Codeunit 18122851 EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Mgt.

Codeunit 18122851 EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Mgt.



procedure GotoPage(Notif: Notification)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Notif Notification


procedure NotificationHandler(PageNoToOpen: Integer; Scope: NotificationScope; MessageText: Text; ActionText: Text; HasAction: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • PageNoToOpen Integer

  • Scope NotificationScope

  • MessageText Text[]

  • ActionText Text[]

  • HasAction Boolean


procedure RecoveryAbiCab(var EOSInvDiscFactoringLine: Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Line")

Retrieves and assigns the ABI and CAB values from the Customer Bank Account record to the EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Line record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSInvDiscFactoringLine Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Line"

    The EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Line record to update.


procedure CalcIssuedHeaderTotalAmount(EOSIssuedInvDiscFactLine: Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line")

Calculates the total advance amount for the issued invoice discounting and factoring header.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSIssuedInvDiscFactLine Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line"

    The record of the issued invoice discounting and factoring line.


procedure CreateLinesInvDiscFactoringLine(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; EOSInvDiscFactHeader: Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header")

Creates lines in the “EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Line” table based on the provided customer ledger entry and factoring header.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The customer ledger entry record to process.

  • EOSInvDiscFactHeader Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header"

    The factoring header record containing the bill type and other relevant information.


procedure AssistEdit(var Rec: Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header"; OldFactoringBillHeader: Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header"): Boolean

This procedure assists in editing the given “EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header” record. It retrieves the factoring setup, validates the “EOS Advance and Factoring No.” field, and generates the next number in the series if the related number series is found.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header"

    The “EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header” record to be edited.

  • OldFactoringBillHeader Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header"

    The old “EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header” record used for lookup.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if the related number series is found and the record is updated; otherwise, false.


procedure SaveXMLZip(TableID: Integer; DistinctNo: Code[20])

Saves the XML data as a ZIP file for the specified table and distinct number.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

    The ID of the table to process.

  • DistinctNo Code[20]

    The distinct number of the record to process.


procedure CheckElectronicInvoiceforItaly()

Checks if the “Electronic Invoice for Italy” app is installed.


procedure OpenGeneralJournals(IssuedInvDiscFactHdr: Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Hdr."; CashReceipts: Boolean)

Opens the General Journals based on the provided Issued Invoice Discounting and Factoring Header record. For Factoring Pro Soluto and Factoring Pro Solvendo, opens a Settlement or Cash Receipt journal. For Advance, opens a Close Advance journal.

Parameters / Return Value

  • IssuedInvDiscFactHdr Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Hdr."

    The Issued Invoice Discounting and Factoring Header record.

  • CashReceipts Boolean

    A boolean flag indicating whether the operation is for cash receipts.


procedure CalculateSettlements(CustomerFactNo: Code[20]; var IssuedInvDiscFactLine: Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line")

Calculates the settlements for a given Issued Invoice Discounting and Factoring no. and updates the issued invoice discount factoring lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustomerFactNo Code[20]

    The customer factoring number.

  • IssuedInvDiscFactLine Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line"

    The record of issued invoice discount factoring line to be updated.


procedure CalculateRefunds(var IssuedInvDiscFactLine: Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line")

Calculates refunds for issued invoice discounting and factoring lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • IssuedInvDiscFactLine Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line"

    The record of issued invoice discounting and factoring line to process.


procedure CheckSettlementBatch(IssuedInvDiscFactLine: Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line")

Checks if the given Issued Invoice Discounting and Factoring Line is already present in the settlement batch.

Parameters / Return Value

  • IssuedInvDiscFactLine Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line"

    The Issued Invoice Discounting and Factoring Line record to check.


procedure CheckRefundsBatch(IssuedInvDiscFactLine: Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line")

Checks if the given Issued Invoice Discounting and Factoring Line is already present in the refund batch.

Parameters / Return Value

  • IssuedInvDiscFactLine Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line"

    The Issued Invoice Discounting and Factoring Line record to check.


procedure CheckCashReceiptBatch(IssuedInvDiscFactLine: Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line")

Checks if the given Issued Invoice Discounting and Factoring Line is already present in the cash reciept batch.

Parameters / Return Value

  • IssuedInvDiscFactLine Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line"

    The Issued Invoice Discounting and Factoring Line record to check.



local procedure OnBeforeInsertLinesInvDiscFactoringLine(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; EOSInvDiscFactHeader: Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header"; var EOSInvDiscFactoringLine: Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Line")

This event is triggered before inserting lines into the Invoice Discounting Factoring Line with the functions Select Invoices.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The customer ledger entry record.

  • EOSInvDiscFactHeader Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header"

    The invoice discounting factoring header record.

  • EOSInvDiscFactoringLine Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Line"

    The inserted invoice discounting factoring line record.


local procedure OnAfterSetCustLedgerEntryFilters_CreateLinesInvDiscFactoringLine(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; EOSInvDiscFactHeader: Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header")

This event is triggered after setting filters on the customer ledger entry record when creating lines in the Invoice Discounting Factoring Line with the functions Select Invoices

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"

    The customer ledger entry record.

  • EOSInvDiscFactHeader Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Fact. Header"

    The invoice discounting factoring header record.


local procedure OnAfterSetInvDiscFactoringLineFilters_SaveInvoiceXML(var FactoringLine: Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Line")

This event is triggered after setting filters on the Invoice Discounting Factoring Line record when saving the invoice XML.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FactoringLine Record "EOS Inv. Disc. Factoring Line"

    The invoice discounting factoring line record.


local procedure OnAfterSetIssuedInvDiscFactLineFilters_SaveInvoiceXML(var IssuedFactoringLine: Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line")

This event is triggered after setting filters on the Issued Invoice Discounting Factoring Line record when saving the invoice XML.

Parameters / Return Value

  • IssuedFactoringLine Record "EOS Issued Inv.Disc.Fact. Line"

    The issued invoice discounting factoring line record.


local procedure OnBeforeCreateXMLFile_SaveXMLZip(TableID: Integer; DistinctNo: Code[20]; var FileName: Text)

This event is triggered before creating the XML file and saving it as a ZIP file.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

    The ID of the table.

  • DistinctNo Code[20]

    The distinct number.

  • FileName Text[]

    The name of the file.

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