Table 5130104 M365 Engineering Cue
Table 5130104 M365 Engineering Cue
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Engineeringstapel |
es-ES | Señal de ingeniería |
en-US | Engineering Cue |
it-CH | Cue ingegneristico |
it-IT | Cue ingegneristico |
Primary Key (1
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Primärschlüssel |
es-ES | Clave principal |
en-US | Primary Key |
it-CH | Chiave primaria |
it-IT | Chiave primaria |
Jobs - Planning (2
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count(Job where(Status = const(Planning), "M365 Assigned to" = field("User ID Filter")))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projekte - Planung |
es-ES | Proyectos - Planificación |
en-US | Projects - Planning |
it-CH | Progetti - Pianificazione |
it-IT | Progetti - Pianificazione |
Jobs - Quote (3
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count(Job where(Status = const(Quote), "M365 Assigned to" = field("User ID Filter")))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projekte - Angebot |
es-ES | Proyectos - Oferta |
en-US | Projects - Quote |
it-CH | Progetti - Preventivo |
it-IT | Progetti - Preventivo |
Jobs - Order (4
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count(Job where(Status = const(Open), "M365 Assigned to" = field("User ID Filter")))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Projekte - Auftrag |
es-ES | Proyectos - pedido |
en-US | Projects - Order |
it-CH | Progetti - Ordine |
it-IT | Progetti - Ordine |
Prod. BOMs under Development (5
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count("Production BOM Header" where(Status = const("Under Development")))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Fert.-Stücklisten in Entwicklung |
es-ES | Prod. Listas de materiales en desarrollo |
en-US | Prod. BOMs under Development |
it-CH | DB produzione in sviluppo |
it-IT | DB produzione in sviluppo |
Routings under Development (6
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count("Routing Header" where(Status = const("Under Development")))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Arbeitspläne in Entwicklung |
es-ES | Enrutamientos en desarrollo |
en-US | Routings under Development |
it-CH | Cicli in sviluppo |
it-IT | Cicli in sviluppo |
Purchase Orders (7
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count("Purchase Header" where("Document Type" = const(Order), "Assigned User ID" = field("User ID Filter")))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Meine Bestellungen |
es-ES | Mis pedidos de compra |
en-US | My Purchase Orders |
it-CH | Ordini acquisto personali |
it-IT | Ordini acquisto personali |
Blocked Items (8
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count(Item where(Blocked = const(true)))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Gesperrte Artikel |
es-ES | productos bloqueados |
en-US | Blocked Items |
it-CH | Elementi bloccati |
it-IT | Elementi bloccati |
Items (13
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count(Item)
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel |
es-ES | productos |
en-US | Items |
it-CH | Articoli |
it-IT | Articoli |
Date Filter (20
FieldClass: FlowFilter
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Date Filter |
es-ES | Filtro de fecha |
en-US | Date Filter |
it-CH | Filtro data |
it-IT | Filtro data |
User ID Filter (21
FieldClass: FlowFilter
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Benutzer-ID-Filter |
es-ES | Filtro de ID de usuario |
en-US | User ID Filter |
it-CH | Filtro ID utente |
it-IT | Filtro ID utente |
Checklists (25
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count("M365 Checklist Line" where(Selected = const(false), "Assigned User-ID" = field("User ID Filter")))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Checklisten |
es-ES | Listas |
en-US | Checklists |
it-CH | Checklists |
it-IT | Checklists |
Due Checklists (30
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: count("M365 Checklist Line" where(Selected = const(false), "Due Date" = filter('>Workdate'), "Assigned User-ID" = field("User ID Filter")))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Fällige Checklisten |
es-ES | Listas de verificación debidas |
en-US | Due Checklists |
it-CH | Checklist scadute |
it-IT | Checklist scadute |
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