Codeunit 70094420 EOS083 SIAN Management
Codeunit “EOS083 SIAN Management” contains all utility functions to manage SIAN features
procedure SetSIANSubjHeaderFromItem(var SIANSubjHdr: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; ICQRFCred: Code[10]; ICQRFCode: Code[10]; SubjType: enum "EOS083 Subject Type"; SubjCode: Code[30])
SET SIAN Subject Header record filtered By ICQRF Credential, ICQRF Code, Subject Type and Subject Code
SIANSubjHdr Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be filter.
ICQRFCred Code[10]
Credential used for get correct “SIAN Subject Header”
ICQRFCode Code[10]
“ICQRF Code” used for get correct “SIAN Subject Header”
SubjType enum "EOS083 Subject Type"
“Subject Type” used for get correct “SIAN Subject Header”.
SubjCode Code[30]
“Subject Code” used for get correct “SIAN Subject Header”
procedure ControlReopen(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
If the necessary conditions are verified then reopen the document .
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
SIAN Operation Header to be modify.
procedure DeleteCompanyInformation(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Find Company SIAN Subject and call subject deletion function.
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“SIAN Subject Header” used for get and delete company information.
procedure GetSIANItemAttributesID(ItemNo: Code[20]; var PrimCode: Code[15]; var SecCode: Code[15];var TmpSIANItemAttributes: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.";Manual: Boolean)
If SIAN Item Attributes exists returns them
ItemNo Code[20]
Code of item necessary to check if exist “SIAN Item Attributes”
PrimCode Code[15]
Primary code necessary to check if exist “SIAN Item Attributes”
SecCode Code[15]
Secondary code necessary to check if exist “SIAN Item Attributes”
TmpSIANItemAttributes Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"
“SIAN Item Attributes” used for chek
TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."
“SIAN Item Attribute Values” used for chek
Manual Boolean
procedure GetTmpSIANItemAttributes(PrimCode: Code[15]; SecCode: Code[15]; var TmpSIANItemAttributes: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.")
Very if SIAN Item Attributes exists in a temporary table
PrimCode Code[15]
Primary code necessary to get “SIAN Item Attribute values”
SecCode Code[15]
Secondary code necessary to get “SIAN Item Attribute values”
TmpSIANItemAttributes Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"
“SIAN Item Attributes” to be fill
TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."
“SIAN Item Attr. Val.” to be fill
procedure ManageDefaultSIANEnologicalPractice(var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.")
Set Default SIAN enological practice
TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."
“EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.” record temp used for get Default Eno Practice.
procedure ManageEnologicalPractices(ILE: Record "Item Ledger Entry")
Set Enological practices into Lot No. Info, get SIAN Item Attributes from Item Ledger Entry source
ILE Record "Item Ledger Entry"
“Item Ledger Entry” necessary for get correct item.
procedure UpdateSIANEnologicalPracticesOnWineTreatment(WineTreatmentNo: Code[20])
procedure UpdateSIANEnologicalPracticesOnWineTreatment(var ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line")
Record "Prod. Order Line"
procedure GetSelectionFilterForSIANItemAttributesValues(var SIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."): Text
Get selection filter for SIAN Item Attributes values
SIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."
“EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.” filtered.
Returns Text[]
Text with filtered Item Attributes Values
procedure GetSelectionFilterForSIANItemAttributesValues(SIANTableType: enum "EOS083 Table Type"; SIANPrimaryCode: code[15]; SIANSecondaryCode: Code[15]): Text
Get selection filter for SIAN Item Attributes values
SIANTableType enum "EOS083 Table Type"
SIANPrimaryCode code[15]
SIANSecondaryCode Code[15]
Returns Text[]
Text with filtered Item Attributes Values
procedure SelectSIANCode(TableType: Enum "EOS083 Table Type"; var SIANEnologicalPracticesFilter: Text) LookUpOk: Boolean
Open SIAN Table list filtered by Table Type and return a composite filter
TableType Enum "EOS083 Table Type"
The Table Type to filter for
SIANEnologicalPracticesFilter Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure ViewSelectedSIANCode(TableType: Enum "EOS083 Table Type"; CodeFilter: Text)
TableType Enum "EOS083 Table Type"
CodeFilter Text[]
procedure GetSelectionFilterForSIANTables(var SIANTables: Record "EOS083 SIAN Tables"): Text
Get Selection Filter For SIAN Tables.
SIANTables Record "EOS083 SIAN Tables"
“EOS083 SIAN Tables” filtered.
Returns Text[]
Text with filtered SIAN Tables.
procedure GetSelectionFilterForSIANVase(var Vase: Record "EOS EX080 Tank"): Text
Get Selection Filter For SIAN Vase.
Vase Record "EOS EX080 Tank"
“EOS EX080 Tank” Filtered.
Returns Text[]
Text with filtered SIAN Vase.
procedure ResetSIANSubjectRegister(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Reset specific SIAN Subject register
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be reset.
procedure ResetSIANOperationRegister(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Reset specific SIAN Operation Register
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be reset.
procedure PerformSubjectDel(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call specific function for delete a particular subject type
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be delete.
procedure PerformMVVDel(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")
Set selected filters and call function to delete MVV document
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
“EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” to be delete.
procedure PerformOperationDel(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Delete SIAN Operation filtered .
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be delete.
procedure PerformSubjectOperationRequest(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call specific function to create a particular type of subject
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be process.
procedure PerformSubjectOperationResponse(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Evaluate if delete or create operation, call specific function to create or delete subject type
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” for which to find the creation or cancellation response.
procedure PerformOperationRequest(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Set selected filters and call function to perform operation request
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” for which to find the creation or cancellation response.
procedure UpdateSIANSubjectData(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Update SIAN Subject data, get values from SIAN Subject Header
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be update.
procedure CheckOperationLines(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Evaluate operation type and check mandatory values
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be check.
procedure InsertSIANOperationBuffer(ItemLedgerEntry: record "Item Ledger Entry"; CreateLines: boolean)
Fill SIAN Opertarion Register buffer
ItemLedgerEntry record "Item Ledger Entry"
“Item Ledger Entry” from which to find necessary information for fill Operation Buffer.
CreateLines boolean
Specifies if create SIAN Operation Lines
procedure CreateSIANOperationLines(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Perform creation of SIAN Operation Lines, get values from SIAN Operation Header.
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” used for create SIAN Operation Lines.
procedure GetNumberCountBetweenTies(FromTiesNo: Code[20]; ToTiesNo: Code[20]) NumberOfTies: Integer
Get number count between ties limit.
FromTiesNo Code[20]
Lower ties limit
ToTiesNo Code[20]
Upper ties limit
Returns Integer
Return variable “NumberOfTies” of type Integer.
procedure MoveOperationNoForward(SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Move operation forward
SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be move forward.
procedure CopyOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Copy SIAN Operation and create new operation
SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be copy.
procedure SplitOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Split SIAN Operation, each Operation has a maximum number of lines
SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be split.
procedure CopyLine(var SIANOperationLine: Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line")
Create new SIAN Operation Line by copying the values from the SIAN Operation Line parameter
SIANOperationLine Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Line” to be copy.
procedure LotPosting(ItemLedgEntryLocal: record "Item Ledger Entry")
Create “Lot No. Info” after “Item Ledger Entry” posting
ItemLedgEntryLocal record "Item Ledger Entry"
“Item Ledger Entry” used for post lot information
procedure CreateMVVDocFromSalesShp(PostSalesShp: Record "Sales Shipment Header")
Create MVV Document starting from Sales Shipment Header
PostSalesShp Record "Sales Shipment Header"
“Sales Shipment Header” used for create MVV Document Header.
procedure CreateMVVDocFromTransShp(PostTransShp: record "Transfer Shipment Header")
Create MVV Document starting from Transfer Shipment Header
PostTransShp record "Transfer Shipment Header"
“Transfer Shipment Header” used for create MVV Document Header.
procedure CreateMVVDocFromReturnShp(PostReturnShp: record "Return Shipment Header")
Create MVV Document starting from Return Shipment Header
PostReturnShp record "Return Shipment Header"
“Return Shipment Header” used for create MVV Document Header.
procedure CheckDocumentMVVCompliant(SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; RaiseError: boolean): boolean
Performs checks to determine if the document is MVV compliant
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
“EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” to be check.
RaiseError boolean
Returns boolean
If document is MVV compliant then return true else return false
procedure GetTransInfo(RecSystemID: GUID; var MeanCode: Code[10]; var VehiclePlate: Code[20]; var TransReason: COde[10]; var ShipTime: time): Boolean
Get additional shipping info
RecSystemID GUID
Identify SystemID of current record
MeanCode Code[10]
Enhanced with mean of transport code from additional shipping info
VehiclePlate Code[20]
Enhanced with vehicle plate from additional shipping info
TransReason COde[10]
Enhanced with transport reason from additional shipping info
ShipTime time
Enhanced with ship time from additional shipping info
Returns Boolean
If filtered additional shipping info is empty then return false else return true
procedure CheckWineTreatment(WineTreatmentNo: Code[20])
Check if wine treatment is SIAN Compliant
WineTreatmentNo Code[20]
Number of wine treatment to be verify
procedure GetEOSCity(var lEosCity: record "EOS City"; LocalPostCode: code[20]; LocalCity: text[30])
Get ISTAT information for County and City
lEosCity record "EOS City"
record “EOS City” contains values for city and county
LocalPostCode code[20]
Post Code used for get necessary information
LocalCity text[30]
City used for get necessary information
procedure WineAppEnabled(): Boolean
Specifies if Wine Apps enabled
Returns Boolean
Return value that specifies if Wine Apps enabled.
procedure AddWSRequestToLog(Source: variant; var XMLDoc: XmlDocument; Response: text; FunctionName: text)
Add a web service request and response to log
Source variant
Record, RecordID, or RecordRef used in request
XMLDoc XmlDocument
XMLDoc containing the request
Response text[]
Response in text variable
FunctionName text[]
SIAN Function Name
procedure AddWSRequestToLog(Source: variant; var XMLDoc: XmlDocument; Response: text; ResponseCode: Text; ResponseMessage: Text; FunctionName: text)
Add a web service request and response to log
Source variant
Record, RecordID, or RecordRef used in request
XMLDoc XmlDocument
XMLDoc containing the request
Response text[]
Response in text variable
ResponseCode Text[]
ResponseMessage Text[]
FunctionName text[]
SIAN Function Name
local procedure OnBefore_CheckWineTreatment(ProdOrderLine: record "Prod. Order Line"; ProdOrderComponent: record "Prod. Order Component"; LotNoInfo: record "Lot No. Information"; LotNoInfoFP: record "Lot No. Information"; SIANItemAttr: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; SIANItemAttrFP: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
ProdOrderLine record "Prod. Order Line"
ProdOrderComponent record "Prod. Order Component"
LotNoInfo record "Lot No. Information"
LotNoInfoFP record "Lot No. Information"
SIANItemAttr record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"
SIANItemAttrFP record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_CheckWineTreatment(ProdOrderLine: record "Prod. Order Line"; ProdOrderComponent: record "Prod. Order Component"; LotNoInfo: record "Lot No. Information"; LotNoInfoFP: record "Lot No. Information"; SIANItemAttr: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; SIANItemAttrFP: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes")
ProdOrderLine record "Prod. Order Line"
ProdOrderComponent record "Prod. Order Component"
LotNoInfo record "Lot No. Information"
LotNoInfoFP record "Lot No. Information"
SIANItemAttr record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"
SIANItemAttrFP record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"
local procedure OnBefore_ControlReopen(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_ControlReopen(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
This event is raised after reopen operation
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” reopened.
local procedure OnBefore_DeleteCompanyInformation(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
This event is raised before company information deletion
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be delete.
IsHandled Boolean
If is true the procedure stops.
local procedure OnAfter_DeleteCompanyInformation(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
This event is raised after company information deletion
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
Parameter of type Record “EOS083 SIAN Subject Header”.
local procedure OnBefore_GetSIANItemAttrID(var PrimCode: Code[15]; var SecCode: Code[15];var TmpSIANItemAttributes: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.")
This event is raised before get SIAN item attributes
PrimCode Code[15]
Primary code to identify SIAN Item Attributes
SecCode Code[15]
Secondary code to identify SIAN Item Attributes
TmpSIANItemAttributes Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"
Temporary record used for get SIAN Item Attributes
TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."
Temporary record used for get SIAN Item Attributes Values
local procedure OnAfter_GetSIANItemAttrID(var PrimCode: Code[15]; var SecCode: Code[15])
This event is raised after get SIAN item attributes
PrimCode Code[15]
Primary code to identify SIAN Item Attributes
SecCode Code[15]
Secondary code to identify SIAN Item Attributes
local procedure OnBefore_MngDefSIANEnoPract(var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
This event is raised before manage default SIAN Enological practice
TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."
temporary record contains default SIAN enological practice.
IsHandled Boolean
If is true the procedure stops.
local procedure OnAfter_MngDefSIANEnoPract(var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val.")
This event is raised after manage default SIAN Enological practice
TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."
temporary record contains default SIAN enological practice.
local procedure OnBefore_MngEnolPract(ILE: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
This event is raised before manage SIAN Enological practice
ILE Record "Item Ledger Entry"
“Item Ledger Entry” to get correct item attributes.
IsHandled Boolean
If is true the procedure stops.
local procedure OnBefore_ResetSIANSubjHdr(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
This event is raised before reset SIAN Subject Header
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be reset.
IsHandled Boolean
If is true the procedure stops.
local procedure OnAfter_ResetSIANSubjHdr(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
This event is raised after reset SIAN Subject Header
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” resetted.
local procedure OnBefore_ResetSIANOperReg(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
This event is raised before reset SIAN Operation Header
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” to be reset.
IsHandled Boolean
If is true the procedure stops.
local procedure OnAfter_ResetSIANOperReg(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
local procedure OnBefore_PerformSubjDel(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
This event is raised before delete SIAN Subject Header.
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” to be delete.
IsHandled Boolean
If is true the procedure stops.
local procedure OnAfter_PerformSubjDel(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
local procedure OnBefore_PerformMVVDel(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_PerformMVVDel(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")
record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
local procedure OnBefore_DeleteOper(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_DeleteOper(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
local procedure OnBefore_PerformSubjOperReq(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnBefore_PerformSubjOperResp(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnBefore_PerformOperReq(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnBefore_UpdSIANSubjDATA(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_UpdSIANSubjDATA(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
local procedure OnBefore_CheckOperLines(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: boolean)
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
IsHandled boolean
local procedure OnAfter_CheckOperLines(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
local procedure OnBefore_InsertSIANOper(ItemLedgerEntry: record "Item Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: boolean)
ItemLedgerEntry record "Item Ledger Entry"
IsHandled boolean
local procedure OnAfter_InsertSIANOper(var SIANOperRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
local procedure OnBefore_CreateOperLine(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_CreateOperLine(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line")
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
local procedure OnAfter_ModifyOperLine(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; RegisterBuffer: record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer")
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
RegisterBuffer record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer"
local procedure OnBefore_InsertOperLine(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; RegisterBuffer: record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer")
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
RegisterBuffer record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer"
local procedure OnAfter_InsertOperLine(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; RegisterBuffer: record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer")
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
RegisterBuffer record "EOS083 SIAN Register Buffer"
local procedure OnBefore_EnolPractAutomation(SIANItemAttributes: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes")
record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"
local procedure OnAfter_EnolPractAutomation(SIANItemAttributes: record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; var LotNoInformation: record "Lot No. Information")
SIANItemAttributes record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"
SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
LotNoInformation record "Lot No. Information"
local procedure OnBefore_MngOperation(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_MngOperation(SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
local procedure OnBefore_CopyOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_CopyOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
local procedure OnBefore_SplitOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_SplitOperation(var SIANOperationHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
local procedure OnBefore_CopyOperLine(SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_CopyOperLine(SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line")
record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
local procedure OnBefore_LotPosting(ItemLedgEntryLocal: record "Item Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
ItemLedgEntryLocal record "Item Ledger Entry"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_LotPosting(ItemLedgEntryLocal: record "Item Ledger Entry"; var LotNoInfo: record "Lot No. Information")
ItemLedgEntryLocal record "Item Ledger Entry"
LotNoInfo record "Lot No. Information"
local procedure OnBefore_CreateMVVFromSalesShp(PostSalesShp: Record "Sales Shipment Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
PostSalesShp Record "Sales Shipment Header"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_CreateMVVFromSalesShp(PostSalesShp: Record "Sales Shipment Header"; var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")
PostSalesShp Record "Sales Shipment Header"
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
local procedure OnBefore_CreateMVVFromTransfShp(PostTransShp: record "Transfer Shipment Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
PostTransShp record "Transfer Shipment Header"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_CreateMVVFromTransfShp(PostTransShp: record "Transfer Shipment Header"; var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")
PostTransShp record "Transfer Shipment Header"
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
local procedure OnBefore_CreateMVVFromReturnShp(PostReturnShp: record "Return Shipment Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
PostReturnShp record "Return Shipment Header"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_CreateMVVFromReturnShp(PostReturnShp: record "Return Shipment Header"; var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")
PostReturnShp record "Return Shipment Header"
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
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