Table 18123492 EOS Excluded Bin
Table EOS Excluded Bin (ID 18123492).
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Udeladt placering |
de-AT | Ausgeschlossener Bin |
de-CH | Ausgeschlossener Bin |
de-DE | Ausgeschlossener Bin |
es-ES | Papelera excluida |
es-MX | Papelera excluida |
fi-FI | Poissuljettu varastopaikka |
fr-BE | Bin exclu |
fr-CA | Bin exclu |
fr-CH | Bin exclu |
fr-FR | Bin exclu |
en-US | Excluded Bin |
it-CH | Collocazione esclusa |
it-IT | Collocazione esclusa |
nb-NO | ekskludert Bin |
nl-BE | Uitgesloten opslaglocatie |
nl-NL | Uitgesloten opslaglocatie |
sv-SE | Utesluten lagerplats |
TableRelation: Location
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Lokationskode |
de-AT | Standortcode |
de-CH | Standortcode |
de-DE | Standortcode |
es-ES | Código de ubicación |
es-MX | Código de ubicación |
fi-FI | Sijaintikoodi |
fr-BE | Code de localisation |
fr-CA | Code de localisation |
fr-CH | Code de localisation |
fr-FR | Code de localisation |
en-US | Location Code |
it-CH | Cod. ubicazione |
it-IT | Cod. ubicazione |
nb-NO | Sted kode |
nl-BE | Locatiecode |
nl-NL | Locatiecode |
sv-SE | Platskod |
TableRelation: Bin.Code WHERE("Location Code" = FIELD("Location Code"))
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Placeringskode |
de-AT | Bin-Code |
de-CH | Bin-Code |
de-DE | Bin-Code |
es-ES | Código Bin |
es-MX | Código Bin |
fi-FI | Varastopaikan koodi |
fr-BE | Bin Code |
fr-CA | Bin Code |
fr-CH | Bin Code |
fr-FR | Bin Code |
en-US | Bin Code |
it-CH | Cod. collocazione |
it-IT | Cod. collocazione |
nb-NO | bin kode |
nl-BE | Opslagcode |
nl-NL | Opslagcode |
sv-SE | Lagerplatskod |
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