Codeunit 70623689 EOS004 APP Access Check Facade

Codeunit 70623689 EOS004 APP Access Check Facade



procedure IsActive(AppId: Guid): Boolean

Checks if the environment key is active for the provided app on the current company.

Parameters / Return Value

  • AppId Guid

    The AppId of the App to be checked

  • Returns Boolean


procedure AssertIsActive(Appid: Guid)

Checks if the environment key is active for the provided app on the current company. If not, it will raise an error.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Appid Guid


procedure AddCurrentAppToList(AppId: Guid; EnvKeyCalcType: enum "EOS004 Env. Key Calc. Type")

Adds The external app to the list of allowed apps to be checked

Parameters / Return Value

  • AppId Guid

    The AppId of the App to be inserted on the list

  • EnvKeyCalcType enum "EOS004 Env. Key Calc. Type"

    The Calculation Type of the environment key for this APP.



procedure OnBeforeLoadAccessCheckSetupSupportedAppList()


procedure OnBeforeEnvKeyCalc(var IsHandled: Boolean; var EnvKey: Text)

Parameters / Return Value

  • IsHandled Boolean

  • EnvKey Text[]

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