PageExtension 39 General Journal

PageExtension 18122985 EOS PageExt18122985



local procedure OnBeforeUserGroupingChoice(SelectedLines: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var OptionMembers: text; var Choice: Integer; var DefaultNumber: integer; var Handled: Boolean)

With this event is possible to customize the “Grouping action” menu dialog.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SelectedLines Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Selected lines by the user.

  • OptionMembers text

    You can customize the message text BUT only 0(Exit), 1(selected lines), 2(all lines) are supported.

  • Choice Integer

    Setting this value and “Handled” to true is possibile to skip StrMenu user dialog and directly open the compression dialog

  • DefaultNumber integer

  • Handled Boolean

    Set this parameter to true to prevent user StrMenu dialog

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