Codeunit 18122705 EOS 070 MES Public Event
Codeunit that allow you to modify codes
procedure OnBeforeCloseEntry(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before close current Entries
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record that you can modify
procedure OnBeforeDeleteEmplEntr(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
This function is used in Table MES Employee Entries.Before delete selected Entries
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
procedure OnBeforeSTARTOperation(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before starting with Start Operation
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record where you can set parameters
procedure OnBeforeSTOPOperation(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before starting with Stop Operation
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record where you can set parameters
procedure OnBeforeAddStapling(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before starting with Add Stapling Operation
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record where you can set parameters
procedure OnBeforeRemoveStapling(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before starting with Remove Stapling Operation
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record where you can set parameters
procedure OnBeforeInsertEmployeeEntries(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before insert
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record to modify
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record where bring information
procedure OnBeforeModifyEmployeeEntries(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record to modify
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record where bring information
procedure OnBeforeModifyEmplEntries_END(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before posting
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record to modify
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record where bring information
procedure OnBeforeSetOperation(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify records that will be used in SetOperation
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record to modify
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record to modify
procedure OnBeforeCreateOutputJnlLine(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to skip the creation of Item Journal Line for Work Center
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record where you can get your parameters
IsHandled Boolean
Allow you to create or not Item Journal Line
procedure OnBeforeInsertOutputJnlLine(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify records that will be used to create InsertOutputJnlLine
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record to modify
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record to modify
procedure OnBeforeCreateItemJnlLine(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify records that will be used to create ItemJnlLine
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record to modify
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record to modify
procedure OnBeforeInsertLotNoInformation(var LotNoInformation: Record "Lot No. Information"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify LotNoInformation before insert
LotNoInformation Record "Lot No. Information"
Record to modify
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record used to create LotNoInformation
procedure OnBeforeInsertSerialNoInformation(var SerialNoInformation: Record "Serial No. Information"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify SerialNoInformation before insert
SerialNoInformation Record "Serial No. Information"
Record to modify
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record used to create SerialNoInformation
procedure OnAfterAssignLotNo(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; EOSMESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to assign LotNo
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record used to assign LotNo
ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"
Record used to assign LotNo
EOSMESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record used to assign LotNo
procedure OnBeforeInsertConsumptionJnlLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify ItemJournalLine used to insert consumption
ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"
Record to modify
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record used to create ItemJournalLine
ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"
Record used to create ItemJournalLine
procedure OnBeforePostOperate(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var PostWithoutInsert: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESBarcodePar before post processing
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
The record used to manage the page
ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"
Record to modify
PostWithoutInsert Boolean
If true, the posting are executed without insert the Item Journal Line
IsHandled Boolean
If true, the posting not executed
procedure OnBeforePostBatch(var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify ItemJournalLine before posting
ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"
Record to modify
procedure OnAfterValidateFunction(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.It’s used after Validate of input field
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
The record used to manage the page
procedure OnAfterCreateItemJnlLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management Allow you to modify the ItemJnlLine
ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"
The record created based on EOS070MESBarcodePar and EOS070MESEmployeeEntry
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
The record used to manage the page
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record used to create ItemJournalLine
procedure OnAfterSetBarcodeTextIndicator(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.It’s used to update the barcode indicator text
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
The record used to manage the page
procedure OnAfterSetDataInsertCaption(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.It’s used to store the input result
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
The record used to manage the page
procedure OnAfterSetDefaultOutputType(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.It’s used to init record
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
The record used to manage the page
procedure OnBeforeApplyDefaultMESSetup(var EOS070MESSetup: Record "EOS 070 MES Setup")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Setup Mgt.It’s used before generate default Setup for MES
EOS070MESSetup Record "EOS 070 MES Setup"
Record contains the MES Setup
procedure OnBeforeInsertDeafultWorkCenter(var WorkCenter: Record "Work Center")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Setup Mgt.It’s used before generate default Work Center for MES
WorkCenter Record "Work Center"
Record contains the default Work Center
procedure OnBeforeInsertDeafultEmployee(var Employee: Record Employee)
This function is used in Codeunit MES Setup Mgt.It’s used before generate default Employee for MES
Employee Record "Employee"
Record contains the default Employee
procedure OnBeforeCheckOpenEntriesOnChangeStatusOnProdOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record "Production Order"; NewStatus: Option; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before app checks if there are open employee entries for a specific production order when it is changed in another status
ProductionOrder Record "Production Order"
Production order processed
NewStatus Option
Destination status
IsHandled Boolean
If true, no following app code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCheckOpenEntriesOnChangeStatusOnProdOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record "Production Order"; NewStatus: Option)
Raised after app checks if there are open employee entries for a specific production order when it is changed in another status
ProductionOrder Record "Production Order"
Production order processed
NewStatus Option
Destination status
procedure OnFilterProdOrderLineForFamily(var ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; TempEOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
Raised when for a family order, prod. order line are filtered to be processed in order to create new employee entries
ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"
Priduction Order Line filtered. Each line will be processed and a new related employee entry will be generated
TempEOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Buffer table containing all parameters
procedure OnBeforeWriteEmployeeEntryForFamily(ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; TempEOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when prod. order line, system is checking if is necessary to create a new employee entries
ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"
Priduction Order Line filtered. Each line will be processed and a new related employee entry will be generated
TempEOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Buffer table containing all parameters
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed, thus no employee entries will be created for this prod. order line if you set Handled to true
procedure OnBeforeSetBatchNames(EmployeeNo: Code[20]; ToTemplateName: Code[10]; VAR ToBatchName: Code[10])
Raised before set the Batch name for the posting
EmployeeNo Code[20]
Employee No that are used to create Batch Name
ToTemplateName Code[10]
Template Name that are used for posting
ToBatchName Code[10]
Batch Name that are used for posting
procedure OnAfterSetBatchName(var ItemJournalBatch: Record "Item Journal Batch")
Raised after set the Batch name for the posting
ItemJournalBatch Record "Item Journal Batch"
Record contains the Journal Bacth used to posting
procedure OnBeforeInsertItemJournalLine(var ItemJournalLine: record "Item Journal Line"; var NoInsert: Boolean)
Raised after set the Batch name for the posting
ItemJournalLine record "Item Journal Line"
Record contains the Item Journal Line to posting
NoInsert Boolean
If is false, the record is insert. Otherwise the record are processed without insert
procedure OnBeforeCheckRoutingOnOutput(ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"; EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before checking routing status and subcontracting flag when posting output
ProdOrderRoutingLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"
Record contains reference Prod. Routing line
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Buffer table containing all parameters
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnBeforeModifyEmplEntries_ChangeStatus(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management. Allows you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before status change.
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record to modify
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Buffer table containing all parameters
procedure OnAfterModifyEmplEntries_ChangeStatus(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management. Allows you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry after status change.
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record modified
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Buffer table containing all parameters
procedure OnBeforeValidateOperationType(EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; EOS070MESTempReasonCode: Record "EOS 070 MES Temp. Reason Code")
This event is raised in MES page and API when the production order is validated
EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Buffer table containing all parameters
EOS070MESTempReasonCode Record "EOS 070 MES Temp. Reason Code"
procedure OnAfterCalculateDuration(EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
This event is raised after the calculation of Duration is done during employee entry close function
EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Buffer table containing all parameters
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Employee Entry to close
procedure OnAfterValidateEndSession(EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This event is raised after reset of a session
EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Buffer table containing all parameters
procedure OnFilterEmployeeEntryorFamily(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; TempEOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
Raised when for a family order, prod. order line are filtered to be processed in order to modify employee entries
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
MES Employee Entry Line filtered. Each line will be processed
TempEOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Buffer table containing all parameters
procedure OnBeforeModifyEmployeeEntryForFamily(EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; TempEOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when prod. order line, system is checking if is necessary to create a new employee entries
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
MES Employee Entry Line filtered. Each line will be processed
TempEOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Buffer table containing all parameters
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed, thus no employee entries will be processed if you set Handled to true
procedure OnAfterModifyEmplEntries_END(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry after posting
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
Record to modify
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Record where bring information
procedure OnCloseOperationOnBeforeSearchOpenEntries(ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line")
Raised before checking for open activities in the “Close Operation” action
ProdOrderRoutingLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"
Prod. Order Routing Line to close
procedure OnInitTableCustomFields(ParentId: Guid; TableNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
ParentId Guid
TableNo Integer
IsHandled Boolean
procedure OnManageCustomFieldOnDynamicRecord(EOS070MESCustomField: Record "EOS 070 MES Custom Field"; CurrentSystemId: Guid; CurrentRecordRef: RecordRef; var FieldValue: Variant; var IsHandled: Boolean)
EOS070MESCustomField Record "EOS 070 MES Custom Field"
CurrentSystemId Guid
CurrentRecordRef RecordRef
FieldValue Variant
IsHandled Boolean
procedure OnAfterFamilyQuantityMultiplierCalculation(EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ProductionOrder: Record "Production Order"; ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; var EOS070MESEMployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
ProductionOrder Record "Production Order"
ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"
EOS070MESEMployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
procedure OnBeforeEmployeeEntryPosting(EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEMployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
EOS070MESEMployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
IsHandled Boolean
procedure OnExecuteCustomPanelAction(EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var ReturnMessage: Text)
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
ReturnMessage Text[]
procedure OnAfterCopyBarcodeParameters(EOS070MesBarcodeParFrom: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; EOS070MESEmployeeEntryFrom: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MesBarcodeParTo: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
EOS070MesBarcodeParFrom Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
EOS070MESEmployeeEntryFrom Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
EOS070MesBarcodeParTo Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
procedure OnGetProdOrderPackagingInfo(ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer; var PackagingInstructionsNo: Code[20]; var PackagingMaterialNo: Code[20])
ProdOrderNo Code[20]
ProdOrderLineNo Integer
PackagingInstructionsNo Code[20]
PackagingMaterialNo Code[20]
procedure OnGetPackagingInstructionsInfo(PackagingInstructionsNo: Code[20]; var Quantity: Decimal; var NoOfLayer: Integer; var QuantityPerLayer: Decimal; var MaxHeight: Decimal)
PackagingInstructionsNo Code[20]
Quantity Decimal
NoOfLayer Integer
QuantityPerLayer Decimal
MaxHeight Decimal
procedure OnAfterPostOperation(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEMployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
EOS070MESEMployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
IsHandled Boolean
procedure OnBeforePostIoTDeviceTelemetry(var EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry: Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"
IsHandled Boolean
procedure OnManageAdditionalParameters(CurrentParameters: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; Payload: JsonObject; var AdditionalParameters: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
CurrentParameters Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
Payload JsonObject
AdditionalParameters Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
IsHandled Boolean
procedure OnBeforeGetSecondaryUoMSettings(ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer; RoutingNo: Code[20]; RoutingReferenceNo: Integer; OperationNo: Code[10]; PanelSetupId: Guid; var SecondaryUoMCode: Code[10]; var SecondaryQtyPerUoM: Decimal; var PropagateSecondaryQuantityCalc: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
ProdOrderNo Code[20]
ProdOrderLineNo Integer
RoutingNo Code[20]
RoutingReferenceNo Integer
OperationNo Code[10]
PanelSetupId Guid
SecondaryUoMCode Code[10]
SecondaryQtyPerUoM Decimal
PropagateSecondaryQuantityCalc Boolean
IsHandled Boolean
procedure OnBeforeWriteEmployeeEntry(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
procedure OnBeforeModifyEmployeeEntry(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")
Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
procedure OnBeforeChangeResourceStatus(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ResourceNo: Code[20]; CloseAllWorkCenters: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
ResourceNo Code[20]
CloseAllWorkCenters Boolean
IsHandled Boolean
procedure OnAddComponentOnBeforeModify(var ProdOrderComponent: Record "Prod. Order Component"; JsonPayload: JsonObject)
ProdOrderComponent Record "Prod. Order Component"
JsonPayload JsonObject
procedure OnBeforeModifyOutputOnlyEntry(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ParentEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
ParentEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
EmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
procedure OnAfterInsertOutputOnlyEntry(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ParentEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
ParentEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
EmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
procedure OnBeforeAssignLotNoOnManageItemJnlLineTracking(var MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; var LotNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before assigning a lot number to create tracking for the Item Journal Line.
MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
MES Barcode parameter
MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
MES Employee Entry
ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"
The Item Journal Line to post
ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"
The Production order line
LotNo Code[50]
Lot number to set
IsHandled Boolean
if true, skips the assignment of the Lot number
procedure OnBeforeAssignSerialNoOnManageItemJnlLineTracking(var MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; var SerialNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before assigning a serial number to create tracking for the Item Journal Line.
MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
MES Barcode parameter
MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
MES Employee Entry
ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"
The Item Journal Line to post
ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"
The Production order line
SerialNo Code[50]
Serial number to set
IsHandled Boolean
if true, skips the assignment of the Serial number
procedure OnBeforeCreateReservEntryOnAssignTrackingToItemJnlLine(var MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; Quantity: Decimal; QuantityBase: Decimal; var ReservationEntry: Record "Reservation Entry")
Raised before creating a reservation entry for a specific Item Journal Line.
MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
MES Barcode parameter
ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"
The Item Journal Line
Quantity Decimal
The Quantity
QuantityBase Decimal
The Quantity Base
ReservationEntry Record "Reservation Entry"
Reservation entry to init
procedure OnBeforeCreateReservEntryForSerialOnInsertOutputJnlLine(var MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var ReservationEntry: Record "Reservation Entry")
Raised before creating a reservation entry for serial on inserting an output journal line.
MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
MES Barcode parameter
MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
MES Employee Entry
ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"
ReservationEntry Record "Reservation Entry"
Reservation entry to init
procedure OnBeforeCreateReservEntryForLotOnInsertOutputJnlLine(var MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var ReservationEntry: Record "Reservation Entry")
Raised before creating a reservation entry for lot on inserting an output journal line.
MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
MES Barcode parameter
MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
MES Employee Entry
ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"
ReservationEntry Record "Reservation Entry"
Reservation entry to init
procedure OnBeforeCreateReservEntryOnAssignTrackingToProdOrderCompLine(ProdOrderComponent: Record "Prod. Order Component"; Quantity: Decimal; QuantityBase: Decimal; var ReservationEntry: Record "Reservation Entry")
Raised before creating a reservation entry for the production order component.
ProdOrderComponent Record "Prod. Order Component"
The Production order component
Quantity Decimal
The Quantity
QuantityBase Decimal
The Quantity base
ReservationEntry Record "Reservation Entry"
Reservation entry to init
procedure OnBeforeReprocessIoTDeviceTelemetries(var EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry: Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry")
Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"
procedure OnAfterReprocessIoTDeviceTelemetries(var EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry: Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry")
Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"
procedure OnBeforeProcessIoTDeviceTelemetries()
procedure OnAfterProcessIoTDeviceTelemetries()
procedure OnAfterPostIoTDeviceTelemetry(var EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry: Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"; TempParameters: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par." temporary; TrackingArray: Text)
EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"
TempParameters Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
TrackingArray Text[]
procedure OnAfterCreateStapling(var EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
procedure OnAfterAddStapling(var EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
procedure OnAfterRemoveStapling(var EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")
EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."
EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"
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