Codeunit 70094421 EOS083 SIAN WebService Mng
Codeunit “EOS083 SIAN WebService Mng” contains functions to manage Web Services features.
procedure DeleteCompanySiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete Company info
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” contains company informations.
procedure DeleteSubjSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN Subject
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Subject Information.
procedure DeleteTrasSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN Carrier
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Subject Information.
procedure DeleteVaseSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN Vase
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Vase information.
procedure DeleteVineYardSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN Vineyard
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Vineyard information.
procedure DeleteProdSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN Product
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Vase information.
procedure DeleteMVVSiRPV(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN MVV
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
“EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” which to get necessary MVV information.
procedure DeleteOperSiRPV(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Call web service to delete SIAN Operation
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” which to get necessary Operation Information.
procedure VaseSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to send SIAN Vase
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
EOS EX083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Vase information.
procedure SubjSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to send SIAN Subject
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Subject information.
procedure TrasSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to send SIAN carrier
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Subject information.
procedure VineyardSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to send SIAN Vineyard
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Vineyard information.
procedure ProdSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to send SIAN Product
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Product information.
procedure MVVSiRPV(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")
Call web service to send SIAN MVV Document
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
“EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” which to get necessary MVV information.
procedure GetMVVDesignation(var SIANSubjectLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Line")
Call web service to send SIAN Designation
SIANSubjectLine record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Line"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Line” which to get necessary Subject Line information.
procedure OperSiRPV(var SIANOperationRegister: Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; ICQRF: Code[10])
Call web service to send SIAN Operation
SIANOperationRegister Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” which to get necessary operation information.
ICQRF Code[10]
ICQRF code which to refers
procedure ViewMVVSiRPV(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")
Call web service to view SIAN MVV Document
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
“EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” which to get necessary MVV information.
procedure PrnMVVSiRPV(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header")
Call web service to refresh MVV PDF
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
“EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” which to get necessary MVV information.
procedure ViewOperSiRPV(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var SIANOperationRegister2: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line")
Call web service to view SIAN Operation
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” which to get necessary Operation Information..
SIANOperationRegister2 record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” which to get necessary Operation Information..
SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
Parameter of type record “EOS083 SIAN Operation Line”.
procedure ViewGiacSiRPV(var SIANOperationLine: Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; var SIANOperationLine2: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line")
Call web service to view SIAN Inventory
SIANOperationLine Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Line” which to get necessary operation line information.
SIANOperationLine2 record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Line” which to get necessary operation line information.
procedure ClosePrevCampaignSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to close previous SIAN Campaign
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Campaign information.
procedure SOAPHEADER(Service: Text)
This function create SOAP_HEADER to compose XML Document for every Web service call
Service Text[]
Name of WS method to be call
procedure CheckTestTransmission(ICQRFCredCode: Code[10]): Boolean
Determines if the transmission should be test
ICQRFCredCode Code[10]
ICRF Credential used for verify if its enable to transmit
Returns Boolean
If ICRFCredCode its enable to transmit then return true else return false
procedure GetCredentialTransmission(IsTest: Boolean)
Get Credential for SIAN Transmission.
IsTest Boolean
Specifies if test transmission
procedure MakeSOAPRequest(URL: Text; Method: text; Service: Text; var XmlDocReq: xmldocument; Async: Boolean) ResponseText: Text
This function make an HTTP Request to call a generic web service
URL Text[]
Sync or ASync connection path
Method text[]
Post or Get method
Service Text[]
Name of service
XmlDocReq xmldocument
XML document
Async Boolean
If is true then use Async connection path else Sync connection path
Returns Text[]
Return variable “ResponseText” of type Text.
procedure ConvertToBase64(StrToConvert: Text): Text
Return text string converted into Base 64 format
StrToConvert Text[]
Contains string to be convert into Base 64
Returns Text[]
Contains string converted
procedure GetDelVaseSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN Vase
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Vineyard information.
procedure GetDelSubjSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN Subject
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Subject information.
procedure GetDelTrasSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN Carrier
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Carrier information.
procedure GetDelVineyardSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN Vineyard
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Vineyard information.
procedure GetDelProdSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to delete SIAN Product
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Product information. .
procedure GetDelOperSiRPV(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Call web service to delete SIAN Operation
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” which to get necessary Operation Information.
procedure GetDelCompanySiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Get the result of the last deletion for current Company
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Company information.
procedure GetVaseSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to get SIAN Vase
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Vase information.
procedure GetSubjSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to get SIAN Subject
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Subject information.
procedure GetTrasSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to get SIAN Carrier
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary trasport information.
procedure GetVineyardSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to get SIAN Vineyard
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Vineyard information.
procedure GetProdSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to get SIAN product
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Product information.
procedure GetOperSiRPV(var SIANOperationRegister: Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Call web service to get SIAN Operation
SIANOperationRegister Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” which to get necessary Operation Information..
procedure GetClosePrevCampaignSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Call web service to get previous SIAN Campaign closed
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Campaign information.
procedure SIANMVVRegisterRequest(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; IsCanc: Boolean)
Stores the request for deletion or creation of MVV documents
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
“EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” which to get necessary MVV information.
IsCanc Boolean
Specifies if current MVV Document it was deleted
procedure SIANSubjectRegisterRequest(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; IsCanc: Boolean)
Stores the request for deletion or creation of Subjects
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary Subject information.
IsCanc Boolean
Specifies if current Subject it was deleted.
procedure SIANOperationRegisterRequest(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; IsCanc: Boolean)
Stores the request for deletion or creation of operations
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” which to get necessary Operation Information..
IsCanc Boolean
“IsCanc” Specifies if current Operation it was deleted
procedure SIANSubjectRegisterResponse(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header")
Stores the response of subject creation request
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
“EOS083 SIAN Subject Header” which to get necessary information.
procedure SIANOperationRegisterResponse(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.")
Stores the response of operation creation request
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr.” which to get necessary Operation Information..
procedure GetSOAPTransmissionID(Service: Text; SendResult: Text)
Gets TransmissionID and code resulting by a generic WS request
Service Text[]
Specifies the name of service to be called
SendResult Text[]
Contains the result of Web service call
procedure GetSOAPMVVTransmissionID(Service: Text; SendResult: Text)
Gets TransmissionID and code resulting by a MVV creation request
Service Text[]
Specifies the name of service to be called
SendResult Text[]
Contains the result of Web service call
procedure WriteSOAPTempOperation(SendResult: text; var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; EntryNo: integer)
Allows to storing informations of sended operations, obtained by a ws calling.
SendResult text[]
Contains the result of Web service call
SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Line” which to get necessary Operation Information.
EntryNo integer
Specifies Entry No. of operation
procedure GetSOAPMVVResponseCode(Service: Text; SendResult: Text; GetPdf: Boolean)
Obtains the response of a WS creation request for a MVV document
Service Text[]
Specifies the name of service to be called
SendResult Text[]
Contains the result of Web service call
GetPdf Boolean
Specifies if get the pdf
procedure GetSOAPResponseCode(Service: Text; SendResult: Text)
Used by every WS calling to obtain response code
Service Text[]
Specifies the name of service to be called
SendResult Text[]
Contains the result of Web service call
procedure OperationNo(OpNo: Integer; Mandatory: Boolean)
Format Operation Number
OpNo Integer
Operation Number to be formatted
Mandatory Boolean
Specifies if required
procedure FillXmlTextOrCode(TagName: text; Fldvalue: text; FldCaption: text; Mandatory: Boolean)
Build xml row for text values With parameter TagName, check if Fldvalue is empty then return error.
TagName text[]
Specifies tag name
Fldvalue text[]
Specifies field value
FldCaption text[]
Specifies field caption
Mandatory Boolean
Specifies if required
procedure FillXmlDate(TagName: text; Fldvalue: date; FldCaption: text; Mandatory: Boolean)
Build xml row for date values With parameter TagName, check if Fldvalue is 0D then return error.
TagName text[]
Specifies tag name
Fldvalue date
Specifies field value
FldCaption text[]
Specifies field caption
Mandatory Boolean
Specifies if required
procedure FillXmlInt(TagName: text; Fldvalue: integer; FldCaption: text; Mandatory: Boolean)
Build xml row for Integer values With parameter TagName, check if Fldvalue is 0 then return error.
TagName text[]
Specifies tag name
Fldvalue integer
Specifies field value
FldCaption text[]
Specifies field caption
Mandatory Boolean
Specifies if required
procedure FillXmlDec(TagName: text; Fldvalue: decimal; FldFormat: text; FldCaption: text; Mandatory: Boolean)
Build xml row for decimal values With parameter TagName, check if Fldvalue is 0 then return error.
TagName text[]
Specifies tag name
Fldvalue decimal
Specifies field value
FldFormat text[]
Specifies format string
FldCaption text[]
Specifies field caption
Mandatory Boolean
Specifies if required
procedure CountryOrigin(PrimaryProdCode: Code[15]; SecondaryProdCode: Code[15])
Gets the country from SIAN Item Attribute Value and build the specific tag
PrimaryProdCode Code[15]
Specifies Primary product code
SecondaryProdCode Code[15]
Specifies Secondary product code
procedure Variety(PrimaryProdCode: Code[15]; SecondaryProdCode: Code[15])
Gets the Variety from SIAN Item Attribute Value and build the specific tag
PrimaryProdCode Code[15]
Specifies Primary product code
SecondaryProdCode Code[15]
Specifies Secondary product code
procedure Mentions(PrimaryProdCode: Code[15]; SecondaryProdCode: Code[15])
Gets the Mention from SIAN Item Attribute Value and build the specific tag
PrimaryProdCode Code[15]
Specifies Primary product code
SecondaryProdCode Code[15]
Specifies Secondary product code
procedure EnologicalPractices(PrimaryProdCode: Code[15]; SecondaryProdCode: Code[15])
Gets the Enological Practice from SIAN Item Attribute Value and build the specific tag
PrimaryProdCode Code[15]
Specifies Primary product code
SecondaryProdCode Code[15]
Specifies Secondary product code
procedure WineYear(Year: Integer; YearPerc: Decimal; FldCaption: text; mandatory: boolean)
Format the wine year and build the specific tag
Year Integer
Year to be formatted
YearPerc Decimal
Specifies percentual of year
FldCaption text[]
Specifies field caption
mandatory boolean
Specifies if required
procedure Container(ContainerCode: text[250]; FldCaption: text; mandatory: boolean)
Gets the Tank code and build the specific tag
ContainerCode text[250]
Specifies container code
FldCaption text[]
Specifies field caption
mandatory boolean
Specifies if required
procedure FillXmlQty(TagName: text; Fldvalue: decimal; FldFormat: text; FldCaption: text; Mandatory: Boolean)
Build xml row for quantity values With parameter TagName, check if Fldvalue is 0 then return error.
TagName text[]
Specifies tag name
Fldvalue decimal
Specifies field value
FldFormat text[]
Specifies format string
FldCaption text[]
Specifies field caption
Mandatory Boolean
Specifies if required
procedure Batch(var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; NoContr: boolean; mandatory: boolean)
Build batch tag with the informations getted from SIAN Lot No. Info.
SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
“EOS083 SIAN Operation Line” which to get batch information.
NoContr boolean
Specifies if necessary ties
mandatory boolean
Specifies if required
local procedure OnBefore_ServiceSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; ICQRFCredentials: Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."; WSMethodName: text[50]; var IsHandled: boolean)
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
ICQRFCredentials Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."
WSMethodName text[50]
IsHandled boolean
local procedure OnAfter_ServiceSiRPV(var SIANSubjectHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; ICQRFCredentials: Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."; WSMethodName: text[50])
SIANSubjectHeader record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
ICQRFCredentials Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."
WSMethodName text[50]
local procedure OnBefore_MVVServiceSiRpv(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; ICQRFCredentials: Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."; WSMethodName: text[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
ICQRFCredentials Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."
WSMethodName text[50]
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_MVVServiceSiRpv(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; ICQRFCredentials: Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."; WSMethodName: text[50])
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
ICQRFCredentials Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."
WSMethodName text[50]
local procedure OnBefore_OperationServiceSiRpv(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; ICQRFCredentials: Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."; WSMethodName: text[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
ICQRFCredentials Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."
WSMethodName text[50]
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_OperationServiceSiRpv(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; ICQRFCredentials: Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."; WSMethodName: text[50])
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
ICQRFCredentials Record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."
WSMethodName text[50]
local procedure OnBefore_OperLineServiceSiRpv(var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; WSMethodName: text[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
WSMethodName text[50]
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_OperLineServiceSiRpv(var SIANOperationLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"; WSMethodName: text[50])
SIANOperationLine record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Line"
WSMethodName text[50]
local procedure OnBefore_SubjLineServiceSiRpv(var SIANSubjectLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Line"; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANSubjectLine record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Line"
XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_SubjLineServiceSiRpv(var SIANSubjectLine: record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Line"; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")
SIANSubjectLine record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Line"
XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"
local procedure OnBefore_OperationProcess(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_OperationProcess(var SIANOperationRegister: record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")
SIANOperationRegister record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"
local procedure OnBefore_SOAPHeader(Username: text[50]; Password: text[50]; Service: text; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Username text[50]
Password text[50]
Service text[]
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnBefore_GetCredTrans(IsTest: boolean; ICQRFCredentials: record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."; SIANSetup: record "EOS083 SIAN Setup"; var IsHandled: boolean)
IsTest boolean
ICQRFCredentials record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."
SIANSetup record "EOS083 SIAN Setup"
IsHandled boolean
local procedure OnAfter_GetCredTrans(IsTest: boolean; ICQRFCredentials: record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."; SIANSetup: record "EOS083 SIAN Setup"; Username: text[50];Password: text[50]; ASYNCConnPath: text[100]; ASYNCConnRequest: text[100]; SYNCConnPath: text[100]; SYNCConnRequest: text[100])
IsTest boolean
ICQRFCredentials record "EOS083 SIAN ICQRF Cred."
SIANSetup record "EOS083 SIAN Setup"
Username text[50]
Password text[50]
ASYNCConnPath text[100]
ASYNCConnRequest text[100]
SYNCConnPath text[100]
SYNCConnRequest text[100]
local procedure OnBefore_MakeSOAPRequest(URL: Text; Method: text; Service: Text; var Data: XmlDocument; Async: Boolean)
URL Text[]
Method text[]
Service Text[]
Data XmlDocument
Async Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_MakeSOAPRequest(URL: Text; Method: text; Service: Text; var Data: XmlDocument; Async: Boolean; ResponseText: Text)
URL Text[]
Method text[]
Service Text[]
Data XmlDocument
Async Boolean
ResponseText Text[]
local procedure OnBefore_MVVRegServiceSiRpv(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; IsCanc: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
IsCanc Boolean
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_MVVRegServiceSiRpv(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; IsCanc: Boolean)
SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"
IsCanc Boolean
local procedure OnBefore_RegServiceSiRpv(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; IsCanc: Boolean; TransmissionCode: text[250]; TransmissionID: text[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
IsCanc Boolean
TransmissionCode text[250]
TransmissionID text[50]
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_RegServiceSiRpv(var SIANSubjectHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"; TransmissionCode: text[250]; TransmissionID: text[50]; IsCanc: Boolean)
SIANSubjectHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Subject Header"
TransmissionCode text[250]
TransmissionID text[50]
IsCanc Boolean
local procedure OnBefore_RegOperationSiRpv(var SIANOperationHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; IsCanc: Boolean; TransmissionCode: text[250]; TransmissionID: text[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SIANOperationHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
IsCanc Boolean
TransmissionCode text[250]
TransmissionID text[50]
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfter_RegOperationSiRpv(var SIANOperationHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."; TransmissionCode: text[250]; TransmissionID: text[50]; IsCanc: Boolean)
SIANOperationHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN Operation Hdr."
TransmissionCode text[250]
TransmissionID text[50]
IsCanc Boolean
local procedure OnAfterSendRequest(FunctionName: text; var XMLDoc: XmlDocument; Response: text; ResponseCode: Text; ResponseMessage: Text; Source: variant)
Publisher to manage response from SIAN Web Service Request
FunctionName text[]
SIAN Function Name
XMLDoc XmlDocument
WS Request XML
Response text[]
WS Response XML
ResponseCode Text[]
ResponseMessage Text[]
Source variant
Record processed by SIAN
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