Report 70094425 EOS083 Create ShAg Subj

Report 70094425 EOS083 Create ShAg Subj

Report EOS EX083 Create ShAg Subj (ID 70094425). Create Shipping Agents SIAN Subjects

en-GBSIAN Create Shipping Agent Subject
en-USSIAN Create Shipping Agent Subject
it-ITCrea soggetto spedizioniere SIAN



procedure InitRequest(NewActionType: enum "EOS083 Action Type"; NewICQRFCredCode: Code[10])

Set options to perform report for create Shipping Agent subject

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewActionType enum "EOS083 Action Type"

    Parameter of type enum “EOS083 Action Type”.

  • NewICQRFCredCode Code[10]

    Parameter of type Code[10].

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