Codeunit 70623686 EOS004 InMemoryFileSystem
An in-memory file system implementation for the EOS004 IFileSystem interface. This is a single instance codeunit and the file system is kept only for the active session and is NOT persisted. Primary use case is testing and debugging.
procedure ResetStorage()
Resets the storage. All data will be lost.
procedure UploadFile(path: Text; var TempBlob: codeunit System.Utilities."Temp Blob")
path Text[]
TempBlob codeunit "System.Utilities."Temp Blob""
procedure ReadFile(path: Text; var TempBlob: codeunit System.Utilities."Temp Blob")
path Text[]
TempBlob codeunit "System.Utilities."Temp Blob""
procedure DeleteFile(path: Text)
procedure RenameFile(oldPath: Text; newPath: Text)
oldPath Text[]
newPath Text[]
procedure CopyFile(fromPath: Text; toPath: Text)
fromPath Text[]
toPath Text[]
procedure MoveFile(fromPath: Text; toPath: Text)
fromPath Text[]
toPath Text[]
procedure GetFiles(path: Text; var TempEntries: Record "EOS004 AzFS Entry")
path Text[]
TempEntries Record "EOS004 AzFS Entry"
procedure GetFileAttributes(path: Text; var Result: Dictionary of [Text, Text])
path Text[]
Result Dictionary[Text,Text]
procedure CreateFolder(path: Text)
procedure DeleteFolder(path: Text; force: Boolean)
path Text[]
force Boolean
procedure MoveFolder(fromPath: Text; toPath: Text)
fromPath Text[]
toPath Text[]
procedure Initialize(StorageName: Text[250])
procedure Initialize(Config: Record "EOS004 Service Config.")
Record "EOS004 Service Config."
procedure GetConfigurationKeys(): List of [Text[250]]
procedure GetSecretConfigurationKeys(): List of [Text[250]]
local procedure OnBeforeCreateNode(var TempNode: Record "EOS004 MemoryFS Node"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised before a node is inserted to the file system.
TempNode Record "EOS004 MemoryFS Node"
The node.
Handled Boolean
Gets or sets if the event is handled.
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