Table 5130100 M365 Engineering Setup
Table 5130100 M365 Engineering Setup
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Engineering Einrichtung |
es-ES | Configuración de ingeniería |
en-US | Engineering Setup |
it-CH | Setup Engineering |
it-IT | Setup Engineering |
Primary Key (1
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Primärschlüssel |
es-ES | Clave principal |
en-US | Primary Key |
it-CH | Chiave primaria |
it-IT | Chiave primaria |
Job Structure Template Nos. (30
TableRelation: "No. Series"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projektstruktur Vorlagennummern |
es-ES | No. Plantilla de Estructura del proyecto |
en-US | Project Structure Template Nos. |
it-CH | Nr. template strutture progetto |
it-IT | Nr. template strutture progetto |
Base Calendar Code (40
TableRelation: "Base Calendar"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Basiskalendercode |
es-ES | Código de calendario base |
en-US | Base Calendar Code |
it-CH | Codice calendario base |
it-IT | Codice calendario base |
Job Structure Nos. (50
TableRelation: "No. Series"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projektstrukturnummern |
es-ES | Estructura del puesto Nos. |
en-US | Project Structure Nos. |
it-CH | Nr. strutture progetto |
it-IT | Nr. strutture progetto |
Default Job Struct. Template (90
TableRelation: "M365 Job Structure Header"."No." where(Usage = const(Template))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Standard Projektstruktur Vorlage |
es-ES | Estructura de proyecto predeterminada. Plantilla |
en-US | Default Project Struct. Template |
it-CH | Template default strutt. progetto |
it-IT | Template default strutt. progetto |
Requisition Wksh. Name (100
TableRelation: "Requisition Wksh. Name".Name where("Worksheet Template Name" = field("Req. Wksh. Template"))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Bestellvorschlagsname |
es-ES | Requisición Wksh. Nombre |
en-US | Requisition Wksh. Name |
it-CH | Nome richiesta approvig. |
it-IT | Nome richiesta approvig. |
Req. Wksh. Template (101
TableRelation: "Req. Wksh. Template".Name
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Bestellvorschlagsvorlage |
es-ES | Req. Wksh. Plantilla |
en-US | Req. Wksh. Template |
it-CH | Def. richiesta approvv. |
it-IT | Def. richiesta approvv. |
Default Routing No. (120
TableRelation: "Routing Header"."No." where(Status = const(Certified))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Standard Arbeitsplannr. |
es-ES | No. Enrutamiento predeterminado |
en-US | Default Routing No. |
it-CH | N. routing predefinito |
it-IT | N. routing predefinito |
Operation No. Type (130
" "
(0) , "10"
(1) , "010"
(2) , "0010"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Arbeitsgangnr. Art |
es-ES | Operación No. Tipo |
en-US | Operation No. Type |
it-CH | Tipo nr. operazione |
it-IT | Tipo nr. operazione |
Modus Engineering Active (200
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Modus Engineering Aktiv |
es-ES | Integración de fabricación |
en-US | Manufacturing Integration |
it-CH | Engineering Attivo |
it-IT | Engineering Attivo |
Archiving Job Structure (300
(0) , Question
(1) , Always
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projektstruktur archivieren |
es-ES | Estructura del proyectode archivado |
en-US | Archiving Project Structure |
it-CH | Archivia struttura progetto |
it-IT | Archivia struttura progetto |
Status Started (305
TableRelation: "M365 Job Status"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Status Gestartet |
es-ES | Estado Iniciado |
en-US | Status Started |
it-CH | Stato avviato |
it-IT | Stato avviato |
Status Manual (308
TableRelation: "M365 Job Status"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Status Manuell |
es-ES | Manual de estado |
en-US | Status Manual |
it-CH | Engineering Setup |
it-IT | Engineering Setup |
Status Completed (310
TableRelation: "M365 Job Status"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Status Abgeschlossen |
es-ES | Estado completado |
en-US | Status Completed |
it-CH | Stato completato |
it-IT | Stato completato |
Status Deleted (320
TableRelation: "M365 Job Status"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Status Gelöscht |
es-ES | Estado eliminado |
en-US | Status Deleted |
it-CH | Stato eliminato |
it-IT | Stato eliminato |
Status Not Valid (330
TableRelation: "M365 Job Status"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Status Ungültig |
es-ES | Estado no válido |
en-US | Status Not Valid |
it-CH | Stato non valido |
it-IT | Stato non valido |
Status Disposition (340
TableRelation: "M365 Job Status"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Status Disposition |
es-ES | Disposición de estado |
en-US | Status Disposition |
it-CH | Disposizione stato |
it-IT | Disposizione stato |
Job Posting Group (400
TableRelation: "Job Posting Group"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projektbuchungsgruppe |
es-ES | Grupo de Publicación de Empleo |
en-US | Project Posting Group |
it-CH | Cat. reg. progetto |
it-IT | Cat. reg. progetto |
Exploding BOM with Headings (500
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Stücklistenauflösung mit Überschriftszeilen |
es-ES | Explosión de la lista de materiales con encabezados |
en-US | Exploding BOM with Headings |
it-CH | Esplosione DB con intestazione |
it-IT | Esplosione DB con intestazione |
New Structure per Sales Line (510
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Neue Struktur pro Verkaufszeile |
es-ES | Nueva estructura por línea de ventas |
en-US | New Structure per Sales Line |
it-CH | Nuovo struttura per riga vendita |
it-IT | Nuovo struttura per riga vendita |
Pos. No for Headings (520
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Positionsnr. für Überschriftszeilen |
es-ES | Pos. No a los encabezados |
en-US | Pos. No for Headings |
it-CH | Nr. pos. per intestazioni |
it-IT | Nr. pos. per intestazioni |
Item Jnl. Template Inv. Cost (810
TableRelation: "Item Journal Template" where("Page ID" = const(5803))
Removed: No longer in use, because report is no longer stand alone (17.1)Language | Caption |
Item Jnl. Batch Inv. Cost (820
Removed: No longer in use, because report is no longer stand alone (17.1)Language | Caption |
Job Location (900
TableRelation: Location.Code where("M365 Location Type" = const("Job Location"))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projektlagerort |
es-ES | Ubicación del proyecto |
en-US | Project Location |
it-CH | Ubicazione progetto |
it-IT | Ubicazione progetto |
Job Transfer Location (905
TableRelation: Location.Code where("M365 Location Type" = const("Job Location"))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projekttransfer Lagerort |
en-US | Project Transfer Location |
it-IT | Ubicazione trasferimento tra progetti |
Engineering WIP active (910
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Engineering WIP aktiv |
es-ES | Ingeniería WIP activ |
en-US | Engineering WIP activ |
it-CH | Attiva gestione WIP Engineering |
it-IT | Attiva gestione WIP Engineering |
Job Structure Location Nos. (940
TableRelation: "No. Series"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projekt Lagerort Nummernserie |
es-ES | No. de Ubicación del proyecto |
en-US | Project Location Nos. |
it-CH | N. posizione progetto. |
it-IT | N. posizione progetto. |
Optimize detailed cost calc (1020
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Optimiere Detailkostenberechnung |
es-ES | Optimice el cálculo detallado de costos |
en-US | Optimize detailed cost calculation |
it-CH | Ottimizzare il calcolo dettagliato dei costi |
it-IT | Ottimizzare il calcolo dettagliato dei costi |
Job Item Variant Nos. (5130132
TableRelation: "No. Series"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projektart.-Variantennummern |
es-ES | Números de productos de producto variante |
en-US | Project Item Variant Nos. |
it-CH | Nr. varianti articoli progetto |
it-IT | Nr. varianti articoli progetto |
Save Vendor Prices (5130121
" "
(0) , Update
(1) , "Save with Date"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Speichern Artikellieferantenpreise |
es-ES | Ahorre precios de proveedores |
en-US | Save Vendor Prices |
it-CH | Salva i prezzi fornitore |
it-IT | Salva i prezzi fornitore |
Preselection only missing part (5130124
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Voreinstellung Nur Fehlteile |
es-ES | Preselección solo falta la pieza |
en-US | Preselection only missing part |
it-CH | Preselezione solo parte mancante |
it-IT | Preselezione solo parte mancante |
Res. Planning by Engineering (5130130
Removed: Not necessary anymore (18.0)Language | Caption |
Automatic Res. Planning (5130131
Removed: Not necessary anymore (18.0)Language | Caption |
Init. Value Job Status (5130138
Enum "Job Status"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Vorgabe Projektstatus |
es-ES | Estado Valor inicial del proyecto |
en-US | Init. Value Project Status |
it-CH | Valore inziale stato progetto |
it-IT | Valore inziale stato progetto |
Job Schedule Template Nos. (5130248
TableRelation: "No. Series"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projektterminplan Vorlagennummer |
es-ES | Números de Plantilla de programación de proyecto |
en-US | Project Schedule Template Nos. |
it-CH | Nr. template pianific. progetto |
it-IT | Nr. template pianific. progetto |
Skip Stockkeeping Check (18126546
Language | Caption |
en-US | Skip Stockkeeping Check |
it-CH | Salta controllo SKU |
it-IT | Salta controllo SKU |
procedure Read(showError: Boolean): Boolean
Parameters / Return Value
procedure Initialize(): Boolean
Parameters / Return Value
- Returns
procedure CheckParAccLicense(): Boolean
Parameters / Return Value
- Returns
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