Codeunit 70624260 EOS060.01 Attachments Impl.

Codeunit 70624260 EOS060.01 Attachments Impl.



procedure CheckForContentRequest(var AttachmentEntry: Record "EOS060 Attachment Entry" temporary) IsContentRequest: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • AttachmentEntry Record "EOS060 Attachment Entry"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetAttachmentsList(var AttachmentEntry: Record "EOS060 Attachment Entry" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • AttachmentEntry Record "EOS060 Attachment Entry"


procedure GetAttachment(var AttachmentEntry: Record "EOS060 Attachment Entry" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • AttachmentEntry Record "EOS060 Attachment Entry"


procedure HasAttachment(TheSource: Variant): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TheSource Variant

  • Returns Boolean



local procedure OnGetCurrentRecordRefFromFilters(var RecordIdList: List of [RecordId]; SourceType: Integer; SourceGuid: Guid)

Event raised when calculating RecRef from SourceType and SourceGuid.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordIdList List[RecordId]

    The list containing record ids referencing to the record identified by SourceType and SourceGuid

  • SourceType Integer

    The number of the table of the record

  • SourceGuid Guid

    The guid of the record in the SourceType table


local procedure OnAfterGetDocSolutionsDocuments(var AttachmentEntry: Record "EOS060 Attachment Entry" temporary)

Event raised after populating AttachmentEntry with documents retrieved from SharePoint libraries.

Parameters / Return Value

  • AttachmentEntry Record "EOS060 Attachment Entry"

    The collection of documents retrieved from SharePoint libraries


local procedure OnAfterGetDocSolutionsDocumentContent(var AttachmentEntry: Record "EOS060 Attachment Entry" temporary)

Event raised after populating AttachmentEntry with documents retrieved from SharePoint libraries with their contents in base64.

Parameters / Return Value

  • AttachmentEntry Record "EOS060 Attachment Entry"

    The collection of documents retrieved from SharePoint libraries with their contents in base64

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