Codeunit 18059817 EOS Withholding Tax Mgt.

Codeunit 18059817 EOS Withholding Tax Mgt.



procedure CreatePreviewData(Year: Integer; SigningCompanyOfficialNo: Code[20]; PreparedBy: Option Company,"Tax Representative"; NrOfCommunication: Integer; var FilterWithholdingTax: Record "Withholding Tax"; PDFFormCodeCertUNICA: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • Year Integer

  • SigningCompanyOfficialNo Code[20]

  • PreparedBy Option

    Company (0) , "Tax Representative" (1)

  • NrOfCommunication Integer

  • FilterWithholdingTax Record "Withholding Tax"

  • PDFFormCodeCertUNICA Code[20]


procedure PrintPDFModSintetico()


procedure ValidateReason(WithholdCode: Record "Withhold Code") ReasonCode: Enum "EOS036 Reason"

Parameters / Return Value

  • WithholdCode Record "Withhold Code"

  • Returns Enum "EOS036 Reason"



local procedure OnBeforeMigrateWithholdingDataFromComputedWithhToVendorBillWithh(var Vendor: Record Vendor; var VendorBillWithholdingTax: Record "Vendor Bill Withholding Tax"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before migrating the data from Computed Withholding non-income amounts to Vendor Bill Withholding non-income amounts

Parameters / Return Value

  • Vendor Record "Vendor"

    Vendor for the Vendor Bill Line

  • VendorBillWithholdingTax Record "Vendor Bill Withholding Tax"

    The vendor bill withholding tax for the Vendor Bill Line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the EX036 ECU migration of data from computed withholding to vendor bill withholding tax non-income amounts


local procedure OnBeforeMigrateWithholdingDataFromPaymentWithhToWithhTax(var WithholdingTax: Record "Withholding Tax"; var PaymtWithholdingContribution: Record "Tmp Withholding Contribution"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised before migrating the data from Payment Withholding non-income amounts to Withholding Tax non-income amounts

Parameters / Return Value

  • WithholdingTax Record "Withholding Tax"

    Wittholding Tax to update

  • PaymtWithholdingContribution Record "Tmp Withholding Contribution"

    Payment Withholding Contribution from which the data comes from

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the EX036 ECU migration of data from payment withholding to withholding tax non-income amounts


local procedure OnBeforeMigrateWithholdingDataFromVendorBillWithhToWithholdingTax(var WithholdingTax: Record "Withholding Tax"; var TmpWithholdingContribution: Record "Tmp Withholding Contribution"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised before migrating the data from Vendor Bill Withholding non-income amounts to Withholding Tax non-income amounts

Parameters / Return Value

  • WithholdingTax Record "Withholding Tax"

    Withholding Tax to update

  • TmpWithholdingContribution Record "Tmp Withholding Contribution"

    Vendor Bill Withholding from which the data comes from

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the EX036 ECU migration of data from vendor bill withholding tax non-income amounts to Withholding Tax amounts


local procedure OnBeforeMigrateWithholdingDataFromComputedWithhToPaymentWithh(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var ComputedWithholdingTax: Record "Computed Withholding Tax"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised before migrating the data from Computed Withholding Tax non-income amounts to Payment Withholding non-income amounts

Parameters / Return Value

  • GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Gen jnl Line for the Payment

  • ComputedWithholdingTax Record "Computed Withholding Tax"

    Computed Withholding Tax

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the EX036 ECU of data from Computed Withholding Tax non-income amounts to Payment Withholding non-income amounts


local procedure OnBeforeMigrateWithholdingDataFromInvoiceWithhToComputedWithhTax(var PurchWithhContribution: Record "Purch. Withh. Contribution"; var ComputedWithholdingTax: Record "Computed Withholding Tax"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised before migrating the data from Purch Invoice Withholding Tax non-income amounts to Computed Withholding Tax non-income amounts

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchWithhContribution Record "Purch. Withh. Contribution"

    Purch Invoice Withholding Tax

  • ComputedWithholdingTax Record "Computed Withholding Tax"

    Computed Withholding Tax

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips the EX036 ECU migration of data from Purch Invoice Withholding Tax non-income amounts to Computed Withholding Tax non-income amounts

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