Codeunit 18123332 EOS Bank Files Subscription

Codeunit 18123332 EOS Bank Files Subscription

Provides functions related to extension specific subscription management.



procedure LoadSubscriptionInfo(ForceReload: Boolean; DoCommit: Boolean)

Loads record with present subscription informations

Parameters / Return Value

  • ForceReload Boolean

    If true forces information to be read from EOS Endpoint

  • DoCommit Boolean

    If true executes a commit when updating cached information


procedure LoadSubscriptionInfo(ForceReload: Boolean)

Loads record with present subscription informations without executing necessary commit

Parameters / Return Value

  • ForceReload Boolean

    If true forces information to be read from EOS Endpoint


procedure LoadSubscriptionInfo()

Loads record with present subscription informations without executing necessary commit and reading from cache


procedure GetSubscriptionInfo(var TmpSubscrInfo: Record "EOS Subscription Information")

Reads present subscription informations

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpSubscrInfo Record "EOS Subscription Information"

    the record type with the found informations


procedure GetSubscriptionInfoWithCommit(var TmpSubscrInfo: Record "EOS Subscription Information")

Reads present subscription informations and forces a commit if necessary

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpSubscrInfo Record "EOS Subscription Information"

    the record type with the found informations


procedure TestSubscription(): Boolean

Verifies if subscription is active. If not a “required” notification will be displayed

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    True if notification has been displayed


procedure SendExpirationNotifications(): Boolean

Verfifies subscription status/dates and if necessary displays expiring related notification

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    True if notification has been displayed


procedure SendAllNotifications(): Boolean

Verfifies subscription status/dates and if necessary displays a notification

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    True if notification has been displayed


procedure SetupSubscription()

Launches subscription request wizard


procedure GetSubscriptionIsActive(): Boolean

Verfifies if the subscription is active

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    The subscription status


procedure GetSubscriptionIsActiveWithCommit(): Boolean

Verfifies if the subscription is active and does a Commit if new data is written to cache

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    The subscription status


procedure GetLicenseText(): Text[50]

Generates a text with infos related to free version (i.e. for captions)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Text[50]

    The generated text


procedure SendNotification(Message: Text)

Displays an extension specific notification

Parameters / Return Value

  • Message Text[]

    The text to be displayes


procedure ReportNotSubscribedError()

Displays a report specific not subscribed error


procedure SendNotSubscribedNotification()

Send a not subscribed notification


procedure SendNoFreePrintNotification()

Displays an extension specific notification related to no more free report generations


procedure SendFreePrintsNotification(TotPrints: Integer)

Displays an extension specific notification related to x free report generations

Parameters / Return Value

  • TotPrints Integer

    The number of reports that can be generated


procedure GetNotificationId(): Guid

Returns a unique GUID to use for extension specfic notifications

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Guid

    The ID


procedure GetMaxPrints(): Integer

Returns the maximal nr. of copies a report can be executed (i.e. free version)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer

    The number


procedure GetCounter(ObjectNo: Integer): Integer

Gets (reads) a counter value for an object from the internal cache area

Parameters / Return Value

  • ObjectNo Integer

    an internal number that identifies the Object

  • Returns Integer

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