Codeunit 5505377 M365 App Setup Management

Codeunit 5505377 M365 App Setup Management

Codeunit M365 App Setup Management (ID 5505377). Management codeunit to handle app setup.



procedure CheckUpgradeMinimumVersion(appInfo: ModuleInfo; minVersion: Version; raiseError: Boolean): Boolean

Checks against a passed minimum version of the app usually used in an upgrade codeunit. In case the actual data version is less than the passed minimum version, the procedure returns false, true otherwise. If raiseError is true, an error is shown instead.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension from where this procedure is called.

  • minVersion Version

    The requested minimum version to test against.

  • raiseError Boolean

    Raise an error instead of returning a boolean.

  • Returns Boolean

    True if the requested minimum version is met, false or error otherwise.


procedure RegisterAppPrefix(appInfo: ModuleInfo; appPrefix: Code[15]): Boolean

Used to register an application prefix (like FND for the Foundation) to the setup management. The value is stored within the Isolated Storage and can be read afterwards.

The so called App Prefix is used as the Configuration Data Code in the generic assisted setup.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension from where this procedure is called.

  • appPrefix Code[15]

    The internally registered prefix of type Code[15].

  • Returns Boolean

    True if the value could be stored, false otherwise.


procedure GetAppPrefix(appInfo: ModuleInfo; appPrefix: Code[15]): Code[15]

Returns the stored App Prefix for the passed appInfo. If the appPrefix is filled, then this value is returned.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension from where this procedure is called.

  • appPrefix Code[15]

    The internally registered prefix of type Code[15].

  • Returns Code[15]

    The stored app prefix for the specified app or the passed default appPrefix.


procedure GetAppPrefix(appInfo: ModuleInfo): Code[15]

Returns the stored App Prefix for the passed appInfo.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension from where this procedure is called.

  • Returns Code[15]

    The stored app prefix for the specified app or an empty string.


procedure GetAppPrefix(appId: Guid; appPrefix: Code[15]): Code[15]

Returns the stored App Prefix for the passed app Guid. If the appPrefix is filled, then this value is returned.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    The app Guid of the extension from where this procedure is called.

  • appPrefix Code[15]

    The internally registered prefix of type Code[15].

  • Returns Code[15]

    The stored app prefix for the specified app or the passed default appPrefix.


procedure GetAppPrefix(appId: Guid): Code[15]

Returns the stored App Prefix for the passed app Guid.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    The app Guid of the extension from where this procedure is called.

  • Returns Code[15]

    The stored app prefix for the specified app or an empty string.


procedure CompleteAssistedSetup(appId: Guid; packageCode: Code[20])

Sets the status of the assisted setup to Complete.

This is typically called from inside the assisted setup guide when the setup is finished.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    The app Guid of the extension from where this procedure is called.

  • packageCode Code[20]

    The code of the related Configuration Package, usually combined of the Data Configuration Code, a dash, and the Languiage ID.


procedure CompleteAssistedSetup(configurationCode: Code[15]; appId: Guid)

Sets the status of the assisted setup to Complete.

This is typically called from inside the assisted setup guide when the setup is finished.

Parameters / Return Value

  • configurationCode Code[15]

    The code of the related Configuration Data/the internal App prefix.

  • appId Guid

    The app Guid of the extension from where this procedure is called.


procedure IsAssistedSetupComplete(appId: Guid): Boolean

Checks whether a user has already completed the setup.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    The app Guid of the extension from where this procedure is called.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if the given setup guide has been completed by the user, otherwise false.


procedure BuildPackageCode(configurationDataCode: Code[15]; languageId: Integer; mustExist: Boolean): Code[20]

Insert a manual setup page for an extension.

Parameters / Return Value

  • configurationDataCode Code[15]

    Configuration Data Code/App Prefix.

  • languageId Integer

    Language ID.

  • mustExist Boolean

    If true, raises an error if the Configuration Package is not found.

  • Returns Code[20]

    Returns the built Configuration Package Code.


procedure HasConfigurationPackage(packageCode: Code[20]): Boolean

Checks whether a Configuration Package with the passed code exists.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]

    A Configuration Package Code.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if the package is found, false otherwise.


procedure ImportConfigurationPackage(packageCode: Code[20]; force: Boolean; var packageTempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"): Boolean

Import the specified Configuration Package from a “Temp Blob”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]

    A Configuration Package Code.

  • force Boolean

    True allows to overwrite an existing package.

  • packageTempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

    The package content as “Temp Blob”.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if the package exists and force is not specified or if the package was successfully imported, false otherwise.


procedure CleanupConfigurationData(appInfo: ModuleInfo): Boolean

Deletes existing Configuration Data records from the database.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension to which the data belongs.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if data has been deleted, false otherwise.


procedure ImportConfigurationDataAsConfigurationPackage(appInfo: ModuleInfo; configurationDataCode: Code[15]; languageId: Integer; force: Boolean): Boolean

Imports Configuration Data for the specified app, Configuration Data Code/App Prefix, and language ID.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension to which the data belongs.

  • configurationDataCode Code[15]

    A Configuration Data Code/App Prefix.

  • languageId Integer

    The language ID.

  • force Boolean

    If true, an existing Configuration Package gets overwritten.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true of the import was successful, false otherwise.


procedure ImportConfigurationDataAsConfigurationPackage(appId: Guid; configurationDataCode: Code[15]; languageId: Integer; force: Boolean): Boolean

Imports Configuration Data for the specified app, Configuration Data Code/App Prefix, and language ID.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    The application ID of the extension to which the data belongs.

  • configurationDataCode Code[15]

    A Configuration Data Code/App Prefix.

  • languageId Integer

    The language ID.

  • force Boolean

    If true, an existing Configuration Package gets overwritten.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true of the import was successful, false otherwise.


procedure ImportConfigurationDataAsConfigurationPackage(appInfo: ModuleInfo; configurationDataCode: Code[15]; force: Boolean): Boolean

Imports Configuration Data for the specified app, Configuration Data Code/App Prefix, and the current users language ID.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension to which the data belongs.

  • configurationDataCode Code[15]

    A Configuration Data Code/App Prefix.

  • force Boolean

    If true, an existing Configuration Package gets overwritten.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true of the import was successful, false otherwise.


procedure ImportConfigurationDataAsConfigurationPackage(appId: Guid; configurationDataCode: Code[15]; force: Boolean): Boolean

Imports Configuration Data for the specified app, Configuration Data Code/App Prefix, and the current users language ID.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    The application ID of the extension to which the data belongs.

  • configurationDataCode Code[15]

    A Configuration Data Code/App Prefix.

  • force Boolean

    If true, an existing Configuration Package gets overwritten.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true of the import was successful, false otherwise.


procedure ImportLocalConfigurationPackage(var returnPackageTempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"): Boolean

Import an uncompressed Configuration Package file into the passed “Temp Blob”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • returnPackageTempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

    The returned “Temp Blob” containing the package.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true of the import was successful, false otherwise.


procedure ImportLocalConfigurationPackage(packageCode: Code[20]): Boolean

Import a Configuration Package file into Configuration Packages using the specified Package Code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]

    The Package Code to use.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true of the import was successful, false otherwise.


procedure FilterConfigPackageTable(packageCode: Code[20]; tableId: Integer; var configPackageTable: Record "Config. Package Table"): Boolean

Filters an instance of Config. Package Table using the passed arguments.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]

    The Configuration Package Code.

  • tableId Integer

    The Table ID.

  • configPackageTable Record "Config. Package Table"

    Returned, filtered Config. Package Table record.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if a record is available, false otherwise.


procedure ApplyConfigurationPackage(packageCode: Code[20]; tableId: Integer): Boolean

Applies the contained data of a Configuration Package to the specified table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]

    Configuration Package Code.

  • tableId Integer

    Table ID.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if no errors occured, false otherwise.


procedure ApplyConfigurationPackage(packageCode: Code[20]): Boolean

Applies the contained data of a Configuration Package to the configured tables.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]

    Configuration Package Code.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if no errors occured, false otherwise.


procedure ApplyWizardStepConfiguration(packageCode: Code[20]): Boolean

Applies the contained data of a Configuration Package to the M365 App Setup Wizard Step table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]

    Configuration Package Code.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if no errors occured, false otherwise.


procedure HasConfigurationPackageTable(packageCode: Code[20]; tableId: Integer): Boolean

Checks whether a Configuration Package with the specified table exists.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]

    Configuration Package Code.

  • tableId Integer

    Table ID.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if the specified table exists in the Configuration Package, false otherwise.


procedure ShowConfigurationPackageTableData(packageCode: Code[20]; tableId: Integer): Boolean

Opens the Configuration Package data viewer page for the specified package and table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]

    Configuration Package Code.

  • tableId Integer

    Table ID.

  • Returns Boolean

    Returns true if the records were available and were shown, false otherwise.


procedure RemoveConfigurationPackage(packageCode: Code[20])

Remove the specified Configuration Package from the database.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]

    Configuration Package Code.


procedure RunWizard(appInfo: ModuleInfo; configurationDataCode: Code[15]; originalPageId: Variant)

This is a relic from the ancient times when there were dragons and magicians. When this function is executed, a portal to the data contained in the Extension is opened as if by magic and a fully automatic setup is started.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension to which the data belongs.

  • configurationDataCode Code[15]

    A Configuration Data Code/App Prefix.

  • originalPageId Variant

    The Page ID of the original dummy Wizard page each app has to provide for this to work.


procedure BuildUpgradeTag(appInfo: ModuleInfo; workItemId: Integer): Code[250]

Returns a string with a fixed pattern for UpgradeTags including App Prefix and Work Item Id in Capitals.

The returned string is App specific. So no issues when using the same Work Item Id accross apps.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo. The module info for the app to build the tag for.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.

  • Returns Code[250]

    Return a text in format FND-WI-1234 or FND-INT-9876 for negative Work Item Ids.


procedure BuildUpgradeTag(appId: Guid; workItemId: Integer): Code[250]

Returns a string with a fixed pattern for UpgradeTags including App Prefix and Work Item Id in Capitals.

The returned string is App specific. So no issues when using the same Work Item Id accross apps.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid. The AppId for the app to build the tag for.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.

  • Returns Code[250]

    Return a text in format FND-WI-1234 or FND-INT-9876 for negative Work Item Ids.


procedure HasUpgradeTag(appInfo: ModuleInfo; workItemId: Integer): Boolean

Verifies if the upgrade tag exists.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo. The module info for the app to check the tag for.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id to check for. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.

  • Returns Boolean

    True if the Tag for the given Work Item Id exist, false otherwise.


procedure HasUpgradeTag(appId: Guid; workItemId: Integer): Boolean

Verifies if the upgrade tag exists.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid. The AppId for the app to check the tag for.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id to check for. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.

  • Returns Boolean

    True if the Tag for the given Work Item Id exist, false otherwise.


procedure HasUpgradeTag(appInfo: ModuleInfo; companyName: Text[30]; workItemId: Integer): Boolean

Verifies if the upgrade tag exists.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo. The module info for the app to check the tag for.

  • companyName Text[30]

    Text[30]. The company name to check the tag for.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id to check for. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.

  • Returns Boolean

    True if the Tag for the given Work Item Id exist, false otherwise.


procedure HasUpgradeTag(appId: Guid; companyName: Text[30]; workItemId: Integer): Boolean

Verifies if the upgrade tag exists.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid. The AppId for the app to check the tag for.

  • companyName Text[30]

    Text[30]. The company name to check the tag for.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id to check for. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.

  • Returns Boolean

    True if the Tag for the given Work Item Id exist, false otherwise.


procedure SetUpgradeTag(appInfo: ModuleInfo; workItemId: Integer)

Sets a new upgrade tag based on a Work Item Id.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo. The module info for the app to add the tag for.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id to add the tag for. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.


procedure SetUpgradeTag(appId: Guid; workItemId: Integer)

Sets a new upgrade tag based on a Work Item Id.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid. The AppId for the app to add the tag for.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id to add the tag for. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.


procedure SetDatabaseUpgradeTag(appInfo: ModuleInfo; workItemId: Integer)

Sets a new upgrade tag based on a Work Item Id.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo. The module info for the app to add the tag for.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id to add the tag for. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.


procedure SetDatabaseUpgradeTag(appId: Guid; workItemId: Integer)

Sets a new upgrade tag based on a Work Item Id.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid. The AppId for the app to add the tag for.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id to add the tag for. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.


procedure AddUpgradeTag(appInfo: ModuleInfo; var upgradeTags: List of [Code[250]]; workItemId: Integer)

Adds a Work Item Id Upgrade Tag to the passed list.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo. The module info for the app to add the tag for.

  • upgradeTags List[Code]

    List of [Code[250]]. The List of Upgrade Tags to extend.

  • workItemId Integer

    Integer. The Azure DevOps Work Item Id to add the tag for. Use a negative number to specify a non existing Work Item.


procedure BasePerDatabaseInstallation(appInfo: ModuleInfo; appPrefix: Code[15]; freshInstall: Boolean)

Performs a base installation of an app, including app prefix and setting all upgrade tags. Should be called from InstallAppPerDatabase().

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo. The module info for the installed app.

  • appPrefix Code[15]

    The internally registered prefix of type Code[15].

  • freshInstall Boolean

    True indicates a fresh installation, app was never installed before.


procedure BasePerCompanyInstallation(appInfo: ModuleInfo; appPrefix: Code[15]; freshInstall: Boolean)

Performs a base installation of an app per company, includes setting all upgrade tags. Should be called from InstallAppPerCompany().

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo. The module info for the installed app.

  • appPrefix Code[15]

    The internally registered prefix of type Code[15].

  • freshInstall Boolean

    True indicates a fresh installation, app was never installed before.



local procedure OnInitializeNotifications(var myNotifications: Record "My Notifications")

This event is raised when the Page “My Notifications” is opened.

Parameters / Return Value

  • myNotifications Record "My Notifications"

    A modifyable Record “My Notifications”.


local procedure OnAfterInitializingNotification()

This event is raised after the “My Notifications” are initialized.


local procedure OnRegisterManualGuidedExperienceSetup(var guidedExperience: Codeunit "Guided Experience")

This event is raised whenever the manual setup entries are registered. Use the passed “Guided Experience” Codeunit to add entries.

Parameters / Return Value

  • guidedExperience Codeunit "Guided Experience"

    Codeunit “Guided Experience”.


local procedure OnRegisterAssistedGuidedExperienceSetup(var guidedExperience: Codeunit "Guided Experience")

This event is raised whenever the assisted setup entries are registered. Use the passed “M365 App Setup Management” Codeunit to add entries.

Parameters / Return Value

  • guidedExperience Codeunit "Guided Experience"

    Codeunit “Guided Experience”.


local procedure OnReRunOfCompletedGuidedExperienceAssistedSetup(appInfo: ModuleInfo; var guidedExperience: Codeunit "Guided Experience"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Notifies the user that a setup that was previously completed is being run again.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension to which the setup belongs.

  • guidedExperience Codeunit "Guided Experience"

    A reference to the Codeunit “Guided Experience”.

  • isHandled Boolean

    The flag which if set, would stop executing the run of the assisted setup guide.


local procedure OnBeforeRunAssistedSetup(appInfo: ModuleInfo; var isHandled: Boolean; var objType: ObjectType; var objectId: Integer)

Notifies that the Assisted Setup/Role Based Setup Experience has been invoked.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension to which the setup belongs.

  • isHandled Boolean

    The flag which if set, would stop executing the OnBeforeRunAssistedSetup of the assisted setup guide.

  • objType ObjectType

    The object type to run when the user clicks the setup.

  • objectId Integer

    The ID of the page to open when the user clicks the setup.


local procedure OnAfterRunAssistedSetup(appInfo: ModuleInfo; objType: ObjectType; objectId: Integer)

Notifies that the run of the assisted setup has finished.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    The ModuleInfo of the extension to which the setup belongs.

  • objType ObjectType

    The object type to run when the user clicks the setup.

  • objectId Integer

    The ID of the page to open when the user clicks the setup.


procedure OnWizardBeforeLoadPackageData(var appSetupWizardStep: Record "M365 App Setup Wizard Step")

The OnWizardBeforeLoadPackageData event is called before the package data to display is loaded.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appSetupWizardStep Record "M365 App Setup Wizard Step"

    var Record “M365 App Setup Wizard Step”.


procedure OnWizardAfterLoadPackageData(var appSetupWizardStep: Record "M365 App Setup Wizard Step"; var matrixColumnCaptions: array[100] of Text[100])

The OnWizardAfterLoadPackageData event is called, after the package data to display is loaded.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appSetupWizardStep Record "M365 App Setup Wizard Step"

    var Record “M365 App Setup Wizard Step”.

  • matrixColumnCaptions Text[100]

    var array[100] of Text[100].


procedure OnWizardBeforeTransferPackageDataToSetupFields(var appSetupWizardStep: Record "M365 App Setup Wizard Step")

The OnWizardBeforeTransferPackageDataToSetupFields event is called, before package data is transferred to setup fields.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appSetupWizardStep Record "M365 App Setup Wizard Step"

    var Record “M365 App Setup Wizard Step”.


procedure OnWizardAfterTransferPackageDataToSetupFields(var appSetupWizardStep: Record "M365 App Setup Wizard Step"; var setupFields: JsonArray; var fieldValues: array[10] of Text)

The OnWizardAfterTransferPackageDataToSetupFields event is called, after package data is transferred to setup fields.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appSetupWizardStep Record "M365 App Setup Wizard Step"

    var Record “M365 App Setup Wizard Step”.

  • setupFields JsonArray

    var JsonArray.

  • fieldValues Text

    var array[10] of Text.


procedure OnAfterTransferSetupFieldsToPackageData(packageCode: Code[20]; tableId: Integer; firstRecordOnly: Boolean; var setupFields: JsonArray; var fieldValues: array[10] of Text)

The OnAfterTransferSetupFieldsToPackageData event is called, after the setup fields are transferred to package data.

Parameters / Return Value

  • packageCode Code[20]


  • tableId Integer


  • firstRecordOnly Boolean


  • setupFields JsonArray

    var JsonArray.

  • fieldValues Text

    var array[10] of Text.


procedure OnAfterChangeStep(appId: Guid; step: Integer; var appSetupWizardStep: Record "M365 App Setup Wizard Step"; var wizardText: JsonObject)

The OnAfterChangeStep event is called whenever the current wizard step changes.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid


  • step Integer


  • appSetupWizardStep Record "M365 App Setup Wizard Step"

    var Record “M365 App Setup Wizard Step”.

  • wizardText JsonObject

    var JsonObject.


procedure OnGetPerDatabaseUpgradeTags(var upgradeTags: List of [Code[250]])

Use this event if you want to add upgrade tags for PerDatabase upgrade method.

Parameters / Return Value

  • upgradeTags List[Code]

    List of [Code[250]]. List of upgrade tags that should be inserted if they do not exist.


procedure OnGetPerCompanyUpgradeTags(var upgradeTags: List of [Code[250]])

Use this event if you want to add upgrade tags for PerCompany upgrade method for a new company.

Parameters / Return Value

  • upgradeTags List[Code]

    List of [Code[250]]. List of upgrade tags that should be inserted if they do not exist.

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