Report 70094427 EOS083 MVV Sales Shipment

Report 70094427 EOS083 MVV Sales Shipment

Report EOS EX083 MVV Sales Shipment (ID 70094427). Print MVV Sales Shipment



local procedure OnBeforeGetBufferShipmentHeaderAndLine(SianMVVHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header";var PrintBufferLine: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before populate PrintBufferHeader and PrintBufferLine.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SianMVVHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"

    Current Record “EOS083 SIAN MVV Header”

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • PrintBufferLine Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Line"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, PrintBufferHeader and PrintBufferLine will not be automatically populated


local procedure OnAfterGetBufferShipmentHeaderAndLine(SianMVVHeader: Record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"; var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header";var PrintBufferLine: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Line")

This event is raised after populate PrintBufferHeader and PrintBufferLine.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SianMVVHeader Record "EOS083 SIAN MVV Header"

    Current Record “EOS083 SIAN MVV Header”

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • PrintBufferLine Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Line"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Line


local procedure OnAfterGetAddrCompanyInfo(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; CompanyInfo: record "Company Information"; var AddArray: array[8] of Text[100])

This event is raised after get the address of Company. It’s the address of the sender.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • CompanyInfo record "Company Information"

    Record “Company Information”

  • AddArray Text[100]

    Variable to modify. Contains address lines


local procedure OnAfterGetAddrFromLocation(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; var AddArray: array[8] of Text[100])

This event is raised after get the address from “Location Code”. It’s the address of the place of shipment.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • AddArray Text[100]

    Variable to modify. Contains address lines


local procedure OnAfterGetAddrTo(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; var AddArray: array[8] of Text[100])

This event is raised after get the address of the recipient.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • AddArray Text[100]

    Variable to modify. Contains address lines


local procedure OnAfterGetBillToAddr(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; var AddArray: array[8] of Text[100])

This event is raised after get the address of the buyer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • AddArray Text[100]

    Variable to modify. Contains address lines


local procedure OnAfterGetShipToAddr(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; var AddArray: array[8] of Text[100])

This event is raised after get the address of the place of delivery.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • AddArray Text[100]

    Variable to modify. Contains address lines


local procedure OnAfterGetAddrCompetentAuthority(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; CompanyInfo: record "Company Information"; var AddArray: array[8] of Text[100])

This event is raised after get the address of the Competent Authority

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • CompanyInfo record "Company Information"

    record “Company Information”

  • AddArray Text[100]

    Variable to modify. Contains address lines


local procedure OnAfterGetInfoShippingAgent(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; AdditionalShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var AddArray: array[8] of Text[100])

This event is raised after get the address of Shipping Agent.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • AdditionalShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Record “EOS066 Document Shipping Info”

  • AddArray Text[100]

    Variable to modify. Contains address lines


local procedure OnAfterGetMeanOfTransport(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; AdditionalShippingInfo: Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"; var AddArray: array[3] of Text[100])

This event is raised after get info on Mean Of Transport.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • AdditionalShippingInfo Record "EOS066 Document Shipping Info"

    Record “EOS066 Document Shipping Info”

  • AddArray Text[100]

    Variable to modify. Contains address lines


local procedure EventSetInfoHeader(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; var n_1d: Text; var n_17_2d: Text; var n_17l: Text; var n_18_Date: Text; var n_18_Time: Text; var n_16_back: Text; var n_18_back: Text; var A_back: Text; var info_movimento: Text)

This event allows you to change some info on the Report Header.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • n_1d Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the external document No.

  • n_17_2d Text

    Variable to modify.

  • n_17l Text

    Variable to modify. Contains the Lot Certificate No. of document lines

  • n_18_Date Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the transport start date

  • n_18_Time Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the transport start time

  • n_16_back Text

    Variable to modify.

  • n_18_back Text

    Variable to modify.

  • A_back Text

    Variable to modify.

  • info_movimento Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the reason code.


local procedure EventSetInfoLine(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; var PrintBufferLine: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Line"; var n_17p: Text; var n_17_1_NC: Text; var n_17_1_NI: Text; var n_17c: Text; var n_17def_Q: Text; var n_17def_UM: Text)

This event allows you to change some info on the Report Lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • PrintBufferLine Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Line"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Lines

  • n_17p Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the item description

  • n_17_1_NC Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the number of parcels

  • n_17_1_NI Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the number of packages

  • n_17c Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the Item “Tariff No.”

  • n_17def_Q Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the item quantity on line.

  • n_17def_UM Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the Unit of Measure Code on line


local procedure EventSetInfoLine_LotInfo(var PrintBufferHeader: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"; var PrintBufferLine: Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Line"; LotInfoNo: Record "Lot No. Information"; SIANItemAttr: Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"; var n_17o: Text; var n_17g_PA: Text; var n_17g_BA: Text; var n_17g_TA: Text; var n_17_2a: Text; var n_17_2b: Text; var n_17_2_1a: Text)

This event allows you to change some info on the Report Lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PrintBufferHeader Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Header"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Header

  • PrintBufferLine Record "EOS083 MVV Print Buffer Line"

    Contains info about Document Shipment Lines

  • LotInfoNo Record "Lot No. Information"

    Current Record “Lot No. Information”

  • SIANItemAttr Record "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"

    Current Record “EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes” of Lot Information

  • n_17o Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the Density

  • n_17g_PA Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the Potential Alcohol

  • n_17g_BA Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the Base Alcohol

  • n_17g_TA Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the Finished Alcohol

  • n_17_2a Text

    Variable to modify. Contains Info on Wine Characteristics (description and code)

  • n_17_2b Text

    Variable to modify. It’s the “Wine Grow. Area Code” on the Item Category

  • n_17_2_1a Text

    Variable to modify. Contains the SIAN Item Attr. Val Codes

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