Codeunit 18123350 EOS AdvCustVendStat Engine

Codeunit 18123350 EOS AdvCustVendStat Engine



procedure SetHideDialog(Set: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Set Boolean


procedure ProcessCustomer(var Customer: Record Customer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Customer Record "Customer"


procedure GetCustomerAssets(var Customer: Record Customer; var AssetsDetail: Record "EOS Statem. Assets Detail EXT"; EnableFastLedgerFilter: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Customer Record "Customer"

  • AssetsDetail Record "EOS Statem. Assets Detail EXT"

  • EnableFastLedgerFilter Boolean


procedure IsCustLedgerEntryBankReceipt(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure IsCustLedgerEntryBankReceiptIssued(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure ProcessVendor(var Vendor: Record Vendor)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Vendor Record "Vendor"


procedure GetVendorAssets(var Vendor: Record Vendor; var AssetsDetail: Record "EOS Statem. Assets Detail EXT"; EnableFastLedgerFilter: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Vendor Record "Vendor"

  • AssetsDetail Record "EOS Statem. Assets Detail EXT"

  • EnableFastLedgerFilter Boolean


procedure SetExcludeZeroAmountLedgers(Set: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Set Boolean


procedure SetAddPreviousBalance(Set: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Set Boolean


procedure SetForceCustomerSalesperson(Set: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Set Boolean


procedure BuildTreeView(SourceType: Option Customer,Vendor; SourceNo: Code[20]; DateFilterType: Option "Posting Date","Document Date"; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; StartingDueDate: Date; EndingDueDate: Date; OnlyOpen: Boolean; AllowPartialOpenDoc: Boolean; DocumentFilter: Text; var TempBufferAssets: Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Option

    Customer (0) , Vendor (1)

  • SourceNo Code[20]

  • DateFilterType Option

    "Posting Date" (0) , "Document Date" (1)

  • StartingDate Date

  • EndingDate Date

  • StartingDueDate Date

  • EndingDueDate Date

  • OnlyOpen Boolean

  • AllowPartialOpenDoc Boolean

  • DocumentFilter Text

  • TempBufferAssets Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT"


procedure MergeMultipleLevel3Items(var BufferAssets: Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT")

Parameters / Return Value

  • BufferAssets Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT"


procedure MergeL2RemainingAmounts(var BufferAssets: Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT")

Parameters / Return Value

  • BufferAssets Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT"


procedure BuildMultiSourceTreeView(SourceType: Option Customer,Vendor; SourceView: Text; DateFilterType: Option "Posting Date","Document Date"; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; StartingDueDate: Date; EndingDueDate: Date; OnlyOpen: Boolean; AllowPartialOpenDoc: Boolean; DocumentFilter: Text; var TempBufferAssets: Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Option

    Customer (0) , Vendor (1)

  • SourceView Text

  • DateFilterType Option

    "Posting Date" (0) , "Document Date" (1)

  • StartingDate Date

  • EndingDate Date

  • StartingDueDate Date

  • EndingDueDate Date

  • OnlyOpen Boolean

  • AllowPartialOpenDoc Boolean

  • DocumentFilter Text

  • TempBufferAssets Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT"


procedure ReverseSigns(var TempBufferAssets: Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempBufferAssets Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT"


procedure AddEntryToDebug(EntryNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EntryNo Integer


procedure SetDebugMode(Set: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Set Boolean


procedure SetDisableSpread(Set: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Set Boolean


procedure SetDisableFastFiltering(Set: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Set Boolean


procedure SetHideDialogs(Set: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Set Boolean


procedure GetCompanyNameForReport(ReportID: Integer): Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • ReportID Integer

  • Returns Text


procedure CollapsSecurityFiltersToView(SourceDocument: Variant): Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Variant

  • Returns Text



local procedure OnStartFunction(FunctionName: Text; FunctionSubName: Text)

Event raised for each function that is run. It’s a debug-only event.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FunctionName Text

    The name of the function called

  • FunctionSubName Text

    The name of the subfunction


local procedure OnStopFunction(FunctionName: Text; FunctionSubName: Text)

Event raised for each function that is stopped. It’s a debug-only event.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FunctionName Text

    The name of the function called

  • FunctionSubName Text

    The name of the subfunction


local procedure OnAfterAddLevel3Entries(var TempAssetsDetail: array[10] of Record "EOS Statem. Assets Detail EXT" temporary;var EntryNo: Integer;var AssetsBuffer: array[10] of Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT";DateFilterType: Option "Posting Date","Document Date";StartingDate: Date;EndingDate: Date;PostingStartingDateFilter: Date;PostingEndingDateFilter: Date)

This event is raised after all standard “Level 3” elements are added to the buffer, linked to level 2 entry

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempAssetsDetail Record "EOS Statem. Assets Detail EXT"

    Current asset structure

  • EntryNo Integer

    Increment this value every time you add something

  • AssetsBuffer Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT"

    Original Asset Buffer. It’s temporary

  • DateFilterType Option

    "Posting Date" (0) , "Document Date" (1)

    “Posting Date”,“Document Date”

  • StartingDate Date

    Starting DateFilter date

  • EndingDate Date

    Ending DateFilter Date

  • PostingStartingDateFilter Date

    Posting data start filter

  • PostingEndingDateFilter Date

    Posting data end filter


local procedure OnBeforeGetCompanyNameForReport(ReportID: Integer; var CompanyNameText: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised at the beginning of the procedure that gets the Company name that will be shown in the report, based on the setup value. This event allows for customizations of the entire process.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ReportID Integer

    The object ID of the report that invoked the procedure

  • CompanyNameText Text

    The company name that will be shown in the report

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, the procedure returns the CompanyName value and exits


local procedure OnGetCompanyNameForReportUnexpectedSetupValue(ReportID: Integer; var CompanyNameText: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when the procedure detects and extended value for the Setup “Report Company Name”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ReportID Integer

    The object ID of the report that invoked the procedure

  • CompanyNameText Text

    The company name that will be shown in the report

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Must be set to true, otherwise the procedure will throw an error


local procedure OnBeforeGetCustomerAssets(var Customer: Record Customer; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date)

Event raised before getting customer asset records.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Customer Record "Customer"

    Customer record with the filter applied if any.

  • StartingDate Date

    User starting date

  • EndingDate Date

    User ending date


local procedure OnBeforeGetVendorAssets(var Vendor: Record Vendor; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date)

Event raised before getting vendor asset records.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Vendor Record "Vendor"

  • StartingDate Date

    User starting date

  • EndingDate Date

    User ending date


local procedure OnBeforeCalculatePreviousBalance(SourceType: Option; SourceNo: Code[20]; DateFilterType: Option; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; StartingDueDate: Date; EndingDueDate: Date; OnlyOpen: Boolean; AllowPartialOpenDoc: Boolean; DocumentFilter: Text; var StatemAssetsBuffer: array[10] of Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT"; var EntryNo: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the procedure that calculates the previous balance is run. Allows to update entry no and skip the calculate previous balance procedure.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Option

    Option Customer, Vendor.

  • SourceNo Code[20]

    Customer/Vendor Code.

  • DateFilterType Option

    Option “Posting Date”,“Document Date”.

  • StartingDate Date

    User starting date.

  • EndingDate Date

    User ending date.

  • StartingDueDate Date

    Starting due date.

  • EndingDueDate Date

    Ending due date.

  • OnlyOpen Boolean

    Show only open entries.

  • AllowPartialOpenDoc Boolean

    Allow partially open documents.

  • DocumentFilter Text

    Document filter.

  • StatemAssetsBuffer Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT"

  • EntryNo Integer

    Current entry no.

  • Handled Boolean

    Handled parameter.


local procedure OnAfterInsertAssetLines(var StatemAssetsBuffer: array[10] of Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT"; EntryNo: Integer; DateFilterType: Option; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; StartingDueDate: Date; EndingDueDate: Date; OnlyOpen: Boolean; AllowPartialOpenDoc: Boolean; DocumentFilter: Text)

Event raised after the procedure that inserts all the asset lines is run-

Parameters / Return Value

  • StatemAssetsBuffer Record "EOS Statem. Assets Buffer EXT"

  • EntryNo Integer

    Current entry no.

  • DateFilterType Option

    Option “Posting Date”,“Document Date”.

  • StartingDate Date

    User starting date.

  • EndingDate Date

    User ending date.

  • StartingDueDate Date

    Starting due date.

  • EndingDueDate Date

    Ending due date.

  • OnlyOpen Boolean

    Show only open entries.

  • AllowPartialOpenDoc Boolean

    Allow partially open documents.

  • DocumentFilter Text

    Document filter.

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