Codeunit 18059971 EOS Hierarchy Mgt.

Codeunit 18059971 EOS Hierarchy Mgt.



procedure GetItemHierarchyAtDate(ItemHierarchyType: Enum "EOS Item Hierarchy Type"; Level1Code: Code[20]; var inTextArray: array[7] of Text; RequestDate: Date; Description: Boolean)

Call this function to populate inTextArray with item hierarchy at request date

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemHierarchyType Enum "EOS Item Hierarchy Type"

    The item hierarchy type as enum “EOS Item Hierarchy Type”

  • Level1Code Code[20]

    The first level of hierarchy that corresponds to item no.

  • inTextArray Text

    The array to populate

  • RequestDate Date

    The calculation date of the hierarchy

  • Description Boolean

    Set true if you want to get the description in the array


procedure GetItemHierarchyFieldCaption(CaptionExpr: Text[80]): Text[50]

Parameters / Return Value

  • CaptionExpr Text[80]

  • Returns Text[50]


procedure LinkItemToHierarchy(Level1Code: Code[20]; Level2Code: Code[20]; EOSItemHierarchyType: Enum "EOS Item Hierarchy Type")

Call this function to link an item to an hierarchy level with a relation request

Parameters / Return Value

  • Level1Code Code[20]

    The first level of hierarchy that corresponds to item no.

  • Level2Code Code[20]

    The second level of hierarchy to link

  • EOSItemHierarchyType Enum "EOS Item Hierarchy Type"

    The item hierarchy type as enum “EOS Item Hierarchy Type”


procedure LinkItemToNewHierarchy(Level1Code: Code[20]; NewLevel: code[20]; CurrentLevel: code[20]; EOSItemHierarchyType: Enum "EOS Item Hierarchy Type")

Parameters / Return Value

  • Level1Code Code[20]

  • NewLevel code[20]

  • CurrentLevel code[20]

  • EOSItemHierarchyType Enum "EOS Item Hierarchy Type"


procedure UpdateItemHierarchy(ItemHierarchyType: Enum "EOS Item Hierarchy Type"; HideDialog: Boolean)

This function update all item hierarchy at today

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemHierarchyType Enum "EOS Item Hierarchy Type"

    The item hierarchy type as enum “EOS Item Hierarchy Type”

  • HideDialog Boolean

    Set true to hide confirm and progress bar


procedure FillItemClusterBuffer(var TempItemClusterDetail: Record "EOS Item Cluster Detail" temporary; ItemClusterHeader: Record "EOS Item Cluster Header"; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; SaveValues: Boolean)

This function will create a temporary record of Item Cluster Detail from a Cluster header and a range of dates. If the parameter “SaveValues” is true, the buffere will be stored.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempItemClusterDetail Record "EOS Item Cluster Detail"

  • ItemClusterHeader Record "EOS Item Cluster Header"

  • StartingDate Date

  • EndingDate Date

  • SaveValues Boolean


procedure GetCustomerHierarchyAtDate(Level1Code: Code[20]; var inTextArray: array[11] of Text; RequestDate: Date; Description: Boolean)

Call this function to populate inTextArray with customer hierarchy at request date

Parameters / Return Value

  • Level1Code Code[20]

    The first level of hierarchy that corresponds to customer no.

  • inTextArray Text

    The array to populate

  • RequestDate Date

    The calculation date of the hierarchy

  • Description Boolean

    Set true if you want to get the description in the array


procedure GetCustomerHierarchyFieldCaption(CaptionExpr: Text[80]): Text[50]

Parameters / Return Value

  • CaptionExpr Text[80]

  • Returns Text[50]


procedure LinkCustomerToHierarchy(Level1Code: Code[20]; Level2Code: Code[20])

Call this function to link a custom to an hierarchy level with a relation request

Parameters / Return Value

  • Level1Code Code[20]

    The first level of hierarchy that corresponds to customer no.

  • Level2Code Code[20]

    The second level of hierarchy to link


procedure LinkCustomerToNewHierarchy(Level1Code: Code[20]; NewLevel: code[20]; CurrentLevel: code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • Level1Code Code[20]

  • NewLevel code[20]

  • CurrentLevel code[20]


procedure UpdateCustomerHierarchy(HideDialog: Boolean)

This function update all customer hierarchy at today

Parameters / Return Value

  • HideDialog Boolean

    Set true to hide confirm and progress bar


procedure FillCustomerClusterBuffer(var TempCustomerClusterDetail: Record "EOS Customer Cluster Detail" temporary; CustomerClusterHeader: Record "EOS Customer Cluster Header"; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; SaveValues: Boolean)

This function will create a temporary record of Customer Cluster Detail from a Cluster header and a range of dates. If the parameter “SaveValues” is true, the buffere will be stored.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempCustomerClusterDetail Record "EOS Customer Cluster Detail"

  • CustomerClusterHeader Record "EOS Customer Cluster Header"

  • StartingDate Date

  • EndingDate Date

  • SaveValues Boolean


procedure GetVendorHierarchyAtDate(Level1Code: Code[20]; var inTextArray: array[11] of Text; RequestDate: Date; Description: Boolean)

Call this function to populate inTextArray with vendor hierarchy at request date

Parameters / Return Value

  • Level1Code Code[20]

    The first level of hierarchy that corresponds to vendor no.

  • inTextArray Text

    The array to populate

  • RequestDate Date

    The calculation date of the hierarchy

  • Description Boolean

    Set true if you want to get the description in the array


procedure GetVendorHierarchyFieldCaption(CaptionExpr: Text[80]): Text[50]

Parameters / Return Value

  • CaptionExpr Text[80]

  • Returns Text[50]


procedure LinkVendorToHierarchy(Level1Code: Code[20]; Level2Code: Code[20])

Call this function to link a vendor to an hierarchy level with a relation request

Parameters / Return Value

  • Level1Code Code[20]

    The first level of hierarchy that corresponds to vendor no.

  • Level2Code Code[20]

    The second level of hierarchy to link


procedure LinkVendorToNewHierarchy(Level1Code: Code[20]; NewLevel: code[20]; CurrentLevel: code[20])

Call this function to link a vendor to an hierarchy level with a relation request

Parameters / Return Value

  • Level1Code Code[20]

    The first level of hierarchy that corresponds to vendor no.

  • NewLevel code[20]

  • CurrentLevel code[20]


procedure UpdateVendorHierarchy(HideDialog: Boolean)

This function update all vendor hierarchy at today

Parameters / Return Value

  • HideDialog Boolean

    Set true to hide confirm and progress bar


procedure ChangeHierarchyRelReqStatus(inRec: Record "EOS Hierarchy Relation Request"; NewStatus: Enum "EOS Hier. Rel. Request Status"; OldStatus: Enum "EOS Hier. Rel. Request Status"; ShowErr: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • inRec Record "EOS Hierarchy Relation Request"

  • NewStatus Enum "EOS Hier. Rel. Request Status"

  • OldStatus Enum "EOS Hier. Rel. Request Status"

  • ShowErr Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetHierarchyLines(inRec: Record "EOS Hierarchy Relation Request")

Parameters / Return Value

  • inRec Record "EOS Hierarchy Relation Request"


procedure LookupHier(type: option "Item","Customer","Vendor"; level: Integer; PrevLevelCode: code[20]; var value: Text): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • type option

    "Item" (0) , "Customer" (1) , "Vendor" (2)

  • level Integer

  • PrevLevelCode code[20]

  • value Text

  • Returns Boolean



local procedure OnGetItemHierarchyLinesOnFilterItem(var Item: Record Item; var HierarchyRelReq: Record "EOS Hierarchy Relation Request")

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

  • HierarchyRelReq Record "EOS Hierarchy Relation Request"

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