Codeunit 70623687 EOS004 Telem. Payload Builder

Codeunit 70623687 EOS004 Telem. Payload Builder

Provides a builder for telemetry payloads.



procedure Init()

Initializes or resets the instance.


procedure Add(Other: Dictionary of [Text, Text])

Add the given dictionary to the payload. Any existing keys will be overwritten.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Other Dictionary[Text,Text]

    The dictionary to add.


procedure Add(var TempNameValueBuffer: Record "Name/Value Buffer")

Add the given name/value buffer to the payload. Any existing keys will be overwritten.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempNameValueBuffer Record "Name/Value Buffer"

    The name/value buffer to add.


procedure Add(PayloadKey: Text; PayloadValue: Variant)

Add the given key/value pair to the payload. Any existing key will be overwritten.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PayloadKey Text

    The key to add.

  • PayloadValue Variant

    The value to add. This value will be XML-formatted.


procedure AddCaller(mi: ModuleInfo)

Add the given module info as the caller to the payload.

Parameters / Return Value

  • mi ModuleInfo

    The module info to add.


procedure AddCaller()

Adds the caller of this method as the caller to the payload.


procedure Build(): Dictionary of [Text, Text]

Returns the payload as a dictionary.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Dictionary[Text,Text]

    The payload as a dictionary.

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