Codeunit 70491760 EOS066.02 EX070 MES

Codeunit 70491760 EOS066.02 EX070 MES



procedure GetInspectionOrderFromProdOrderRouting(SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; SourceLineNo: Integer; SourceProdOrderLineNo: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; RoutingNo: Code[20]; RoutingReferenceNo: Integer; OperationNo: Code[10];var InspOrderNo: Code[20]; var InspOrderSystemId: Guid)

This procedure gets the “Inspection Order” from the Prod. Order Routing. The app “Product Quality Assurance” (PQA) sets the parameters “InspOrderNo” and “InspOrderSystemId”, if the Inspection Order exists.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceNo Code[20]

  • SourceType Integer

  • SourceLineNo Integer

  • SourceProdOrderLineNo Integer

  • SourceSubtype Integer

  • RoutingNo Code[20]

  • RoutingReferenceNo Integer

  • OperationNo Code[10]

  • InspOrderNo Code[20]

  • InspOrderSystemId Guid


procedure SetLanguageFromPowerMes(PanelID: Text)

This procedure sets the Global Language from the “Production Panel” of the app “Manufacturing execution system” (MES).

Parameters / Return Value

  • PanelID Text



local procedure EventGetInspectionOrderFromProdOrderRouting(SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; SourceLineNo: Integer; SourceProdOrderLineNo: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; RoutingNo: Code[20]; RoutingReferenceNo: Integer; OperationNo: Code[10];var InspOrderNo: Code[20]; var InspOrderSystemId: Guid)

This event is raised from the app “Product Quality Assurance” (PQA). The app PQA filters the “Inspection Order Header” and sets the parameters “InspOrderNo” and “InspOrderSystemId”, if the Inspection Order exists.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceNo Code[20]

    Document Source No.

  • SourceType Integer

    TableID of Source Document

  • SourceLineNo Integer

    Source Line No.

  • SourceProdOrderLineNo Integer

    Source Production Order Line No.

  • SourceSubtype Integer

    Source Subtype is “Status” field on “Prod. Order Routing Line”

  • RoutingNo Code[20]

    Routing No

  • RoutingReferenceNo Integer

    Routing Reference No

  • OperationNo Code[10]

    Operation No

  • InspOrderNo Code[20]

    Inspection Order No.

  • InspOrderSystemId Guid

    SystemId of Inspection Order


local procedure EventSetLanguageFromPowerMes(PanelID: Text)

This event is raised from the app “Manufacturing execution system” (MES). The app MES sets the Global Language from the “Production Panel”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PanelID Text

    The Production Panel ID

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