLine Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"

  • CdwEntry Record "EOS041 CDW Entry"


local procedure OnAfterProcessJnlLine(CdwJnlLine: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"; CdwEntry: Record "EOS041 CDW Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • CdwJnlLine Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"

  • CdwEntry Record "EOS041 CDW Entry"


local procedure OnBeforePostJournalLines(var CdwJnlLine: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line")

Raised before a set of journal lines is posted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CdwJnlLine Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"

    The set of journal lines about to be posted.


local procedure OnAfterPostJournalLines(var CdwJnlLine: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line")

Raised after a set of journal lines has been posted, before the lines are deleted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CdwJnlLine Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"

    The set of journal lines that has been posted.


local procedure OnBeforeGetSourceCode(ItemLedgEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; SourceCode: Code[10]; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised when the source code to be used for posting the closure journal lines is determined.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemLedgEntry Record "Item Ledger Entry"

    The item ledger entry that is being closed.

  • SourceCode Code[10]

    The source code to be used.

  • Handled Boolean

    Gets or sets whether the event is handled.


local procedure OnBeforeCheckJnlLine(var CdwJnlLine: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before a journal lines is checked before posting.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CdwJnlLine Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"

    The journal line to be checked.

  • Handled Boolean

    Gets or sets whether the event is handled.


local procedure OnAfterCheckJnlLine(CdwJnlLine: Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line")

Raised after a journal lines has been checked before posting.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CdwJnlLine Record "EOS041 CDW Journal Line"

    The journal line that was checked.

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