Codeunit 18122729 EOS066 EX006 CWS

Codeunit 18122729 EOS066 EX006 CWS



procedure GetTransferDocReferences(TransferRecRef: RecordRef; var ReferenceType: Option " ",Customer,Vendor; var ReferenceNo: code[20]; var ReferenceContactNo: code[20])

Returns EOS reference fields value (Reference type, Reference No., Reference Contact No.) on Transfer documents

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferRecRef RecordRef

    Transfer document as RecRef

  • ReferenceType Option

    " " (0) , Customer (1) , Vendor (2)

    Specifies Reference type (” “,Customer,Vendor) of the transfer document

  • ReferenceNo code[20]

    Specifies Reference No. of the transfer document

  • ReferenceContactNo code[20]

    Specifies Reference Contact No. of the transfer document


procedure PostJobWhseConsumption(var TempPurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised by CWS before posting job warehouse consumption when receiving a purchase

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempPurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    The “fake” purchase line obtained from the receipt line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If handled, skips CWS logic and consumption posting


procedure SetShipCWSNo_FromHUSourceDocument(RecIdentBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; var IsEnable: Boolean; var IsVisible: Boolean; var ShipmentNo: Code[20])

Used from HU to set the Shipment No. on page “Source Document List”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecIdentBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"

    Current Record “EOS Record Ident. Buffer”

  • IsEnable Boolean

    Set Enable property of the page field “CWS Shipment No.”

  • IsVisible Boolean

    Set Visible property of the page field “CWS Shipment No.”

  • ShipmentNo Code[20]

    CWS Shipment No.



procedure IsShipmentInCWSShipment(RecRef: RecordRef; var CWSShipmentNo: code[20])

Check if a shipment is part of a CWS Shipment, if is part of it will return the CWS Shipment No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The shipment to check

  • CWSShipmentNo code[20]

    the CWS Shipment No.


procedure OpenCWSShipmentCard(CWSShipmentNo: code[20]; OpenAsModal: boolean; var Action: Action)

Will Open the CWS Shipment Card basing of a CWS Shipment No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CWSShipmentNo code[20]

    The CWS Shipment No.

  • OpenAsModal boolean

    If true the card will be opened as Modal

  • Action Action

    If the parameter “OpenAsModal” is true, this will return the Modal action


local procedure OnGetTransferDocReferences(TransferRecRef: RecordRef; var ReferenceType: Option " ",Customer,Vendor; var ReferenceNo: code[20]; var ReferenceContactNo: code[20])

Returns EOS reference fields value (Reference type, Reference No., Reference Contact No.) on Transfer documents

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferRecRef RecordRef

    Transfer document as RecRef

  • ReferenceType Option

    " " (0) , Customer (1) , Vendor (2)

    Specifies Reference type (” “,Customer,Vendor) of the transfer document

  • ReferenceNo code[20]

    Specifies Reference No. of the transfer document

  • ReferenceContactNo code[20]

    Specifies Reference Contact No. of the transfer document


local procedure OnBeforePostJobWhseConsumption(var TempPurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised by CWS before posting job warehouse consumption when receiving a purchase

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempPurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    The “fake” purchase line obtained from the receipt line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If handled, skips CWS logic and consumption posting


internal procedure OnSetShipCWSNo_FromHUSourceDocument(RecIdentBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; var IsEnable: Boolean; var IsVisible: Boolean; var ShipmentNo: Code[20])

Used from CWS to set the Shipment No. on page “Source Document List” of the Handling Unit.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecIdentBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"

    Current Record “EOS Record Ident. Buffer”

  • IsEnable Boolean

    Set Enable property of the page field “CWS Shipment No.”

  • IsVisible Boolean

    Set Visible property of the page field “CWS Shipment No.”

  • ShipmentNo Code[20]

    CWS Shipment No.

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