Codeunit 18123708 EOS012 DDM Event Dispatcher

Codeunit 18123708 EOS012 DDM Event Dispatcher



procedure OnQueryCustLedgerEntryRenegotiable(CustLedgerEntryNoList: List of [Integer]; QueryReason: Enum "EOS066 DDM Query Reason"; var TempRestrictedRecord: Record "Restricted Record")

OnQueryCustLedgerEntryRenegotiable is raised when App EX012 Due Date Management requires to change amounts or due dates of one or more customer ledger entries. All records returned into TempRestrictedRecord buffers will be skipped and untouched by DDM procedure.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntryNoList List[Integer]

    List of Customer Ledger Entry “Entry No.”

  • QueryReason Enum "EOS066 DDM Query Reason"

  • TempRestrictedRecord Record "Restricted Record"

    List of entries, with a textual reason, which cannot be modified.


procedure OnQueryVendLedgerEntryRenegotiable(VendLedgerEntryNoList: List of [Integer]; QueryReason: Enum "EOS066 DDM Query Reason"; var TempRestrictedRecord: Record "Restricted Record")

OnQueryVendLedgerEntryRenegotiable is raised when App EX012 Due Date Management requires to change amounts or due dates of one or more Vendor ledger entries. All records returned into TempRestrictedRecord buffers will be skipped and untouched by DDM procedure.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgerEntryNoList List[Integer]

    List of Vendor Ledger Entry “Entry No.”

  • QueryReason Enum "EOS066 DDM Query Reason"

  • TempRestrictedRecord Record "Restricted Record"

    List of entries, with a textual reason, which cannot be modified.


procedure OnAfterNegotiation(RenegotiationNo: Code[20]; var xSnapshot: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var Snapshot: Record "Gen. Journal Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • RenegotiationNo Code[20]

  • xSnapshot Record "Gen. Journal Line"

  • Snapshot Record "Gen. Journal Line"

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