Codeunit 18122705 EOS 070 MES Public Event

Codeunit 18122705 EOS 070 MES Public Event

Codeunit that allow you to modify codes



procedure OnBeforeCloseEntry(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before close current Entries

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record that you can modify


procedure OnBeforeDeleteEmplEntr(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

This function is used in Table MES Employee Entries.Before delete selected Entries

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"



procedure OnBeforeSTARTOperation(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before starting with Start Operation

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record where you can set parameters


procedure OnBeforeSTOPOperation(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before starting with Stop Operation

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record where you can set parameters


procedure OnBeforeAddStapling(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before starting with Add Stapling Operation

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record where you can set parameters


procedure OnBeforeRemoveStapling(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before starting with Remove Stapling Operation

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record where you can set parameters


procedure OnBeforeInsertEmployeeEntries(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before insert

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record where bring information


procedure OnBeforeModifyEmployeeEntries(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record where bring information


procedure OnBeforeModifyEmplEntries_END(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before posting

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record where bring information


procedure OnBeforeSetOperation(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify records that will be used in SetOperation

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record to modify


procedure OnBeforeCreateOutputJnlLine(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to skip the creation of Item Journal Line for Work Center

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record where you can get your parameters

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Allow you to create or not Item Journal Line


procedure OnBeforeInsertOutputJnlLine(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify records that will be used to create InsertOutputJnlLine

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record to modify


procedure OnBeforeCreateItemJnlLine(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify records that will be used to create ItemJnlLine

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record to modify


procedure OnBeforeInsertLotNoInformation(var LotNoInformation: Record "Lot No. Information"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify LotNoInformation before insert

Parameters / Return Value

  • LotNoInformation Record "Lot No. Information"

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record used to create LotNoInformation


procedure OnBeforeInsertSerialNoInformation(var SerialNoInformation: Record "Serial No. Information"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify SerialNoInformation before insert

Parameters / Return Value

  • SerialNoInformation Record "Serial No. Information"

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record used to create SerialNoInformation


procedure OnAfterAssignLotNo(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; EOSMESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to assign LotNo

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record used to assign LotNo

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    Record used to assign LotNo

  • EOSMESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record used to assign LotNo


procedure OnBeforeInsertConsumptionJnlLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify ItemJournalLine used to insert consumption

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record used to create ItemJournalLine

  • ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"

    Record used to create ItemJournalLine


procedure OnBeforePostOperate(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var PostWithoutInsert: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESBarcodePar before post processing

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    The record used to manage the page

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    Record to modify

  • PostWithoutInsert Boolean

    If true, the posting are executed without insert the Item Journal Line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, the posting not executed


procedure OnBeforePostBatch(var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify ItemJournalLine before posting

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    Record to modify


procedure OnAfterValidateFunction(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.It’s used after Validate of input field

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    The record used to manage the page


procedure OnAfterCreateItemJnlLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management Allow you to modify the ItemJnlLine

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The record created based on EOS070MESBarcodePar and EOS070MESEmployeeEntry

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    The record used to manage the page

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record used to create ItemJournalLine


procedure OnAfterSetBarcodeTextIndicator(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.It’s used to update the barcode indicator text

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    The record used to manage the page


procedure OnAfterSetDataInsertCaption(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.It’s used to store the input result

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    The record used to manage the page


procedure OnAfterSetDefaultOutputType(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.It’s used to init record

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    The record used to manage the page


procedure OnBeforeApplyDefaultMESSetup(var EOS070MESSetup: Record "EOS 070 MES Setup")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Setup Mgt.It’s used before generate default Setup for MES

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESSetup Record "EOS 070 MES Setup"

    Record contains the MES Setup


procedure OnBeforeInsertDeafultWorkCenter(var WorkCenter: Record "Work Center")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Setup Mgt.It’s used before generate default Work Center for MES

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkCenter Record "Work Center"

    Record contains the default Work Center


procedure OnBeforeInsertDeafultEmployee(var Employee: Record Employee)

This function is used in Codeunit MES Setup Mgt.It’s used before generate default Employee for MES

Parameters / Return Value

  • Employee Record "Employee"

    Record contains the default Employee


procedure OnBeforeCheckOpenEntriesOnChangeStatusOnProdOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record "Production Order"; NewStatus: Option; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before app checks if there are open employee entries for a specific production order when it is changed in another status

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProductionOrder Record "Production Order"

    Production order processed

  • NewStatus Option

    Destination status

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no following app code will be executed


procedure OnAfterCheckOpenEntriesOnChangeStatusOnProdOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record "Production Order"; NewStatus: Option)

Raised after app checks if there are open employee entries for a specific production order when it is changed in another status

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProductionOrder Record "Production Order"

    Production order processed

  • NewStatus Option

    Destination status


procedure OnFilterProdOrderLineForFamily(var ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; TempEOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

Raised when for a family order, prod. order line are filtered to be processed in order to create new employee entries

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"

    Priduction Order Line filtered. Each line will be processed and a new related employee entry will be generated

  • TempEOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Buffer table containing all parameters


procedure OnBeforeWriteEmployeeEntryForFamily(ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; TempEOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when prod. order line, system is checking if is necessary to create a new employee entries

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"

    Priduction Order Line filtered. Each line will be processed and a new related employee entry will be generated

  • TempEOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Buffer table containing all parameters

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed, thus no employee entries will be created for this prod. order line if you set Handled to true


procedure OnBeforeSetBatchNames(EmployeeNo: Code[20]; ToTemplateName: Code[10]; VAR ToBatchName: Code[10])

Raised before set the Batch name for the posting

Parameters / Return Value

  • EmployeeNo Code[20]

    Employee No that are used to create Batch Name

  • ToTemplateName Code[10]

    Template Name that are used for posting

  • ToBatchName Code[10]

    Batch Name that are used for posting


procedure OnAfterSetBatchName(var ItemJournalBatch: Record "Item Journal Batch")

Raised after set the Batch name for the posting

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJournalBatch Record "Item Journal Batch"

    Record contains the Journal Bacth used to posting


procedure OnBeforeInsertItemJournalLine(var ItemJournalLine: record "Item Journal Line"; var NoInsert: Boolean)

Raised after set the Batch name for the posting

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJournalLine record "Item Journal Line"

    Record contains the Item Journal Line to posting

  • NoInsert Boolean

    If is false, the record is insert. Otherwise the record are processed without insert


procedure OnBeforeCheckRoutingOnOutput(ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"; EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before checking routing status and subcontracting flag when posting output

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRoutingLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

    Record contains reference Prod. Routing line

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Buffer table containing all parameters

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnBeforeModifyEmplEntries_ChangeStatus(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management. Allows you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry before status change.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Buffer table containing all parameters


procedure OnAfterModifyEmplEntries_ChangeStatus(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management. Allows you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry after status change.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record modified

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Buffer table containing all parameters


procedure OnBeforeValidateOperationType(EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; EOS070MESTempReasonCode: Record "EOS 070 MES Temp. Reason Code")

This event is raised in MES page and API when the production order is validated

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Buffer table containing all parameters

  • EOS070MESTempReasonCode Record "EOS 070 MES Temp. Reason Code"


procedure OnAfterCalculateDuration(EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

This event is raised after the calculation of Duration is done during employee entry close function

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Buffer table containing all parameters

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Employee Entry to close


procedure OnAfterValidateEndSession(EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This event is raised after reset of a session

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Buffer table containing all parameters


procedure OnFilterEmployeeEntryorFamily(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; TempEOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

Raised when for a family order, prod. order line are filtered to be processed in order to modify employee entries

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    MES Employee Entry Line filtered. Each line will be processed

  • TempEOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Buffer table containing all parameters


procedure OnBeforeModifyEmployeeEntryForFamily(EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; TempEOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when prod. order line, system is checking if is necessary to create a new employee entries

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    MES Employee Entry Line filtered. Each line will be processed

  • TempEOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Buffer table containing all parameters

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed, thus no employee entries will be processed if you set Handled to true


procedure OnAfterModifyEmplEntries_END(var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

This function is used in Codeunit MES Management.Allow you to modify EOS070MESEmployeeEntry after posting

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    Record to modify

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    Record where bring information


procedure OnCloseOperationOnBeforeSearchOpenEntries(ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line")

Raised before checking for open activities in the “Close Operation” action

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRoutingLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

    Prod. Order Routing Line to close


procedure OnInitTableCustomFields(ParentId: Guid; TableNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ParentId Guid

  • TableNo Integer

  • IsHandled Boolean


procedure OnManageCustomFieldOnDynamicRecord(EOS070MESCustomField: Record "EOS 070 MES Custom Field"; CurrentSystemId: Guid; CurrentRecordRef: RecordRef; var FieldValue: Variant; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESCustomField Record "EOS 070 MES Custom Field"

  • CurrentSystemId Guid

  • CurrentRecordRef RecordRef

  • FieldValue Variant

  • IsHandled Boolean


procedure OnAfterFamilyQuantityMultiplierCalculation(EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ProductionOrder: Record "Production Order"; ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; var EOS070MESEMployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • ProductionOrder Record "Production Order"

  • ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"

  • EOS070MESEMployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"


procedure OnBeforeEmployeeEntryPosting(EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEMployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • EOS070MESEMployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

  • IsHandled Boolean


procedure OnExecuteCustomPanelAction(EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var ReturnMessage: Text)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • ReturnMessage Text[]


procedure OnAfterCopyBarcodeParameters(EOS070MesBarcodeParFrom: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; EOS070MESEmployeeEntryFrom: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EOS070MesBarcodeParTo: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MesBarcodeParFrom Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntryFrom Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

  • EOS070MesBarcodeParTo Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."


procedure OnGetProdOrderPackagingInfo(ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer; var PackagingInstructionsNo: Code[20]; var PackagingMaterialNo: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderNo Code[20]

  • ProdOrderLineNo Integer

  • PackagingInstructionsNo Code[20]

  • PackagingMaterialNo Code[20]


procedure OnGetPackagingInstructionsInfo(PackagingInstructionsNo: Code[20]; var Quantity: Decimal; var NoOfLayer: Integer; var QuantityPerLayer: Decimal; var MaxHeight: Decimal)

Parameters / Return Value

  • PackagingInstructionsNo Code[20]

  • Quantity Decimal

  • NoOfLayer Integer

  • QuantityPerLayer Decimal

  • MaxHeight Decimal


procedure OnAfterPostOperation(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEMployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • EOS070MESEMployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

  • IsHandled Boolean


procedure OnBeforePostIoTDeviceTelemetry(var EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry: Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"

  • IsHandled Boolean


procedure OnManageAdditionalParameters(CurrentParameters: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; Payload: JsonObject; var AdditionalParameters: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • CurrentParameters Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • Payload JsonObject

  • AdditionalParameters Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • IsHandled Boolean


procedure OnBeforeGetSecondaryUoMSettings(ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer; RoutingNo: Code[20]; RoutingReferenceNo: Integer; OperationNo: Code[10]; PanelSetupId: Guid; var SecondaryUoMCode: Code[10]; var SecondaryQtyPerUoM: Decimal; var PropagateSecondaryQuantityCalc: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderNo Code[20]

  • ProdOrderLineNo Integer

  • RoutingNo Code[20]

  • RoutingReferenceNo Integer

  • OperationNo Code[10]

  • PanelSetupId Guid

  • SecondaryUoMCode Code[10]

  • SecondaryQtyPerUoM Decimal

  • PropagateSecondaryQuantityCalc Boolean

  • IsHandled Boolean


procedure OnBeforeWriteEmployeeEntry(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."


procedure OnBeforeModifyEmployeeEntry(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."


procedure OnBeforeChangeResourceStatus(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ResourceNo: Code[20]; CloseAllWorkCenters: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • ResourceNo Code[20]

  • CloseAllWorkCenters Boolean

  • IsHandled Boolean


procedure OnAddComponentOnBeforeModify(var ProdOrderComponent: Record "Prod. Order Component"; JsonPayload: JsonObject)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderComponent Record "Prod. Order Component"

  • JsonPayload JsonObject


procedure OnBeforeModifyOutputOnlyEntry(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ParentEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • ParentEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

  • EmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"


procedure OnAfterInsertOutputOnlyEntry(var EOS070MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; ParentEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var EmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • ParentEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

  • EmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"


procedure OnBeforeAssignLotNoOnManageItemJnlLineTracking(var MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; var LotNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before assigning a lot number to create tracking for the Item Journal Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    MES Barcode parameter

  • MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    MES Employee Entry

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The Item Journal Line to post

  • ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"

    The Production order line

  • LotNo Code[50]

    Lot number to set

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skips the assignment of the Lot number


procedure OnBeforeAssignSerialNoOnManageItemJnlLineTracking(var MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line"; var SerialNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before assigning a serial number to create tracking for the Item Journal Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    MES Barcode parameter

  • MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    MES Employee Entry

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The Item Journal Line to post

  • ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"

    The Production order line

  • SerialNo Code[50]

    Serial number to set

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skips the assignment of the Serial number


procedure OnBeforeCreateReservEntryOnAssignTrackingToItemJnlLine(var MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; Quantity: Decimal; QuantityBase: Decimal; var ReservationEntry: Record "Reservation Entry")

Raised before creating a reservation entry for a specific Item Journal Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    MES Barcode parameter

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The Item Journal Line

  • Quantity Decimal

    The Quantity

  • QuantityBase Decimal

    The Quantity Base

  • ReservationEntry Record "Reservation Entry"

    Reservation entry to init


procedure OnBeforeCreateReservEntryForSerialOnInsertOutputJnlLine(var MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var ReservationEntry: Record "Reservation Entry")

Raised before creating a reservation entry for serial on inserting an output journal line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    MES Barcode parameter

  • MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    MES Employee Entry

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

  • ReservationEntry Record "Reservation Entry"

    Reservation entry to init


procedure OnBeforeCreateReservEntryForLotOnInsertOutputJnlLine(var MESBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var MESEmployeeEntry: Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"; var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; var ReservationEntry: Record "Reservation Entry")

Raised before creating a reservation entry for lot on inserting an output journal line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • MESBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

    MES Barcode parameter

  • MESEmployeeEntry Record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

    MES Employee Entry

  • ItemJournalLine Record "Item Journal Line"

  • ReservationEntry Record "Reservation Entry"

    Reservation entry to init


procedure OnBeforeCreateReservEntryOnAssignTrackingToProdOrderCompLine(ProdOrderComponent: Record "Prod. Order Component"; Quantity: Decimal; QuantityBase: Decimal; var ReservationEntry: Record "Reservation Entry")

Raised before creating a reservation entry for the production order component.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderComponent Record "Prod. Order Component"

    The Production order component

  • Quantity Decimal

    The Quantity

  • QuantityBase Decimal

    The Quantity base

  • ReservationEntry Record "Reservation Entry"

    Reservation entry to init


procedure OnBeforeReprocessIoTDeviceTelemetries(var EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry: Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"


procedure OnAfterReprocessIoTDeviceTelemetries(var EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry: Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"


procedure OnBeforeProcessIoTDeviceTelemetries()


procedure OnAfterProcessIoTDeviceTelemetries()


procedure OnAfterPostIoTDeviceTelemetry(var EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry: Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"; TempParameters: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par." temporary; TrackingArray: Text)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070IoTDeviceTelemetry Record "EOS 070 IoT Device Telemetry"

  • TempParameters Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • TrackingArray Text[]


procedure OnAfterCreateStapling(var EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"


procedure OnAfterAddStapling(var EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"


procedure OnAfterRemoveStapling(var EOS070MEsBarcodePar: Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."; var EOS070MESEmployeeEntry: record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS070MEsBarcodePar Record "EOS 070 MES Barcode Par."

  • EOS070MESEmployeeEntry record "EOS 070 MES Employee Entry"

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