Report 18123357 EOS Send fin. rpt to salesp

Report 18123357 EOS Send fin. rpt to salesp

de-ATFinanzberichte an Verkäufer senden (CVS)
de-DEFinanzberichte an Verkäufer senden (CVS)
en-USSend financial reports to salesperson (CVS)
fr-FREnvoyer des rapports financiers au vendeur (CVS)
it-ITInvia report finanziari agli agenti (CVS)



procedure ResetLanguage()


procedure SetProcessingTypeSave()



local procedure OnAfterProcessSalespersonPurchaser(var SalespersonPurchaser: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser")

Event to manage what to do when the Salesperson/Purchase has been processed

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalespersonPurchaser Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"


local procedure OnManageProcessingTypeForSalespersonPurchaser(var SalespersonPurchaser: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var ZipArchive: Codeunit "Data Compression"; EnumProcType: Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"; ReportSetup: Code[20]; var Handled: Boolean)

Event executed OnAfterProcessSalespersonPurchaser, this allows to manage procedures run for each Salesperson/Purchaser.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalespersonPurchaser Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

    Record “Salesperson/Purchaser”

  • ZipArchive Codeunit "Data Compression"

    Codeunit “Data Compression” temporary

  • EnumProcType Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"

    Enum “EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType”

  • ReportSetup Code[20]

  • Handled Boolean



local procedure OnPostDataItemSalespersonPurchaser_ManageEnumProcType(EnumProcType: Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"; var Handled: Boolean)

Event exexuted in the onPostDataItem of the SalespersonPurchaser data item. There is possible to execute functions at the end of the run of the data item. Set Handled a true to disable the handling of EnumProcessType bt the default code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EnumProcType Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"

    Enum “EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType”

  • Handled Boolean



local procedure OnPostReport_OnBeforeManageEnumProcType(EnumProcType: Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"; var Handled: Boolean)

Event execute OnPostReport before the standard management of Enum “EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType” There is possibile to execute something at the end of the report.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EnumProcType Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"

    Enum “EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType”

  • Handled Boolean



local procedure OnUpdateRequestPage(EnumProcType: Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"; var ReportSetupEnabled: Boolean)

Event to edit the ReqestPage based on Enum “EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType”

Parameters / Return Value

  • EnumProcType Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"

    Enum “EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType”

  • ReportSetupEnabled Boolean



local procedure onBeforeCreateLineAging(Customer: Record Customer; EnumProcType: Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"; var handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Customer Record "Customer"

  • EnumProcType Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"

  • handled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeCreateColumnAging(Customer: Record Customer; EnumProcType: Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"; var handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Customer Record "Customer"

  • EnumProcType Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"

  • handled Boolean


local procedure onBeforeCreateStatement(Customer: Record Customer; EnumProcType: Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"; var handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Customer Record "Customer"

  • EnumProcType Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"

  • handled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeProcessSalesperson(var SalespersonPurchaser: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var ZipArchive: Codeunit "Data Compression"; EnumProcType: Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"; var Handled: Boolean)

Event executed before the beginning of processing of the customer, this allows to manage procedures run for each Customer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalespersonPurchaser Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

    Record Salesperson/Purchaser

  • ZipArchive Codeunit "Data Compression"

    Record “Data Compression” temporary

  • EnumProcType Enum "EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType"

    Enum “EOS AdvCustVendStat BatchProcType”

  • Handled Boolean

    Allows you to skip the processing of this customer

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