Codeunit 70094423 EOS083 Events Publisher

Codeunit 70094423 EOS083 Events Publisher

Codeunit EOS EX083 Events Publisher (ID 70094423) Contains integration Events for MVV



procedure OnBeforeCheckMVVDocument(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before before verify if Document is MVV Compliant

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” to be check.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true skip check.


procedure OnAfterCheckMVVDocument(var SIANMVVHeader: record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; SuppressCommit: Boolean)

This event is raised after verify MVV Document Compliant

Parameters / Return Value

  • SIANMVVHeader record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"

    “EOS083 SIAN MVV Header” to verify if is MVV Compliant.

  • SuppressCommit Boolean

    If true suppress commit.


procedure OnBeforeModifyLotNo_OnBeforeGetSIANItemAttributesID(LotNoInformation: Record "Lot No. Information"; var TmpSIANItemAttributes: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes" temporary; var TmpSIANItemAttributesValues: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val." temporary)

This event is used in OnBeforeModify subscriber for Lot No. Information, after retrieving and updating SIAN Attributes, and before generate new SIAN codes

Parameters / Return Value

  • LotNoInformation Record "Lot No. Information"

    Lot No. Information Record

  • TmpSIANItemAttributes Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"

    SIAN Item Attributes Record

  • TmpSIANItemAttributesValues Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val."

    SIAN Item Attributes Values Records

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