Codeunit 18122328 EOS004 REST Client

Codeunit 18122328 EOS004 REST Client

A general-purpose REST client to simplify making HTTP requests.



procedure BaseUri(newBaseUri: Text)

Sets the base URI of the request to be made.

Parameters / Return Value

  • newBaseUri Text[]


procedure BaseUri(): Text

Gets the base URI of the request to be made.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Text[]


procedure AddQueryParam(Name: Text; Value: Text)

Adds an entry to list of query parameters.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Name Text[]

    The name of the query parameter.

  • Value Text[]

    The value of the query parameter.


procedure AddQueryParam(Name: Text; Value: Text; UrlEncode: Boolean)

Adds an entry to list of query parameters.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Name Text[]

    The name of the query parameter.

  • Value Text[]

    The value of the query parameter.

  • UrlEncode Boolean

    If True will UrlEncode the values


procedure AddQueryParam(params: Dictionary of [Text, Text])

Adds entries to list of query parameters.

Parameters / Return Value

  • params Dictionary[Text,Text]

    The key-value-pairs to be added to the query parameters.


procedure AddQueryParam(params: Dictionary of [Text, Text]; UrlEncode: Boolean)

Adds entries to list of query parameters.

Parameters / Return Value

  • params Dictionary[Text,Text]

    The key-value-pairs to be added to the query parameters.

  • UrlEncode Boolean

    If True will UrlEncode the values


procedure GetQueryParam(Name: Text): Text

Returns the value of the given query parameter.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Name Text[]

    The name of the query parameter.

  • Returns Text[]

    The value of the parameter. If the parameter does not exist, an empty string is returned.


procedure GetQueryParamKeys(): List of [Text]

Returns a list of all currently configured query parameter names.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns List[Text]

    The list of query parameter names.


procedure RemoveQueryParam(Name: Text): Boolean

Removes a configured query parameter, if it exists

Parameters / Return Value

  • Name Text[]

    The name of the query parameter to be removed.

  • Returns Boolean

    True if the parameter existed. False otherwise.


procedure TimeoutSec(newValue: Integer)

Sets the timeout in seconds for the request.

Parameters / Return Value

  • newValue Integer

    The timeout in seconds.


procedure TimeoutSec(): Integer

Gets the timeout in seconds for the request.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer


procedure Method(newMethod: Enum "Http Request Type")

Specifies the HTTP verb/method to use for the request.

Parameters / Return Value

  • newMethod Enum "Http Request Type"

    The verb/method.


procedure Method(newMethod: Text)

Specifies the HTTP verb/method to use for the request.

Parameters / Return Value

  • newMethod Text[]

    The verb/method.


procedure Method(): Enum "Http Request Type"

Returns the HTTP verb/method configured to be used for the request.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Enum "Http Request Type"

    The verb/method.


procedure SetCredentials(NewUsername: Text; NewPassword: Text; NewDomain: Text)

Sets the credential to use for the request. This setting alone does not enable authentication. For that you need to also specify the type of authentication to use.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewUsername Text[]

    The username.

  • NewPassword Text[]

    The password.

  • NewDomain Text[]

    The domain name.


procedure ClearCredentials()

Clears any credential that have been configured.


procedure UseBasicAuthentication(newUseBasicAuthentication: Boolean)

Specifies that basic HTTP authentication should be used for the request. This requires credentials to be set.

Parameters / Return Value

  • newUseBasicAuthentication Boolean

    Enabled or disabled.


procedure UseBasicAuthentication(): Boolean

Returns if basic HTTP authentication is currently active.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    True or false.


procedure UseStorageConnectionAuthentication(auth: Interface "Storage Service Authorization"; AccountName: Text)

Enables Azure Storage authentication for this request.

Parameters / Return Value

  • auth Interface "Storage Service Authorization"

    The authentication interface.

  • AccountName Text[]

    The Azure storage account to use.


procedure Body(is: InStream)

Sets the body for the request from a stream and sets the content type to be octet-stream.

Parameters / Return Value

  • is InStream

    The input stream.


procedure Body(is: InStream; ContentType: Text)

Sets the body for the request from a stream and a specific content type.

Parameters / Return Value

  • is InStream

    The input stream.

  • ContentType Text[]

    The content type to use. If you specify an empty string, no content type is applied to the body.


procedure Body(var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; ContentType: Text)

Sets the body for the request from a BLOB and a specific content type.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

    The input BLOB.

  • ContentType Text[]

    The content type to use. If you specify an empty string, no content type is applied to the body.


procedure Body(jo: JsonObject)

Sets the body for the request from a JSON object. This will implicitly set the content type to be application/json.

Parameters / Return Value

  • jo JsonObject

    The JSON object.


procedure Body(ja: JsonArray)

Sets the body for the request from a JSON array. This will implicitly set the content type to be application/json.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ja JsonArray

    The JSON array.


procedure Accepts(): Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Text[]


procedure Accepts(NewValue: Text): Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewValue Text[]

  • Returns Text[]


procedure ResponseStatus(): Integer

Returns the HTTP status of the last response.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer

    The HTTP status.


procedure ResponseStatusSuccess(): Boolean

Returns true if the last response was succesful.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    True of False.


procedure ResponseBody(): Text

Returns the body of the last reposonse as a string.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Text[]

    The response as string.


procedure ResponseBodyAsJsonObject(): JsonObject

Returns the body of the last reposonse, converting it to JSON object.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns JsonObject

    The JSON object.


procedure ResponseBodyAsJsonArray(): JsonArray

Returns the body of the last reposonse, converting it to JSON array.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns JsonArray

    The JSON array.


procedure ResponseBodyAsXmlDoc(): XmlDocument

Returns the body of the last reposonse, converting it to an XML document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns XmlDocument

    The XML document.


procedure ResponseBodyAsStream(Result: InStream)

Returns the body of the last reposonse as a stream.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Result InStream


procedure ResponseBodyAsTempBlob(var blob: Codeunit "Temp Blob")

Returns the body of the last reposonse as a TempBlob

Parameters / Return Value

  • blob Codeunit "Temp Blob"


procedure ResponseHeaders(): HttpHeaders

Returns the headers of the last reposonse.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns HttpHeaders

    The response headers.


procedure RemoveHeader(HeaderKey: Text): Boolean

Removes an item from the request headers, if it exists

Parameters / Return Value

  • HeaderKey Text[]

    The name of the header to be removed.

  • Returns Boolean

    true if the header was removed. false otherwise.


procedure SetHeader(HeaderKey: Text; HeaderValue: Text)

Sets a request header to be used for the request. The header value added is validated during the request.

Parameters / Return Value

  • HeaderKey Text[]

    The header key.

  • HeaderValue Text[]

    The header value.


procedure SetHeader(HeaderKey: Text; HeaderValue: Text; Validate: Boolean)

Sets a request header to be used for the request.

Parameters / Return Value

  • HeaderKey Text[]

    The header key.

  • HeaderValue Text[]

    The header value.

  • Validate Boolean

    Specifies if the header value should be validated when sending the request.


procedure SendRequest()

Sends the request. This is a TryFunction.


procedure SendRequest(Resource: Text)

Sends the request to a fiven resource. The resource is appended to the base URI. This is a TryFunction.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Resource Text[]


procedure ThrowIfNotSuccessStatus()

Throws a generic error message if the request was not successful.


procedure ResetResponse()

Resets all response-related properties.


procedure SetServiceConfig(NewServiceConfig: Record "EOS004 Service Config.")

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewServiceConfig Record "EOS004 Service Config."


procedure SetServiceConfig(NewServiceConfigCode: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewServiceConfigCode Code[20]

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