Page 18004124 EOS001 AccSched Missing Acc.

Page 18004124 EOS001 AccSched Missing Acc.

de-ATKontenschemata - Fehlende Konten
de-CHKontenschemata - Fehlende Konten
de-DEKontenschemata - Fehlende Konten
en-USAcc. Schedule - Missing Accounts
it-CHSituazioni contabili - Conti mancanti
it-ITSituazioni contabili - Conti mancanti



procedure SetAccSchedName(NewAccSchedName: Code[10])

Initialize the page with an accounting schedule.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewAccSchedName Code[10]

    The name of the accounting schedule.



local procedure OnCollectMissingAccounts(AccSchedName: Code[10];AccSchedLineSource: enum "EOS Acc. Schedule Line Source";AccFilters: Text;var Buffer: Record "Acc. Schedule Line")

Use this event to supply missing accounts according to the parameters specified by the user.

Parameters / Return Value

  • AccSchedName Code[10]

    The accounting schedule to check.

  • AccSchedLineSource enum "EOS Acc. Schedule Line Source"

    The account source requested by the user.

  • AccFilters Text[]

    The filters to apply to the list of possible accounts as provided by the user.

  • Buffer Record "Acc. Schedule Line"

    The buffer where results should be stored.


local procedure OnAssistEditFilters(AccSchedLineSource: enum "EOS Acc. Schedule Line Source"; var AccView: Text)

Use this event to allow the user to modify the filters applied to the list of possible accounts.

Parameters / Return Value

  • AccSchedLineSource enum "EOS Acc. Schedule Line Source"

    The account source requested by the user.

  • AccView Text[]

    Get and set the view that will be applied to the list of possible accounts.

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