Codeunit 5505374 M365 Json Helper

Codeunit 5505374 M365 Json Helper

Codeunit M365 Json Helper (ID 5505374). Helper functions to handle Json types.



procedure GetJsonToken(jObject: JsonObject; keyName: Text; raiseError: Boolean): JsonToken

Returns the JsonToken from a JsonObject key field for easier value handling.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jObject JsonObject

    JsonObject: The object to retrieve the field from

  • keyName Text

    Text: The name of the key

  • raiseError Boolean

    Boolean: If the key is not found, raise an error

  • Returns JsonToken



procedure GetJsonToken(jObject: JsonObject; keyName: Text): JsonToken

Returns the JsonToken from a JsonObject key field for easier value handling. This function raises an error if the key is not found.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jObject JsonObject

    JsonObject: The object to retrieve the field from

  • keyName Text

    Text: The name of the key

  • Returns JsonToken



procedure SelectJsonToken(jObject: JsonObject; path: Text; var returnJToken: JsonToken): Boolean

Returns the JsonToken from a JsonObject path for easier value handling.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jObject JsonObject

    JsonObject: The object to select the path from

  • path Text

    Text: The path to find/return

  • returnJToken JsonToken

    JsonToken: The selected return JsonToken

  • Returns Boolean



procedure SelectJsonToken(jObject: JsonObject; path: Text): JsonToken

Returns the JsonValue from a JsonObject path for easier value handling.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jObject JsonObject

    JsonObject: The object to select the path from

  • path Text

    Text: The path to find/return

  • Returns JsonToken



procedure GetJsonValue(jObject: JsonObject; keyName: Text; raiseError: Boolean): JsonValue

Returns the JsonValue from a JsonObject key field for easier value handling.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jObject JsonObject

    JsonObject: The object to retrieve the field from

  • keyName Text

    Text: The name of the key

  • raiseError Boolean

    Boolean: If the key is not found, raise an error

  • Returns JsonValue



procedure GetJsonValue(jObject: JsonObject; keyName: Text): JsonValue

Returns the JsonValue from a JsonObject key field for easier value handling. This function raises an error if the key is not found.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jObject JsonObject

    JsonObject: The object to retrieve the field from

  • keyName Text

    Text: The name of the key

  • Returns JsonValue



procedure SelectJsonValue(jObject: JsonObject; path: Text; var returnJValue: JsonValue): Boolean

Returns the JsonValue from a JsonObject path for easier value handling.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jObject JsonObject

    JsonObject: The object to select the path from

  • path Text

    Text: The path to find/return

  • returnJValue JsonValue

    JsonObject: The selected return object

  • Returns Boolean



procedure SelectJsonValue(jObject: JsonObject; path: Text): JsonValue

Returns the JsonValue from a JsonObject path for easier value handling.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jObject JsonObject

    JsonObject: The object to select the path from

  • path Text

    Text: The path to find/return

  • Returns JsonValue



procedure Variant2Type(value: Variant; var typeJToken: JsonToken): Boolean

Convert a variant to the corresponding type JsonToken.

Parameters / Return Value

  • value Variant


  • typeJToken JsonToken


  • Returns Boolean



procedure Variant2JsonToken(value: Variant; var jToken: JsonToken): Boolean

Convert a variant to the corresponding JsonToken.

Parameters / Return Value

  • value Variant


  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Boolean



procedure Variant2JsonValue(value: Variant; var jValue: JsonValue): Boolean

Convert a variant to the corresponding JsonValue.

Parameters / Return Value

  • value Variant


  • jValue JsonValue


  • Returns Boolean



procedure JTokenAsVariant(jToken: JsonToken; dataType: Variant; var value: Variant): Boolean

Convert a JsonToken to a Variant.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • dataType Variant


  • value Variant


  • Returns Boolean



procedure JTokenAsBoolean(jToken: JsonToken): Boolean

Return a JsonToken as Boolean.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Boolean



procedure JTokenAsInteger(jToken: JsonToken): Integer

Return a JsonToken as Integer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Integer



procedure JTokenAsBigInteger(jToken: JsonToken): BigInteger

Return a JsonToken as BigInteger.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns BigInteger



procedure JTokenAsDecimal(jToken: JsonToken): Decimal

Return a JsonToken as Decimal.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Decimal



procedure JTokenAsTime(jToken: JsonToken): Time

Return a JsonToken as Time.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Time



procedure JTokenAsDate(jToken: JsonToken): Date

Return a JsonToken as Date.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Date



procedure JTokenAsDateTime(jToken: JsonToken): DateTime

Return a JsonToken as DateTime.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns DateTime



procedure JTokenAsDuration(jToken: JsonToken): Duration

Return a JsonToken as Duration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Duration



procedure JTokenAsGuid(jToken: JsonToken): Guid

Return a JsonToken as Guid.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Guid



procedure JTokenAsByte(jToken: JsonToken): Byte

Return a JsonToken as Byte.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Byte



procedure JTokenAsChar(jToken: JsonToken): Char

Return a JsonToken as Char.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Char



procedure JTokenAsText(jToken: JsonToken): Text

Return a JsonToken as Text.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Text



procedure JTokenAsCode(jToken: JsonToken): Code[2048]

Return a JsonToken as Code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jToken JsonToken


  • Returns Code[2048]



procedure ParentKey(): Text

Returns an identifier for the parent object path.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Text

    Return value of type Text.


procedure BuildMappingDictionary(fromJObject: JsonObject; toRecRef: RecordRef; var returnMapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]): Boolean

Build a mapping dictionary for the MapObjectToRecord() or MapArrayToRecord() mapping functions. The mapping dictionary can be passed to these functions.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • returnMapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    Dictionary of [Text, Integer]

  • Returns Boolean

    Return value of type Boolean.


procedure BuildMappingDictionary(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; excludeFlowFields: Boolean; excludeSystemFields: Boolean; var returnMapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]): Boolean

Build a mapping dictionary for the MapRecordToObject() or MapRecordToArray() mapping functions. The mapping dictionary can be passed to these functions.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef


  • excludeFlowFields Boolean


  • excludeSystemFields Boolean


  • returnMapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    Dictionary of [Text, Integer]

  • Returns Boolean

    Return value of type Boolean.


procedure SetMappingLanguage(newMappingLanguageId: Integer)

Sets a new language id used to format and evaluate specific values like options or enums.

Parameters / Return Value

  • newMappingLanguageId Integer



procedure MapObjectToRecord(fromJObject: JsonObject; skipValidate: Boolean; var toRecRef: RecordRef; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]; forceFieldMatch: Boolean; clearRecord: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the values of a dictionary like Json Object to their respective record reference fields. This is done by using the mapDict dictionary of [Text, Integer] containing the json names and field numbers. If forceFieldMatch is specified, and there is anything unmatched, an error is raised.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • skipValidate Boolean


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    Dictionary of [Text, Integer]

  • forceFieldMatch Boolean


  • clearRecord Boolean


  • Returns Boolean



procedure MapObjectToRecord(fromJObject: JsonObject; var toRecRef: RecordRef; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]; forceFieldMatch: Boolean; clearRecord: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the values of a dictionary like Json Object to their respective record reference fields. This is done by using the mapDict dictionary of [Text, Integer] containing the json names and field numbers. If forceFieldMatch is specified, and there is anything unmatched, an error is raised.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    Dictionary of [Text, Integer]

  • forceFieldMatch Boolean


  • clearRecord Boolean


  • Returns Boolean



procedure MapObjectToRecord(fromJObject: JsonObject; skipValidate: Boolean; var toRecRef: RecordRef; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]; forceFieldMatch: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the values of a dictionary like Json Object to their respective record reference fields. This is done by using the mapDict dictionary of [Text, Integer] containing the json names and field numbers. If forceFieldMatch is specified, and there is anything unmatched, an error is raised.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • skipValidate Boolean


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    Dictionary of [Text, Integer]

  • forceFieldMatch Boolean


  • Returns Boolean



procedure MapObjectToRecord(fromJObject: JsonObject; var toRecRef: RecordRef; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]; forceFieldMatch: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the values of a dictionary like Json Object to their respective record reference fields. This is done by using the mapDict dictionary of [Text, Integer] containing the json names and field numbers. If forceFieldMatch is specified, and there is anything unmatched, an error is raised.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    Dictionary of [Text, Integer]

  • forceFieldMatch Boolean


  • Returns Boolean



procedure MapObjectToRecord(fromJObject: JsonObject; skipValidate: Boolean; var toRecRef: RecordRef; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]): Boolean

Maps the values of a dictionary like Json Object to their respective record reference fields. This is done by using the mapDict dictionary of [Text, Integer] containing the json names and field numbers.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • skipValidate Boolean


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    Dictionary of [Text, Integer]

  • Returns Boolean



procedure MapObjectToRecord(fromJObject: JsonObject; var toRecRef: RecordRef; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]): Boolean

Maps the values of a dictionary like Json Object to their respective record reference fields. This is done by using the mapDict dictionary of [Text, Integer] containing the json names and field numbers.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    Dictionary of [Text, Integer]

  • Returns Boolean



procedure MapObjectToRecord(fromJObject: JsonObject; skipValidate: Boolean; var toRecRef: RecordRef; forceFieldMatch: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the values of a dictionary like Json Object to their respective record reference fields. This is done by matching the Json key names to the field names of the record reference. If forceFieldMatch is specified, and there is anything unmatched, an error is raised.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • skipValidate Boolean


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • forceFieldMatch Boolean


  • Returns Boolean



procedure MapObjectToRecord(fromJObject: JsonObject; var toRecRef: RecordRef; forceFieldMatch: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the values of a dictionary like Json Object to their respective record reference fields. This is done by matching the Json key names to the field names of the record reference. If forceFieldMatch is specified, and there is anything unmatched, an error is raised.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • forceFieldMatch Boolean


  • Returns Boolean



procedure MapObjectToRecord(fromJObject: JsonObject; skipValidate: Boolean; var toRecRef: RecordRef): Boolean

Maps the values of a dictionary like Json Object to their respective record reference fields. This is done by matching the Json key names to the field names of the record reference.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • skipValidate Boolean


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • Returns Boolean



procedure MapObjectToRecord(fromJObject: JsonObject; var toRecRef: RecordRef): Boolean

Maps the values of a dictionary like Json Object to their respective record reference fields. This is done by matching the Json key names to the field names of the record reference.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJObject JsonObject


  • toRecRef RecordRef


  • Returns Boolean



procedure MapArrayToRecord(fromJArray: JsonArray; skipValidate: Boolean; var toRecRef: RecordRef; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]; forceFieldMatch: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the field values from a JsonArray to Records of the Record Reference. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJArray JsonArray

    The source Json array to get the values from.

  • skipValidate Boolean


  • toRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference to which the values should be applied and saved.

  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    A mapping Dictionary of [Text, Integer] with field names and field ids.

  • forceFieldMatch Boolean

    If true, and there is anything unmatched, an error is raised.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapArrayToRecord(fromJArray: JsonArray; var toRecRef: RecordRef; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]; forceFieldMatch: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the field values from a JsonArray to Records of the Record Reference. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJArray JsonArray

    The source Json array to get the values from.

  • toRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference to which the values should be applied and saved.

  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    A mapping Dictionary of [Text, Integer] with field names and field ids.

  • forceFieldMatch Boolean

    If true, and there is anything unmatched, an error is raised.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapArrayToRecord(fromJArray: JsonArray; skipValidate: Boolean; var toRecRef: RecordRef; forceFieldMatch: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the field values from a JsonArray to Records of the Record Reference.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJArray JsonArray

    The source Json array to get the values from.

  • skipValidate Boolean


  • toRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference to which the values should be applied and saved.

  • forceFieldMatch Boolean

    If true, and there is anything unmatched, an error is raised.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapArrayToRecord(fromJArray: JsonArray; var toRecRef: RecordRef; forceFieldMatch: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the field values from a JsonArray to Records of the Record Reference.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromJArray JsonArray

    The source Json array to get the values from.

  • toRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference to which the values should be applied and saved.

  • forceFieldMatch Boolean

    If true, and there is anything unmatched, an error is raised.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToObject(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJObject: JsonObject; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer];clearObject: Boolean; excludeEmptyFields: Boolean; parent: JsonToken): Boolean

Maps the field values of a Record Reference to a JsonObject. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJObject JsonObject

    The target Json object to map to.

  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    A mapping Dictionary of [Text, Integer] with field names and field ids.

  • clearObject Boolean

    Specify true of you want to clear the toJObject before mapping or false if you want to add to the existing fields.

  • excludeEmptyFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip empty fields. Emptieness is determined by comparing to an empty RecordRef.

  • parent JsonToken

    The Json token of the parent object.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToObject(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJsonDict: Codeunit "M365 Json Dictionary"; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer];clearObject: Boolean; excludeEmptyFields: Boolean; parent: JsonToken): Boolean

Maps the field values of a Record Reference to a JsonObject. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJsonDict Codeunit "M365 Json Dictionary"

    The target Json Dictionary to map to.

  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    A mapping Dictionary of [Text, Integer] with field names and field ids.

  • clearObject Boolean

    Specify true of you want to clear the toJObject before mapping or false if you want to add to the existing fields.

  • excludeEmptyFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip empty fields. Emptieness is determined by comparing to an empty RecordRef.

  • parent JsonToken

    The Json token of the parent object.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToObject(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJObject: JsonObject; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer];clearObject: Boolean; excludeEmptyFields: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the field values of a Record Reference to a JsonObject. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJObject JsonObject

    The target Json object to map to.

  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    A mapping Dictionary of [Text, Integer] with field names and field ids.

  • clearObject Boolean

    Specify true of you want to clear the toJObject before mapping or false if you want to add to the existing fields.

  • excludeEmptyFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip empty fields. Emptieness is determined by comparing to an empty RecordRef.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToObject(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJObject: JsonObject;clearObject: Boolean; excludeEmptyFields: Boolean; excludeFlowFields: Boolean; excludeSystemFields: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the field values of a Record Reference to a JsonObject.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJObject JsonObject

    The target Json object to map to.

  • clearObject Boolean

    Specify true of you want to clear the toJObject before mapping or false if you want to add to the existing fields.

  • excludeEmptyFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip empty fields. Emptieness is determined by comparing to an empty RecordRef.

  • excludeFlowFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip flow fields.

  • excludeSystemFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip system fields like Created, Modified. The SystemId field is always transferred.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToObject(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJObject: JsonObject; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]; clearObject: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the field values of a Record Reference to a JsonObject. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJObject JsonObject

    The target Json object to map to.

  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    A mapping Dictionary of [Text, Integer] with field names and field ids.

  • clearObject Boolean

    Specify true of you want to clear the toJObject before mapping or false if you want to add to the existing fields.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToObject(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJObject: JsonObject; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]): Boolean

Maps the field values of a Record Reference to a JsonObject. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped. The object is cleared before transferring data.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJObject JsonObject

    The target Json object to map to.

  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    A mapping Dictionary of [Text, Integer] with field names and field ids.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToObject(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJObject: JsonObject; clearObject: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the field values of a Record Reference to a JsonObject.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJObject JsonObject

    The target Json object to map to.

  • clearObject Boolean

    Specify true if you want to clear the toJObject before mapping or false if you want to add to the existing fields.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToObject(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJObject: JsonObject): Boolean

Maps the field values of a Record Reference to a JsonObject. The object is cleared before transferring data.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJObject JsonObject

    The target Json object to map to.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToArray(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJArray: JsonArray; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer];excludeEmptyFields: Boolean; parent: JsonToken): Boolean

Maps the field values of all Records of the Record Reference to a JsonArray. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJArray JsonArray

    The target Json array to add the Json Objects to.

  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    A mapping Dictionary of [Text, Integer] with field names and field ids.

  • excludeEmptyFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip empty fields. Emptieness is determined by comparing to an empty RecordRef.

  • parent JsonToken

    The Json token of the parent object.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToArray(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJArray: JsonArray; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer];excludeEmptyFields: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the field values of all Records of the Record Reference to a JsonArray. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJArray JsonArray

    The target Json array to add the Json Objects to.

  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    A mapping Dictionary of [Text, Integer] with field names and field ids.

  • excludeEmptyFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip empty fields. Emptieness is determined by comparing to an empty RecordRef.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToArray(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJArray: JsonArray;excludeEmptyFields: Boolean; excludeFlowFields: Boolean; excludeSystemFields: Boolean): Boolean

Maps the field values of all Records of the Record Reference to a JsonArray. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJArray JsonArray

    The target Json array to add the Json Objects to.

  • excludeEmptyFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip empty fields. Emptieness is determined by comparing to an empty RecordRef.

  • excludeFlowFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip flow fields.

  • excludeSystemFields Boolean

    Specify true of you want to skip system fields like Created, Modified. The SystemId field is always transferred.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToArray(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJArray: JsonArray; mapDict: Dictionary of [Text, Integer]): Boolean

Maps the field values of all Records of the Record Reference to a JsonArray. Only fields contained in the mapping dictionary are mapped.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJArray JsonArray

    The target Json array to add the Json Objects to.

  • mapDict Dictionary[Text,Integer]

    A mapping Dictionary of [Text, Integer] with field names and field ids.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure MapRecordToArray(var fromRecRef: RecordRef; var toJArray: JsonArray): Boolean

Maps the field values of all Records of the Record Reference to a JsonArray.

Parameters / Return Value

  • fromRecRef RecordRef

    The Record Reference with the fields to map.

  • toJArray JsonArray

    The target Json array to add the Json Objects to.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if mapping was successful, false otherwise.


procedure ApplyParent(object: JsonToken; parent: JsonToken)

Applies a Parent path value to a complete Json structure by traversing through all objects and arrays.

Parameters / Return Value

  • object JsonToken

    The Json object structure to apply the parent to.

  • parent JsonToken

    The Json token of the parent object.


procedure ApplyParent(object: JsonToken)

Applies a Parent path value to a complete Json structure by traversing through all objects and arrays.

Parameters / Return Value

  • object JsonToken

    The Json object structure to apply the parent to.


procedure ValueToTypedValue(var value: Variant; typeName: Text): Boolean

Convert an untyped variant value to a typed value based on typeName.

Parameters / Return Value

  • value Variant

    Variant value to convert.

  • typeName Text

    Data Type name

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true on success, false otherwise.

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