Codeunit 70094420 EOS083 SIAN Management

Codeunit 70094420 EOS083 SIAN Management

Codeunit “EOS083 SIAN Management” contains all utility functions to manage SIAN features



procedure SetSIANSubjHeaderFromItem(var SIANSubjHdr: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; ICQRFCred: Code[10]; ICQRFCode: Code[10]; SubjType: enum "EOS083 Subject Type"; SubjCode: Code[30])

SET SIAN Subject Header record filtered By ICQRF Credential, ICQRF Code, Subject Type and Subject Code

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjHdr Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be filter.

  • ICQRFCred Code[10]

    Credential used for get correct “SIAN Subject Header”

  • ICQRFCode Code[10]

    “ICQRF Code” used for get correct “SIAN Subject Header”

  • SubjType enum "EOS083 Subject Type"

    “Subject Type” used for get correct “SIAN Subject Header”.

  • SubjCode Code[30]

    “Subject Code” used for get correct “SIAN Subject Header”


procedure ControlReopen(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

If the necessary conditions are verified then reopen the document .

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    SIAN Operation Header to be modify.


procedure DeleteCompanyInformation(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")

Find Company SIAN Subject and call subject deletion function.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “SIAN Subject Header” used for get and delete company information.


procedure GetSIANItemAttributesID(ItemNo: Code[20]; var PrimCode: Code[15]; var SecCode: Code[15];var TmpSIANItemAttributes: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.";Manual: Boolean)

If SIAN Item Attributes exists returns them

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    Code of item necessary to check if exist “SIAN Item Attributes”

  • PrimCode Code[15]

    Primary code necessary to check if exist “SIAN Item Attributes”

  • SecCode Code[15]

    Secondary code necessary to check if exist “SIAN Item Attributes”

  • TmpSIANItemAttributes Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"

    “SIAN Item Attributes” used for chek

  • TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."

    “SIAN Item Attribute Values” used for chek

  • Manual Boolean


procedure GetTmpSIANItemAttributes(PrimCode: Code[15]; SecCode: Code[15]; var TmpSIANItemAttributes: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.")

Very if SIAN Item Attributes exists in a temporary table

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrimCode Code[15]

    Primary code necessary to get “SIAN Item Attribute values”

  • SecCode Code[15]

    Secondary code necessary to get “SIAN Item Attribute values”

  • TmpSIANItemAttributes Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"

    “SIAN Item Attributes” to be fill

  • TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."

    “SIAN Item Attr. Val.” to be fill


procedure ManageDefaultSIANEnologicalPractice(var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.")

Set Default SIAN enological practice

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."

    “EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.” record temp used for get Default Eno Practice.


procedure ManageEnologicalPractices(ILE: Record "Item Ledger Entry")

Set Enological practices into Lot No. Info, get SIAN Item Attributes from Item Ledger Entry source

Parameters / Return Value

  • ILE Record "Item Ledger Entry"

    “Item Ledger Entry” necessary for get correct item.


procedure UpdateSIANEnologicalPracticesOnWineTreatment(WineTreatmentNo: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • WineTreatmentNo Code[20]


procedure UpdateSIANEnologicalPracticesOnWineTreatment(var ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"


procedure GetSelectionFilterForSIANItemAttributesValues(var SIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."): Text

Get selection filter for SIAN Item Attributes values

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."

    “EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.” filtered.

  • Returns Text[]

    Text with filtered Item Attributes Values


procedure GetSelectionFilterForSIANItemAttributesValues(SIANTableType: enum "EOS083 Table Type"; SIANPrimaryCode: code[15]; SIANSecondaryCode: Code[15]): Text

Get selection filter for SIAN Item Attributes values

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANTableType enum "EOS083 Table Type"

  • SIANPrimaryCode code[15]

  • SIANSecondaryCode Code[15]

  • Returns Text[]

    Text with filtered Item Attributes Values


procedure SelectSIANCode(TableType: Enum "EOS083 Table Type"; var SIANEnologicalPracticesFilter: Text) LookUpOk: Boolean

Open SIAN Table list filtered by Table Type and return a composite filter

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableType Enum "EOS083 Table Type"

    The Table Type to filter for

  • SIANEnologicalPracticesFilter Text[]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure ViewSelectedSIANCode(TableType: Enum "EOS083 Table Type"; CodeFilter: Text)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableType Enum "EOS083 Table Type"

  • CodeFilter Text[]


procedure GetSelectionFilterForSIANTables(var SIANTables: Record "EOS083 SIAN Tables"): Text

Get Selection Filter For SIAN Tables.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANTables Record "EOS083 SIAN Tables"

    “EOS083 SIAN Tables” filtered.

  • Returns Text[]

    Text with filtered SIAN Tables.


procedure GetSelectionFilterForSIANVase(var Vase: Record "EOS EX080 Tank"): Text

Get Selection Filter For SIAN Vase.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Vase Record "EOS EX080 Tank"

    “EOS EX080 Tank” Filtered.

  • Returns Text[]

    Text with filtered SIAN Vase.


procedure ResetSIANSubjectRegister(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")

Reset specific SIAN Subject register

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be reset.


procedure ResetSIANOperationRegister(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Reset specific SIAN Operation Register

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be reset.


procedure PerformSubjectDel(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")

Call specific function for delete a particular subject type

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be delete.


procedure PerformMVVDel(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")

Set selected filters and call function to delete MVV document

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” to be delete.


procedure PerformOperationDel(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Delete SIAN Operation filtered .

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be delete.


procedure PerformSubjectOperationRequest(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")

Call specific function to create a particular type of subject

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be process.


procedure PerformSubjectOperationResponse(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")

Evaluate if delete or create operation, call specific function to create or delete subject type

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” for which to find the creation or cancellation response.


procedure PerformOperationRequest(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Set selected filters and call function to perform operation request

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” for which to find the creation or cancellation response.


procedure UpdateSIANSubjectData(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")

Update SIAN Subject data, get values from SIAN Subject Header

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be update.


procedure CheckOperationLines(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Evaluate operation type and check mandatory values

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be check.


procedure InsertSIANOperationBuffer(ItemLedgerEntry: record "Item Ledger Entry"; CreateLines: boolean)

Fill SIAN Opertarion Register buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemLedgerEntry record "Item Ledger Entry"

    “Item Ledger Entry” from which to find necessary information for fill Operation Buffer.

  • CreateLines boolean

    Specifies if create SIAN Operation Lines


procedure CreateSIANOperationLines(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Perform creation of SIAN Operation Lines, get values from SIAN Operation Header.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” used for create SIAN Operation Lines.


procedure GetNumberCountBetweenTies(FromTiesNo: Code[20]; ToTiesNo: Code[20]) NumberOfTies: Integer

Get number count between ties limit.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromTiesNo Code[20]

    Lower ties limit

  • ToTiesNo Code[20]

    Upper ties limit

  • Returns Integer

    Return variable “NumberOfTies” of type Integer.


procedure MoveOperationNoForward(SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Move operation forward

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be move forward.


procedure CopyOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Copy SIAN Operation and create new operation

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be copy.


procedure SplitOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Split SIAN Operation, each Operation has a maximum number of lines

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be split.


procedure CopyLine(var SIANOperationLine: Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line")

Create new SIAN Operation Line by copying the values from the SIAN Operation Line parameter

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationLine Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Line” to be copy.


procedure LotPosting(ItemLedgEntryLocal: record "Item Ledger Entry")

Create “Lot No. Info” after “Item Ledger Entry” posting

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemLedgEntryLocal record "Item Ledger Entry"

    “Item Ledger Entry” used for post lot information


procedure CreateMVVDocFromSalesShp(PostSalesShp: Record "Sales Shipment Header")

Create MVV Document starting from Sales Shipment Header

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostSalesShp Record "Sales Shipment Header"

    “Sales Shipment Header” used for create MVV Document Header.


procedure CreateMVVDocFromTransShp(PostTransShp: record "Transfer Shipment Header")

Create MVV Document starting from Transfer Shipment Header

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostTransShp record "Transfer Shipment Header"

    “Transfer Shipment Header” used for create MVV Document Header.


procedure CreateMVVDocFromReturnShp(PostReturnShp: record "Return Shipment Header")

Create MVV Document starting from Return Shipment Header

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostReturnShp record "Return Shipment Header"

    “Return Shipment Header” used for create MVV Document Header.


procedure CheckDocumentMVVCompliant(SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; RaiseError: boolean): boolean

Performs checks to determine if the document is MVV compliant

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” to be check.

  • RaiseError boolean

  • Returns boolean

    If document is MVV compliant then return true else return false


procedure GetTransInfo(RecSystemID: GUID; var MeanCode: Code[10]; var VehiclePlate: Code[20]; var TransReason: COde[10]; var ShipTime: time): Boolean

Get additional shipping info

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecSystemID GUID

    Identify SystemID of current record

  • MeanCode Code[10]

    Enhanced with mean of transport code from additional shipping info

  • VehiclePlate Code[20]

    Enhanced with vehicle plate from additional shipping info

  • TransReason COde[10]

    Enhanced with transport reason from additional shipping info

  • ShipTime time

    Enhanced with ship time from additional shipping info

  • Returns Boolean

    If filtered additional shipping info is empty then return false else return true


procedure CheckWineTreatment(WineTreatmentNo: Code[20])

Check if wine treatment is SIAN Compliant

Parameters / Return Value

  • WineTreatmentNo Code[20]

    Number of wine treatment to be verify


procedure GetEOSCity(var lEosCity: record "EOS City"; LocalPostCode: code[20]; LocalCity: text[30])

Get ISTAT information for County and City

Parameters / Return Value

  • lEosCity record "EOS City"

    record “EOS City” contains values for city and county

  • LocalPostCode code[20]

    Post Code used for get necessary information

  • LocalCity text[30]

    City used for get necessary information


procedure WineAppEnabled(): Boolean

Specifies if Wine Apps enabled

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    Return value that specifies if Wine Apps enabled.


procedure AddWSRequestToLog(Source: variant; var XMLDoc: XmlDocument; Response: text; FunctionName: text)

Add a web service request and response to log

Parameters / Return Value

  • Source variant

    Record, RecordID, or RecordRef used in request

  • XMLDoc XmlDocument

    XMLDoc containing the request

  • Response text[]

    Response in text variable

  • FunctionName text[]

    SIAN Function Name


procedure AddWSRequestToLog(Source: variant; var XMLDoc: XmlDocument; Response: text; ResponseCode: Text; ResponseMessage: Text; FunctionName: text)

Add a web service request and response to log

Parameters / Return Value

  • Source variant

    Record, RecordID, or RecordRef used in request

  • XMLDoc XmlDocument

    XMLDoc containing the request

  • Response text[]

    Response in text variable

  • ResponseCode Text[]

  • ResponseMessage Text[]

  • FunctionName text[]

    SIAN Function Name



local procedure OnBefore_CheckWineTreatment(ProdOrderLine: record "Prod. Order Line"; ProdOrderComponent: record "Prod. Order Component"; LotNoInfo: record "Lot No. Information"; LotNoInfoFP: record "Lot No. Information"; SIANItemAttr: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; SIANItemAttrFP: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderLine record "Prod. Order Line"

  • ProdOrderComponent record "Prod. Order Component"

  • LotNoInfo record "Lot No. Information"

  • LotNoInfoFP record "Lot No. Information"

  • SIANItemAttr record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"

  • SIANItemAttrFP record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_CheckWineTreatment(ProdOrderLine: record "Prod. Order Line"; ProdOrderComponent: record "Prod. Order Component"; LotNoInfo: record "Lot No. Information"; LotNoInfoFP: record "Lot No. Information"; SIANItemAttr: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; SIANItemAttrFP: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderLine record "Prod. Order Line"

  • ProdOrderComponent record "Prod. Order Component"

  • LotNoInfo record "Lot No. Information"

  • LotNoInfoFP record "Lot No. Information"

  • SIANItemAttr record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"

  • SIANItemAttrFP record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"


local procedure OnBefore_ControlReopen(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_ControlReopen(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

This event is raised after reopen operation

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” reopened.


local procedure OnBefore_DeleteCompanyInformation(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before company information deletion

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be delete.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If is true the procedure stops.


local procedure OnAfter_DeleteCompanyInformation(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")

This event is raised after company information deletion

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    Parameter of type Record “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header”.


local procedure OnBefore_GetSIANItemAttrID(var PrimCode: Code[15]; var SecCode: Code[15];var TmpSIANItemAttributes: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.")

This event is raised before get SIAN item attributes

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrimCode Code[15]

    Primary code to identify SIAN Item Attributes

  • SecCode Code[15]

    Secondary code to identify SIAN Item Attributes

  • TmpSIANItemAttributes Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"

    Temporary record used for get SIAN Item Attributes

  • TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."

    Temporary record used for get SIAN Item Attributes Values


local procedure OnAfter_GetSIANItemAttrID(var PrimCode: Code[15]; var SecCode: Code[15])

This event is raised after get SIAN item attributes

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrimCode Code[15]

    Primary code to identify SIAN Item Attributes

  • SecCode Code[15]

    Secondary code to identify SIAN Item Attributes


local procedure OnBefore_MngDefSIANEnoPract(var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before manage default SIAN Enological practice

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."

    temporary record contains default SIAN enological practice.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If is true the procedure stops.


local procedure OnAfter_MngDefSIANEnoPract(var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.")

This event is raised after manage default SIAN Enological practice

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."

    temporary record contains default SIAN enological practice.


local procedure OnBefore_MngEnolPract(ILE: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before manage SIAN Enological practice

Parameters / Return Value

  • ILE Record "Item Ledger Entry"

    “Item Ledger Entry” to get correct item attributes.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If is true the procedure stops.


local procedure OnBefore_ResetSIANSubjHdr(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before reset SIAN Subject Header

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be reset.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If is true the procedure stops.


local procedure OnAfter_ResetSIANSubjHdr(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")

This event is raised after reset SIAN Subject Header

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” resetted.


local procedure OnBefore_ResetSIANOperReg(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before reset SIAN Operation Header

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

    “EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be reset.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If is true the procedure stops.


local procedure OnAfter_ResetSIANOperReg(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."


local procedure OnBefore_PerformSubjDel(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before delete SIAN Subject Header.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be delete.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If is true the procedure stops.


local procedure OnAfter_PerformSubjDel(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"


local procedure OnBefore_PerformMVVDel(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_PerformMVVDel(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"


local procedure OnBefore_DeleteOper(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_DeleteOper(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."


local procedure OnBefore_PerformSubjOperReq(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBefore_PerformSubjOperResp(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBefore_PerformOperReq(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBefore_UpdSIANSubjDATA(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_UpdSIANSubjDATA(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"


local procedure OnBefore_CheckOperLines(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • IsHandled boolean


local procedure OnAfter_CheckOperLines(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."


local procedure OnBefore_InsertSIANOper(ItemLedgerEntry: record "Item Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemLedgerEntry record "Item Ledger Entry"

  • IsHandled boolean


local procedure OnAfter_InsertSIANOper(var SIANOperRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."


local procedure OnBefore_CreateOperLine(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_CreateOperLine(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"


local procedure OnAfter_ModifyOperLine(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; RegisterBuffer: record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"

  • RegisterBuffer record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer"


local procedure OnBefore_InsertOperLine(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; RegisterBuffer: record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • RegisterBuffer record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer"


local procedure OnAfter_InsertOperLine(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; RegisterBuffer: record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"

  • RegisterBuffer record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer"


local procedure OnBefore_EnolPractAutomation(SIANItemAttributes: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANItemAttributes record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"


local procedure OnAfter_EnolPractAutomation(SIANItemAttributes: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; var LotNoInformation: record "Lot No. Information")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANItemAttributes record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"

  • SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"

  • LotNoInformation record "Lot No. Information"


local procedure OnBefore_MngOperation(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_MngOperation(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."


local procedure OnBefore_CopyOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_CopyOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."


local procedure OnBefore_SplitOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_SplitOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."


local procedure OnBefore_CopyOperLine(SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_CopyOperLine(SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"


local procedure OnBefore_LotPosting(ItemLedgEntryLocal: record "Item Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemLedgEntryLocal record "Item Ledger Entry"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_LotPosting(ItemLedgEntryLocal: record "Item Ledger Entry"; var LotNoInfo: record "Lot No. Information")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemLedgEntryLocal record "Item Ledger Entry"

  • LotNoInfo record "Lot No. Information"


local procedure OnBefore_CreateMVVFromSalesShp(PostSalesShp: Record "Sales Shipment Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostSalesShp Record "Sales Shipment Header"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_CreateMVVFromSalesShp(PostSalesShp: Record "Sales Shipment Header"; var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostSalesShp Record "Sales Shipment Header"

  • SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"


local procedure OnBefore_CreateMVVFromTransfShp(PostTransShp: record "Transfer Shipment Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostTransShp record "Transfer Shipment Header"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_CreateMVVFromTransfShp(PostTransShp: record "Transfer Shipment Header"; var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostTransShp record "Transfer Shipment Header"

  • SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"


local procedure OnBefore_CreateMVVFromReturnShp(PostReturnShp: record "Return Shipment Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostReturnShp record "Return Shipment Header"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_CreateMVVFromReturnShp(PostReturnShp: record "Return Shipment Header"; var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostReturnShp record "Return Shipment Header"

  • SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"

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