Codeunit 18004123 EOS G/L Accruals Management

Codeunit 18004123 EOS G/L Accruals Management



procedure ShowPreview(var GLAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • GLAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"


procedure GetTemplate("Code": Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • Code Code[20]


procedure SplitLine(var TmpGlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpGlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"


procedure PostGlEntryAccrualYesNo(GlEntry: Record "G/L Entry"; var TmpGLAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlEntry Record "G/L Entry"

  • TmpGLAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure PostGlEntryAccrual(GlEntry: Record "G/L Entry"; var TmpGLAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlEntry Record "G/L Entry"

  • TmpGLAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure UndoAccrual(var GLAccrualEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • GLAccrualEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"


procedure UndoAccrual(var GLAccrualEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; HideDialog: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • GLAccrualEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

  • HideDialog Boolean


procedure CloseAccrual(var GLAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var TmpGenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; EndingDate: Date; DocumentNo: Code[20]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • GLAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

  • TmpGenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

  • EndingDate Date

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure MarkGLAccrEntriesClosed(GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; GLEntry: Record "G/L Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

  • GLEntry Record "G/L Entry"


procedure CheckDocument(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"


procedure CheckDocument(PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"


procedure CheckAccrualValid(TmpGlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpGlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"


procedure CheckDocLineAccrualValid(StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; TemplateCode: Code[10]; Period: Enum "EOS Accrual Period Type"; WithError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • StartingDate Date

  • EndingDate Date

  • TemplateCode Code[10]

  • Period Enum "EOS Accrual Period Type"

  • WithError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure CalcGlAccrualEntryFromGlEntry(GlEntry: record "G/L Entry"; var TmpGlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlEntry record "G/L Entry"

  • TmpGlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"


procedure CalcGlAccrualEntryFromGlEntry(GlEntry: record "G/L Entry"; AccrualsParameters: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var TmpGlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlEntry record "G/L Entry"

  • AccrualsParameters Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

  • TmpGlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"


procedure CreateGLAccrualEntry(SalesHeader: record "Sales Header"; var TmpGLAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader record "Sales Header"

  • TmpGLAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"


procedure FindAccrualAccountNo(SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"): Code[20]

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

  • Returns Code[20]


procedure FindAccrualAccountNo(PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"): Code[20]

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

  • Returns Code[20]


procedure FindGlAccountNo(SalesPurch: Option Sales,Purchase;Type: Integer;No: Code[20];GenBusPostingGroup: Code[20];GenProdPostingGroup: Code[20]): Code[20]

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesPurch Option

    Sales (0) , Purchase (1)

  • Type Integer

  • No Code[20]

  • GenBusPostingGroup Code[20]

  • GenProdPostingGroup Code[20]

  • Returns Code[20]


procedure SetGLRegJournalBatchName(GLAccrEntryEntryNo: Integer) JournalBatchName: code[10]

Parameters / Return Value

  • GLAccrEntryEntryNo Integer

  • Returns code[10]


procedure UndoRelatedAccrual(RegNo: Integer; CheckOnly: Boolean; Hidedialog: Boolean) ReverseAccruals: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RegNo Integer

  • CheckOnly Boolean

  • Hidedialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean



local procedure OnBeforeFindRelatedAccrualEntry(RegNo: Integer; var EOSGLAccrualEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var AccrualEntryFound: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised when a G/L register is reversed, before standard app try to find if selected register has an Accrual entry related.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RegNo Integer

    Register No. you’re reversing.

  • EOSGLAccrualEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    Accrual entry found as related to the register.

  • AccrualEntryFound Boolean

    Treu means that an Accrual entry has been found.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Standard app code will be skipped.


local procedure OnAfterFindRelatedAccrualEntry(RegNo: Integer; var EOSGLAccrualEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var AccrualEntryFound: Boolean)

This event is raised when a G/L register is reversed, after standard app tried to find if selected register has an Accrual entry related.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RegNo Integer

    Register No. you’re reversing.

  • EOSGLAccrualEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    Accrual entry found as related to the register.

  • AccrualEntryFound Boolean

    true means that an Accrual entry has been found.


local procedure OnRelatedAccrualEntryReverseCheck(EOSGLAccrualEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var Severity: Option Message,Confirm,Error,Nothing; var ReverseAccruals: Boolean)

This event is raised when a G/L register is reversed, and a related Accrual entry has been found. System raises error, confirm, message or nothing depending on set severity.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSGLAccrualEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    Accrual entry found as related to the register.

  • Severity Option

    Message (0) , Confirm (1) , Error (2) , Nothing (3)

    Specifies if system must raise error, confirm, message or nothing.

  • ReverseAccruals Boolean

    true means that related Accrual entry will be reversed.


local procedure OnUpdateSourceRecord(GlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"


local procedure OnBeforeFindTmpClosingGenJnlLine(GLAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry";var TmpClosingGenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";TmpGLEntry: Record "G/L Entry";DocumentNo: Code[20];EndingDate: Date)

Parameters / Return Value

  • GLAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

  • TmpClosingGenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

  • TmpGLEntry Record "G/L Entry"

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • EndingDate Date


local procedure OnBeforeInsertTmpClosingGenJnlLine(var TmpClosingGenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";GLAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry";TmpGLEntryBuffer: Record "G/L Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpClosingGenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

  • GLAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

  • TmpGLEntryBuffer Record "G/L Entry"


local procedure OnAfterInsertTmpClosingGenJnlLine(var TmpClosingGenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";GLAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry";TmpGLEntryBuffer: Record "G/L Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpClosingGenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

  • GLAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

  • TmpGLEntryBuffer Record "G/L Entry"


local procedure OnAfterUpdateTmpClosingGenJnlLine(var TmpClosingGenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";GLAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry";TmpGLEntryBuffer: Record "G/L Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpClosingGenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

  • GLAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

  • TmpGLEntryBuffer Record "G/L Entry"


local procedure OnAfterCalcAccrualAmount(DocumentVariant: Variant; VatPostingSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup"; AmountInclVat: Decimal; AmountExclVat: Decimal; CurrFactor: Decimal; var AccrAmount: Decimal)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentVariant Variant

  • VatPostingSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"

  • AmountInclVat Decimal

  • AmountExclVat Decimal

  • CurrFactor Decimal

  • AccrAmount Decimal


local procedure OnAfterLinkToGlEntry(GlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; GlEntry: Record "G/L Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

  • GlEntry Record "G/L Entry"


local procedure OnBeforeInsertGlAccrualEntry(var GlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; SourceRecord: Variant)

This event is raised before a G/L accrual entry that is calculated from a source document line is written to the database.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    The G/L Accrual Entry that is being inserted.

  • SourceRecord Variant

    The source record (or line) that is generating the accrual entry.


local procedure OnAfterInsertGlAccrualEntry(var GlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; SourceRecord: Variant)

This event is raised after a G/L accrual entry that is calculated from a source document line is written to the database.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    The G/L Accrual Entry that is being inserted.

  • SourceRecord Variant

    The source record (or line) that is generating the accrual entry.


local procedure OnAfterPrepareAccrualGenJnlLine(GlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var TmpGenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")

This event is raised after a GenJnlLine, that is generated from posting a G/L accrual entry, has been prepared and before it is inserted to the buffer that will be posted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    The G/L Accrual Entry that is being posted.

  • TmpGenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    The journal line that has been prepared.


local procedure OnBeforePostAccrualGenJnlLine(GlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")

This event is raised before a GenJnlLine, that is generated from posting a G/L accrual entry, is posted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    The G/L Accrual Entry that is being posted.

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    The journal line that will be posted.


local procedure OnBeforeCreateBuffer(GlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var TmpGLEntry: Record "G/L Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean; var Return: Boolean)

This event is raised before a buffer base on G/L Entry is created. This buffer will have one record for each line that will be posted based on accruale template setup.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    The G/L Accrual Entry that is being posted.

  • TmpGLEntry Record "G/L Entry"

    Buffer containing detailed lines based on template settings.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No folowing standard code will be executed.

  • Return Boolean

    Return boolean param of the function.


local procedure OnAfterCreateBuffer(GlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var TmpGLEntry: Record "G/L Entry"; var Return: Boolean)

This event is raised after a buffer base on G/L Entry is created. This buffer will have one record for each line that will be posted based on accruale template setup.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    The G/L Accrual Entry that is being posted.

  • TmpGLEntry Record "G/L Entry"

    Buffer containing detailed lines based on template settings.

  • Return Boolean

    Return boolean param of the function.


local procedure OnBeforeCreateGLAccrualEntry(GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var TmpGlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; Handled: Boolean)


Parameters / Return Value

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Current Journal line

  • TmpGlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    Custom Accrual Entry

  • Handled Boolean

    Return true to skip standard Accrual creation


local procedure OnBeforeCreateGLAccrualEntry_GenJnlLine(GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var TmpGlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var Handled: Boolean)

this event is raised before creating the GLAccrualEntry record and allows you to prevent the creation of accruals for that registration

Parameters / Return Value

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Current Journal line

  • TmpGlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    Custom Accrual Entry

  • Handled Boolean

    Return true to skip standard Accrual creation


local procedure OnBeforeCreateGLAccrualEntry_Sales(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var TmpGlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var Handled: Boolean)

this event is raised before creating the GLAccrualEntry record and allows you to prevent the creation of accruals for that registration

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    Current Sales Header

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Current Sales Line

  • TmpGlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    Custom Accrual Entry

  • Handled Boolean

    Return true to skip standard Accrual creation


local procedure OnBeforeCreateGLAccrualEntry_Purchase(PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var TmpGlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var Handled: Boolean)

this event is raised before creating the GLAccrualEntry record and allows you to prevent the creation of accruals for that registration

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Current Purchase Header

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    Current Purchase Line

  • TmpGlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    Custom Accrual Entry

  • Handled Boolean

    Return true to skip standard Accrual creation


local procedure OnAfterCopyParametersToGLAcrrualsEntryInCalcGLAccrualFromGLEntry(GlEntry: Record "G/L Entry"; AccrualsParameters: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; var TmpGlAccrEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry")

Raised after copying initializing GL Accruals fields from AccrualsParameters, before calculating the Amount LCY

Parameters / Return Value

  • GlEntry Record "G/L Entry"

    current GL Entry

  • AccrualsParameters Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    GL Accruals Entry parameters used for initialising

  • TmpGlAccrEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    Temp GL Accruals Entry that will be used to calculate the accruals


local procedure OnBeforeTestPeriodOpen(GLAccrualEntry: Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"; TmpGenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; PeriodDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before checking if an Accounting Period is open or not. An error is raised if the period is closed.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GLAccrualEntry Record "EOS G/L Accrual Entry"

    Original G/L Accrual Entry

  • TmpGenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    General Journal Line that is being inserted

  • PeriodDate Date

    Date used to find the accounting period

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, the period will not be checked

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