Table 70094432 EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Dash
Table “EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Dash”
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Item Attributes Dashboard |
en-US | SIAN Item Attributes Dashboard |
it-IT | Cruscotto Attributi Articolo SIAN |
TableRelation: Item."No."
“Item No.” specifies number of item
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikelnr. |
en-GB | Item No. |
en-US | Item No. |
it-IT | Nr. Articolo |
)Enum "EOS EX080 Wine Type"
“Wine Type” specifies SIAN Type of wine
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Weinart |
en-GB | Wine Type |
en-US | Wine Type |
it-IT | Tipo Vino |
TableRelation: "Item Category"
“Item Category Code” specifies category of item
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikelkategoriencode |
en-GB | Item Category Code |
en-US | Item Category Code |
it-IT | Codice categoria articolo |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const(Category))
“SIAN Category” specifies SIAN category of item
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Category |
en-US | SIAN Category |
it-IT | Categoria |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const("Wine Growing Zone"))
“SIAN Wine Growing Zone” specifies SIAN zone where wine was grown
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Wine Growing Zone |
en-US | SIAN Wine Growing Zone |
it-IT | Zona viticola |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const(Classification))
“SIAN Classification” specifies sian classification of product
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Klassifizierung |
en-GB | SIAN Classification |
en-US | SIAN Classification |
it-IT | Classificazione |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const(Color))
“SIAN Color” specifies color of wine
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Color |
en-US | SIAN Color |
it-IT | Colore |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const(Origin))
“SIAN Origin” specifies SIAN Origin of prodcut
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Color |
en-US | SIAN Color |
it-IT | Colore |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const("Sugar Content"))
“SIAN Sugar Content” specifies sugar content of wine
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Sugar Content |
en-US | SIAN Sugar Content |
it-IT | Tenore Zuccheri |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const("Physical State"))
“SIAN Physical State”
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Physical State |
en-US | SIAN Physical State |
it-IT | Stato fisico |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const("E-Bacchus"))
“SIAN E-Bacchus” specifies code of E-Bacchus
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN E-Bacchus |
en-US | SIAN E-Bacchus |
it-IT | E-Bacchus |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const("Derogation Obligation"))
“SIAN Derogation Obbligation” specifies code of Derogation Obbligation
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Derogation Obbligation |
en-US | SIAN Derogation Obbligation |
it-IT | Obbligo deroga |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const(Organic))
“SIAN Organic” specifies if wine is organic
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Organic |
en-US | SIAN Organic |
it-IT | Biologico |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const("Act Certification"))
“SIAN Act Certification” specifies code of Act Certification
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Act Certification |
en-US | SIAN Act Certification |
it-IT | Atto/Certificato |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const(Subzone))
“SIAN Subzone” specifies subzone of wine growing zone
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Subzone |
en-US | SIAN Subzone |
it-IT | Sottozona |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const(DOPIGP))
“SIAN DOPIGP” specifies code of DOP IGP
Language | Caption |
it-IT | DOPIGP |
“SIAN IGP %” specifies percentual of IGP
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN IGP % |
en-US | SIAN IGP % |
it-IT | % IGP |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const("Enological Practices Method"))
“SIAN Enological Practices Met.” specifies code of enological practice method
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Enological Practices Met. |
en-US | SIAN Enological Practices Met. |
it-IT | Metodi Pratiche Enologiche |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const(Treatments))
“SIAN Treatment” specifies which type of treatment the wine was subjected to
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Treatment |
en-US | SIAN Treatment |
it-IT | Trattamento |
Year specifies year of wine
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Jahrgang |
en-GB | Year |
en-US | Year |
it-IT | Annata |
“SIAN Grapes Origin” specifies origin of grapes
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Grapes Origin |
en-US | SIAN Grapes Origin |
it-IT | Origine Uve |
“SIAN Mass” specifies Mass of wine
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Mass |
en-US | SIAN Mass |
it-IT | Massa volumica |
“SIAN Batch Code” specifies batch code of wine
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Batch Code |
en-US | SIAN Batch Code |
it-IT | Partita |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Vineyard".Code
“SIAN Vineyard Code” specifies code of vineyard
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Vineyard Code |
en-US | SIAN Vineyard Code |
it-IT | Codice Vigna |
“SIAN Mention” specifies mention code
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Mention |
en-US | SIAN Mention |
it-IT | Menzioni tradizionali |
“SIAN Countries of Origin” specifies countries of origin where wine has been made
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Countries of Origin |
en-US | SIAN Countries of Origin |
it-IT | Paesi provenienza |
“SIAN Enological Practices” specifies enolofical practices
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Enological Practices |
en-US | SIAN Enological Practices |
it-IT | (EWI) Pratiche enologiche SIAN |
“SIAN Variety” specify variety of wine
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Variety |
en-US | SIAN Variety |
it-IT | Varietà |
Description contains description of product
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Beschreibung |
en-GB | Description |
en-US | Description |
it-IT | Descrizione |
“Description 2” contains second description of product
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Beschreibung 2 |
en-GB | Description 2 |
en-US | Description 2 |
it-IT | Descrizione 2 |
Modified specifies if product has been modified
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Bearbeitet |
en-GB | Modified |
en-US | Modified |
it-IT | Modificato |
Inventory specifies quantity of product stocked
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Lagerbestand |
en-GB | Inventory |
en-US | Inventory |
it-IT | Magazzino |
Attribute Description specifies attribute description
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Lagerbestand |
en-GB | Inventory |
en-US | Inventory |
it-IT | Magazzino |
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