Codeunit 18122345 EOS Library EXT
Contains a number of generic utility functions
procedure SendMessage(Address: Text; Request: JsonObject; var Response: JsonObject): Boolean
Address Text[]
Request JsonObject
Response JsonObject
Returns Boolean
procedure TryTransferFields(var SourceRecRef: RecordRef; var TargetRecRef: RecordRef)
SourceRecRef RecordRef
TargetRecRef RecordRef
procedure NewLine(): Text[2]
Returns a string representing Environment.NewLine
from C#.
Returns Text[2]
A string of 2 characters representing [CR][LF]
procedure GetParentCategoryCodes(CategoryCode: Code[20]; var ValueBuffer: Record "Name/Value Buffer" temporary)
Get all the parent category code from the given ones
CategoryCode Code[20]
the code from which find the parents
ValueBuffer Record "Name/Value Buffer"
A Name Value Buffer with the found parents
procedure IsParent(ParentCode: Code[20]; Child: Code[20]): Boolean
search in table Item Category if the given parameter “Parent Code” is really the parent of the given “Child Code”
ParentCode Code[20]
The code to check if it is really the parent of the 2nd parameter
Child Code[20]
The supposed child code
Returns Boolean
true if the 1st parameter is the parent of the 2nd, otherwise false
procedure GetChildCategoryCode(CategoryCode: Code[20]; var NameValue: Record "Name/Value Buffer" temporary)
Get all the child category code from the given ones
CategoryCode Code[20]
the code from which find the childs
NameValue Record "Name/Value Buffer"
A Name Value Buffer with the found childs
procedure GetItemCategoryParentsFilter(ItemCategoryCode: Code[20]; WithEmpty: Boolean): Text
Generates a filter for a given item category code and all its parents.
ItemCategoryCode Code[20]
The item category code.
WithEmpty Boolean
Specifies whether an empty string should be included in the result filter.
Returns Text[]
The generated filter string.
procedure FromValueBufferToFilter(var ValueBuffer: Record "Name/Value Buffer"): Text
Transform a Name Value buffer to an OR based filter
ValueBuffer Record "Name/Value Buffer"
the list
Returns Text[]
the OR based Filter
procedure IsInValueBuffer(var ValueBuffer: Record "Name/Value Buffer" temporary; findWhat: Code[20]): Boolean
check if some value is in the given Name/Value Buffer
ValueBuffer Record "Name/Value Buffer"
Record “Name/Value Buffer”
findWhat Code[20]
the code to find
Returns Boolean
true if it was found, otherwise false
procedure EnqueueCodeunit(CodeunitId: Integer; UseTaskScheduler: Boolean)
CodeunitId Integer
UseTaskScheduler Boolean
procedure JoinText(Items: List of [Text]; Delimiter: Text): Text
Items List[Text]
Delimiter Text[]
Returns Text[]
procedure JoinText(Items: List of [Text]; Delimiter: Text; FromIndex: Integer; ToIndex: Integer): Text
Items List[Text]
Delimiter Text[]
FromIndex Integer
ToIndex Integer
Returns Text[]
procedure GetRfc1123DateTime(MyDateTime: DateTime): Text
MyDateTime DateTime
Returns Text[]
procedure ScrambleString(Value: Text; MinScrambleLength: Integer; PercentageToScramble: Integer): Text
Value Text[]
MinScrambleLength Integer
PercentageToScramble Integer
Returns Text[]
procedure GetLocalization(): Code[10]
Returns localization of the current database/environment.
Returns Code[10]
The two-letter code of the localization (IT, GB, DE, NZ, W1).
procedure TestLocalization(ExpectedLocalization: Code[10])
Tests if the current database/environment localization matches the provided one. This is a TryFunction.
ExpectedLocalization Code[10]
The two-letter code of the current localization.
procedure TestLocalizationNot(NonExpectedLocalization: Code[10])
Tests if the current database/environment localization does not match the provided one. This is a TryFunction.
NonExpectedLocalization Code[10]
The two-letter code of the current localization.
local procedure OnMessageReceived(Address: Text; Request: JsonObject; var Response: JsonObject; var Handled: Boolean)
Address Text[]
Request JsonObject
Response JsonObject
Handled Boolean
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