Codeunit 18123334 EOS Bank Files Export Handler

Codeunit 18123334 EOS Bank Files Export Handler



local procedure OnBeforeOnFillExportBufferOnBeforeInsertPaymentExportData(var PaymentExportData: Record "Payment Export Data"; var TempGenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised before building and adding Remittance text to PaymentExportData in OnFillExportBufferOnBeforeInsertPaymentExportData event subscriber

Parameters / Return Value

  • PaymentExportData Record "Payment Export Data"

    Payment Export Data variable with the data that will be written in the XML file

  • TempGenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Temporary General Journal Line

  • isHandled Boolean

    if true will skip the EOS005 BNK procedure that builds and adds the remittance text to XML file


local procedure OnAfterGetRemittanceText(var RemittanceText: Text; VendorBillLine2: Record "Vendor Bill Line")

Raised before assigning Remittance text to the PaymentExportData

Parameters / Return Value

  • RemittanceText Text

    Current Remittance Text

  • VendorBillLine2 Record "Vendor Bill Line"

    Vendor Bill Line being processed


local procedure OnBeforeGetRemittanceText(var RemittanceText: Text; VendorBillLine2: Record "Vendor Bill Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before build Remittance text to the PaymentExportData

Parameters / Return Value

  • RemittanceText Text

    Current Remittance Text

  • VendorBillLine2 Record "Vendor Bill Line"

    Vendor Bill Line being processed

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Parameter to skip standard build of RemittanceText

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