
Codeunit 18122602 EOS060 Machine Journal - Post

Codeunit 18122603 EOS060 Work Request JQ Handler

Codeunit 18122604 EOS EX060 Subscription

Provides functions related to extension specific subscription management.

Codeunit 18122605 EOS060 Job Management

Codeunit 18122606 EOS060 PLM Copy Management

Codeunit 18122607 EOS060 Upgrade

Codeunit 18122608 EOS060 Work Journal - Post

Codeunit 18122609 EOS060 PLM For Other Apps

Codeunit 18122611 EOS060 Maintenance Mgt.

Codeunit 18122612 EOS060 Installer

Codeunit 18122613 EOS060 Std. Attach. Impl.

Codeunit 18122614 EOS070 PLM Interface

Codeunit 18122615 EOS060 PLM Interface Runner

Codeunit 18122616 EOS060 Calc. Work Req. Cycle

This page is a copy of the standard codeunit 99000774 “Calculate Routing Line”

Codeunit 18122617 EOS060 Calc. Work Request

This page is a copy of the standard codeunit 99000773 “Calculate Prod. Order”

Codeunit 18122618 EOS060 Power PLM Events

Codeunit 18122620 EOS060 Return Values Mgmt.

Codeunit 18122621 EOS060 Activity Management

Codeunit 18122622 EOS060 JSON Management

Codeunit 18122623 EOS060 Activity Task Mgmt.

Codeunit 18122624 EOS060 User Management

Codeunit 18122625 EOS060 User Activity Mgmt.

Codeunit 18122626 EOS060 Activity Stopwatch

Codeunit 18122627 EOS060 Act. Default Impl.

Codeunit 18122628 EOS060 Act. Unknow Impl.

Codeunit 18122629 EOS060 Asynch. Executor

Codeunit 18122630 EOS060 Add. Fields Mgmt.

Codeunit 18122631 EOS060 LookUp Values Mgmt.

Codeunit 18122632 EOS060 LookUp Values

Codeunit 18122633 EOS060 Machine Impl.

Codeunit 18122634 EOS060 Work Request Impl.

Codeunit 18122635 EOS060 Fast Work Request Impl.

Codeunit 18122636 EOS060 Item Impl.

Codeunit 18122650 EOS060 PLM Tests

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