TableExtension 231 Reason Code

TableExtension 70094421 EOS083 TableExt 70094421

TableExtension EOS EX083 TableExt 70094421 (ID 70094421) extends Record Reason Code //231.


EOS083 SIAN Expiration Date (70094420)


“EOS083 SIAN Expiration Date” specifies SIAN Expiration Date of Reason Code

EOS083 SIAN Enol. Practice (70094421)


TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const("Enological Practices"))

“EOS083 SIAN Enol. Practice” specifies SIAN Enological Practice

EOS083 SIAN Op. Type Load (70094422)

enum "EOS083 Operation Type"

“EOS083 SIAN Op. Type Load” specifies SIAN type of load operation

EOS083 SIAN Exp. Date Load (70094423)


“EOS083 SIAN Exp. Date Load” specifies SIAN Expiration Date Load

EOS083 SIAN Op. Type Unload (70094424)

enum "EOS083 Operation Type"

“EOS083 SIAN Op. Type Unload” specifies SIAN type of unload operation

EOS083 SIAN Exp.Date Unload (70094425)


“EOS083 SIAN Exp.Date Unload” specifies SIAN expiration date of unload operation

EOS083 Exemption Derogation (70094426)


TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const("Derogation Obligation"))

“EOS083 Exemption Derogation” specifies code of Exemption Derogation of Reason Code

EOS083 Skip Category Check (70094427)


“EOS083 Skip Category Check” specifies Skip Category Allowed Check

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