Codeunit 18059903 EOS Bonus Jnl.-Post Line

Codeunit 18059903 EOS Bonus Jnl.-Post Line



procedure DeleteEntry(var BonusLedgEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"; SkipSettledEntries: Boolean) Deleted: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusLedgEntry Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"

  • SkipSettledEntries Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure DeleteEntries(var BonusLedgEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"; SkipSettledEntries: Boolean) SomeNotDeleted: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusLedgEntry Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"

  • SkipSettledEntries Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure ClearSettlementEntries()


procedure SetSettlementEntries(var BonusSettlEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Settlement Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusSettlEntry Record "EOS Bonus Settlement Entry"


procedure SkipEntriesFromJournalOnDelete(var BonusLedgEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry") Skip: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusLedgEntry Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"

  • Returns Boolean



local procedure OnBeforePostBonusJnlLine(var BonusJournalLine: Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line")

This event is raised before the posting of Bonus Journal Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusJournalLine Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line"

    The record of Bonus Journal Line to post


local procedure OnAfterPostBonusJnlLine(var BonusJournalLine: Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line")

This event is raised after the posting of Bonus Journal Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusJournalLine Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line"

    The record of posted Bonus Journal Line


local procedure OnBeforePostEntry(var BonusJnlLine: Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line")

This event is raised before the posting of Bonus Journal Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusJnlLine Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line"

    The record of Bonus Journal Line to post


local procedure OnAfterPostEntry(var BonusJnlLine: Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line")

This event is raised after the posting of Bonus Journal Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusJnlLine Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line"

    The record of posted Bonus Journal Line


local procedure OnBeforePostRevaluation(var BonusJnlLine: Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line")

This event is raised before the revaluation posting of Bonus Journal Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusJnlLine Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line"

    The record of Bonus Journal Line to post


local procedure OnAfterPostRevaluation(var BonusJnlLine: Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line")

This event is raised after the revaluation posting of Bonus Journal Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusJnlLine Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line"

    The record of posted Bonus Journal Line


local procedure OnBeforeInsertApplicationEntry(var SourceEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"; var AppliedEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"; AppliedAmountLCY: Decimal)

This event is raised before the insert of Bonus Application Entry

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceEntry Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"

    The source record of Bonus Ledger Entry

  • AppliedEntry Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"

    The record of Bonus Ledger Entry to apply

  • AppliedAmountLCY Decimal

    The amount to apply in LCY


local procedure OnAfterInsertApplicationEntry(var SourceEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"; var AppliedEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"; var BonusApplicationEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Application Entry"; AppliedAmountLCY: Decimal)

This event is raised after the insert of Bonus Application Entry

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceEntry Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"

    The source record of Bonus Ledger Entry

  • AppliedEntry Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"

    The record of Bonus Ledger Entry to apply

  • BonusApplicationEntry Record "EOS Bonus Application Entry"

    The record of Bonus Application Entry created

  • AppliedAmountLCY Decimal

    The amount to apply in LCY


local procedure OnBeforeInsertBonusLedgerEntry(var BonusLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"; BonusJournalLine: Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line")

This event is raised before the insert of Bonus Ledger Entry from Bonus Journal Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusLedgerEntry Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"

    The record of Bonus Ledger Entry to insert

  • BonusJournalLine Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line"

    The source record of Bonus Journal Line


local procedure OnAfterInsertBonusLedgerEntry(var BonusLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"; BonusJournalLine: Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line")

This event is raised after the insert of Bonus Ledger Entry from Bonus Journal Line

Parameters / Return Value

  • BonusLedgerEntry Record "EOS Bonus Ledger Entry"

    The record of Bonus Ledger Entry inserted

  • BonusJournalLine Record "EOS Bonus Journal Line"

    The source record of Bonus Journal Line

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