Report 18122511 EOS001 DTI Get Documents

Report 18122511 EOS001 DTI Get Documents

de-ATZu-Fakt. Belege holen
de-CHZu-Fakt. Belege holen
de-DEZu-Fakt. Belege holen
en-USGet Documents to Invoice
it-CHPrendi doc. da fatturare
it-ITPrendi doc. da fatturare



procedure InitRequest(GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")

Initializes the report for calculating documents to invoice to a general journal.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    A line from the target general journal where lines will be placed.


procedure InitRequest(NewGenJnlBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch")

Initializes the report for calculating documents to invoice to a general journal.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewGenJnlBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"

    The target general journal where lines will be placed.


procedure InitRequest(var TmpDtiEntry: Record "EOS001 DTI Entry")

Initializes the report for calculating documents to temporary buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpDtiEntry Record "EOS001 DTI Entry"

    The temporary instance of a DTI Entry where the results will be written to.



local procedure OnBeforeInsertGenJnlLine(var GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; DocInvEntry: Record "EOS001 DTI Entry"; Reversal: Boolean)

This event is raised defore a gen. journal line is inserted into journal when executing Get Documents to Invoice function.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Journal line filled with app sandard logics. Apply to this record your customs

  • DocInvEntry Record "EOS001 DTI Entry"

    The source record that is generating the journal line.

  • Reversal Boolean

    With Reversal parameter tretireved from report settings.


local procedure OnGroupEntriesAdditionalCriteria(var buffer: Record "EOS001 DTI Entry"; var AdditionalKey: Text)

Parameters / Return Value

  • buffer Record "EOS001 DTI Entry"

  • AdditionalKey Text[]

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