TableExtension 7302 Bin Content
TableExtension 70491779 EOSTableExt70491779
EOS051 Sec. Quantity (70491755
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Sum("Warehouse Entry"."EOS051 Sec. Quantity" where("Location Code" = field("Location Code"), "Bin Code" = field("Bin Code"), "Item No." = field("Item No."), "Variant Code" = field("Variant Code"), "Unit of Measure Code" = field("Unit of Measure Code"), "Lot No." = field("Lot No. Filter"), "Serial No." = field("Serial No. Filter"), "Package No." = field("Package No. Filter")))
EOS051 Pick Sec. Qty. (70491756
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Sum("Warehouse Activity Line"."EOS051 Sec. Qty. Outstanding" where("Location Code" = field("Location Code"), "Bin Code" = field("Bin Code"), "Item No." = field("Item No."), "Variant Code" = field("Variant Code"), "Unit of Measure Code" = field("Unit of Measure Code"), "Action Type" = const(Take), "Lot No." = field("Lot No. Filter"), "Serial No." = field("Serial No. Filter"), "Package No." = field("Package No. Filter"), "Assemble to Order" = const(false)))
EOS051 Put-away Sec. Qty. (70491758
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Sum("Warehouse Activity Line"."EOS051 Sec. Qty. Outstanding" where("Location Code" = field("Location Code"), "Bin Code" = field("Bin Code"), "Item No." = field("Item No."), "Variant Code" = field("Variant Code"), "Unit of Measure Code" = field("Unit of Measure Code"), "Action Type" = const(Place), "Lot No." = field("Lot No. Filter"), "Serial No." = field("Serial No. Filter"), "Package No." = field("Package No. Filter")))
EOS051 Sec. UoM Code (70491757
TableRelation: "Item Unit of Measure".Code WHERE("Item No." = FIELD("Item No."))
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