Codeunit 18123151 EOS FTE Handler

Codeunit 18123151 EOS FTE Handler

Gather all functions needed to export VAT Exemption into electronic document



procedure GetVATExclDeclText(LineRecRef: RecordRef) ReturnText: Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Text


procedure GetVATExclDeclAltriDatiGestionali(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var VATExclTxt: Text; var VATExclDate: Date): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

  • VATExclTxt Text

  • VATExclDate Date

  • Returns Boolean



local procedure OnGetVATExclDeclText(LineRecRef: RecordRef; VATExemption: Record "EOS VAT Exemption"; var ReturnText: Text; var Handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    RecordRef referring to document line that you’re processing

  • VATExemption Record "EOS VAT Exemption"

    VAT Exemption related to document line

  • ReturnText Text

    Text to export into Causale tag of xml file

  • Handled Boolean

    If true, no following standard code will be executed

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